Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange


Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange The Can Partnership Claire Raines Introductions & brief overview of training plan Who we are Length Break House-keeping Can Partnership ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange

Pharmacy Based Needle Exchange
  • The Can Partnership
  • Claire Raines

Introductions brief overview of training plan
  • Who we are
  • Length
  • Break
  • House-keeping
  • Can Partnership
  • Referrals/Open Access

Aims Objectives
  • Promotion of the value of a PBNX to the local
    community and to the individual.
  • Enhance awareness of who may use the PBNX
  • To give insight into why NX exists
  • To show how you can follow best practice (to run
    an PBNX with excellence!)

Feelings / expectations / attitudes
  • Staff
  • Shoplifting
  • Fear
  • Mistrust
  • Lack Of Confidence
  • Personal Feelings (disgust/distaste)
  • NX Customer
  • Social Embarasment /Stigma
  • Fear
  • Questions/Fear of
  • Low expectations of staff knowledge

Taking a walk in their shoes exercise
  • 2 volunteers required!

In their shoes
  • Mirrored expectations.
  • IDUs research shows that heroin users have a
    more acute ability to spot signs of
    fear/disgust/anger in a persons facial
  • Also that they are very bad at recognising
    happiness/love/affection. This is thought to be
    due to expectation of these expressions in family
    and loved ones.
  • As a result its incredibly important for
    pharmacy staff to be more aware of their manner
    when dealing with substance users.
  • Being more aware of how the transaction may feel
    for the IDU will also mean they feel less
    stigmatised, this is also when it is important
    that the transaction doesnt happen on the shop
    floor but in a consultation room.

Desired expectations / attitudes
  • Staff
  • Respect/polite
  • Positive / friendly
  • Open
  • Confident
  • Confidential / Boundaried
  • Knowledgable
  • PBNX Customer
  • Respectful/Polite
  • Friendly
  • Clear
  • Confidence in staff
  • Open / understanding
  • Knows boundaries
  • Willing to accept advice.

Why your pharmacy might offer PBNX ?
  • You are able to advise on a range of issues
    including the prevention of drug-related death,
    overdose prevention, blood-borne infections, oral
    health, sexual health, contraception and safer
    sex, nutrition, minor infections, wound
    dressings, dental health and nicotine replacement
  • Opening hours
  • Alternative option
  • Location

Why are you providing this service anyway?
  • You will become one of the gateways in bringing
    people who inject drugs into contact with a range
    of community services.
  • To assist the person to remain healthy until they
    are ready and willing to cease injecting and
    ultimately achieve recovery .
  • encouraging people to remain healthy with
    self-care or to address their other health needs.
  • To protect health and reduce drug related deaths.
  • To reduce sharing /risky behaviours by providing
    sterile injecting equipment, advice and

  • To promote safer injecting practices by providing
    and reinforcing harm reduction messages -
    including safe sex advice and advice on overdose
    prevention (e.g. risks of poly-drug use and
    alcohol use).
  • To improve the health of local communities by
    preventing the spread of blood-borne infections
    by ensuring the safe disposal of used injecting
  • To maximise the access to help of all injectors,
    especially the socially excluded.
  • To help people access other health and social
    care eg CAN Partnership / The Terrance Higgins
    Trust/ AA / The Kings Arms Project.
  • To join close working relationships with other
    local community services.

if youre still not convinced
  • The cost of providing health services to someone
    who injects drugs is estimated to be about
    35,000 over their lifetime. The related costs of
    crime are estimated to be an additional 445,000
    over a lifetime.
  • -

Why inject?
  • Substance misuse (Lifestyle,boredom,socialising,
    experimental,addiction,needle fixation,tolerance
    levels,coping mechanism,other abuse past or
  • PIEDS (confidence/status,lifestyle,other abuse
    past or present, self-image/peer
    pressure/competition/mental health)

Target PBNX population
  • PBNXs aim to help people over the age of 18 who
    inject illicit substances. This includes opioids
    (eg heroin) and stimulants (eg amphetamines or
    cocaine) either separately or in combination (eg
    speed-balling) and also adults who inject
    non-prescribed anabolic steroids and other
    performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs).

These customers can include
  • High volumes
  • In a hurry to be served /withdrawing/intoxicated
  • Sex Workers
  • Homeless
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Clients of services that prescribe
  • All of the above

1ml RED (A) pack 2.81
  • 10 x 1ml combined needle syringe
  • 10 x cooking spoons
  • 10 x citric acid sachets
  • 10 x alcohol swabs
  • 1 x 0.25litre bin
  • For I.V use / injecting into surface veins.
    Suitable for opiate/amphetamine use.

2ml Green (B) pack 2.75
  • 10 x 2ml barrel
  • 10 x Blue 1 ¼ needles
  • 10 x Green 1 ½needles FOR DRAWING UP
  • 10 x Cooking spoons
  • 10 x Citric Acid sachets
  • 10 x Alcohol Swabs
  • 1 x 0.45litre bin
  • For injecting into deeper veins (femoral/ groin
  • For I.M injecting.

1ml Brown ( C ) pack 2.83
  • 10 x 1ml combined needle syringe
  • 10 x Cooking spoons
  • 10 x Vit C sachets
  • 10 x Alcohol swabs
  • 1 x 0.25litre bin
  • For injecting into surface veins, I.V injecting.
    Alternative to Red Pack (A) Vit C instead of
    Citric Acid

5ml Yellow (D) pack 1.84
  • 10 x 5ml barrels
  • 10 x alcohol swabs
  • 10 x blue 1¼ needles
  • 10 x green 1½needles FOR DRAWING UP
  • 1 0.45 litre bin
  • For injecting into deeper veins, I.M injecting.
    Suitable for steroid injectors.

Pharmacy Needle and Syringe Provision operating
policies procedures might include
  • Client dignity, privacy, confidentiality and data
  • Sharps safety
  • Needle Stick Injury / Body spill proceedure
  • Individual Syringe Identification
  • Return of used injecting equipment
  • Provision for Young People
  • Client complaints procedure
  • Signposting

Why do injectors prefer this method?
  • Different drugs can be introduced into the body
    in several ways.
  • Drugs can be snorted, smoked, swallowed, taken
    rectally, or injected. Each of these processes
    has the same ultimate purpose to get the blood
    into the bloodstream, and to reach the brain!.
  • Injection has the optimumBioavailability It is
    the quickest way and bypasses most barriers to
    get to the CNS.

What is injected?
  • Heroin
  • Amphetamines
  • Crack
  • Heroin and crack
  • Methadone Amps / Sugar Free mixture
  • Crushed Pills
  • Steroids
  • Malanatan/Malanotan 1 and 2 (1tanning2tanning/s
    exual disfunfunction)stimulates the pigment cells
    in your body to produce more melanin
    ,unregulated,from inside out change in skin tone.

Intravenous injection(I.V)
  • Intravenous injecting is a highly efficient way
    of introducing drugs into the body.
  • When drugs are injected - the filtering and
    delaying mechanisms that protect us when things
    are absorbed via the gastro-intestinal tract,
    lungs or skin - are bypassed.
  • The potential for infection and overdose are

Intramuscular Injecting(I.M)Discuss as a group!
Subcutaneous Injecting(S.C)
  • Provide handouts
  • Discuss as a group

Briefly, how do drugs enter and exit our body?.
  • If drugs are swallowed, the drug is absorbed into
    the bloodstream through the stomach and the
    digestive tract.
  • This process can take a considerable time, an
    hour or longer.
  • As mentioned, injecting has the fastest
    introduction rate of the ways (UTB/Swallowed/Snort
  • Once in the blood stream, the blood from the
    stomach and the intestines passes through the
    liver before reaching the heart.
  • The liver removes toxins from the blood stream,
    and part of this process includes breaking down
    substances such as drugs.
  • Each subsequent pass round the body and through
    the liver removes more of the drug from

Arteries Veins
  • Arteries take oxygenated blood from the lungs to
    the rest of the body They branch out,
    diminishing in size, until they reach the
  • The blood passes through the capillaries in the
    tissues, releases its oxygen, and is collected
    again in small veins , which by joining together
    progressively increase in size.
  • The arteries return de-oxygenated blood back to
    the lungs via the heart. All drugs injected into
    veins must follow a route back through veins of
    increasing size to the heart.
  • From the heart the drugs are pumped the short
    distance to the lungs where the blood passes
    through the capillaries of the lungs to be
    re-oxygenated, and then they return to the heart
    to be pumped to the brain.
  • (The exception to this description is the
    pulmonary artery, it carries de-oxygenated blood
    from the heart to the lungs. All other arteries
    carry oxygenated blood. The pulmonary vein is
    unique because it carries oxygenated blood from
    the lungs to the heart.)
  • Valves are only found in veins, they assist the
    flow of blood back to the heart by preventing
    back flow.

The basic theory behind needle sizes
  • Needle Gauge
  • Needles are measured in terms of their Length,
    and their Gauge.
  • Length may be given in millimetres (mm) or in
    imperial measures.
  • The size of a needle is also measured by the
    external diameter of the needle, which is called
    the Gauge (G or GA).
  • The hubs of needles are also colour coded, and
    shorthand for different gauges.This colour-coding
    only refers to gauge not length.

What happens after injecting?
  • When a drug is injected into a vein, it reaches
    the brain via the lungs in a matter of seconds.
  • The drug is not significantly diluted hence the
    experience of the 'rush' or 'hit' as the brain
    becomes rapidly intoxicated.
  • The fact that all venous blood must pass through
    capillaries in the lungs before going to the
    arteries means that solid matter and air bubbles
    that are injected into veins cannot reach the
    brain (except in exceedingly rare circumstances
    it is only possible if someone has a hole between
    the chambers of the heart) they will instead get
    trapped in the capillaries of the lungs.

Intravenous injection
  • Generally, the arms are the least risky place to
    access veins for injecting. The main aim of
    advice given to injectors, (after prevention of
    spread of blood-borne viruses) should be to
    maximise the length of time they are able to use
    the veins in their arms.
  • When the arm veins can no longer be used,
    injectors should consider, and workers should
    promote, switching to a non-injecting route of
    drug use.
  • Irreversible damage to the veins can occur where
    there is
  • Repeated use of the same injecting site
  • Poor technique
  • Injection with blunt needles
  • Injection with needles that are too large
  • Injection of irritant substances.

Steroid users Injecting
But what are PIEDS / Steroids?
Injecting Steroids
  • A large proportion of the products on the market
    are low-quality fakes, containing little or no
    active ingredients.
  • Standards of production are highly variable, and
    products are liable to be manufactured in
  • environments.
  • Products are available in oral preparations,
    single dose ampoules and multi-dose bottles.
  • Solutions for injection are intended to be
    injected intramuscularly, and often
    oil-based,resulting in a thicker solution than
    water based preparations.

Things for injectors to remember
Basic advice that will help to keep veins and
skin healthy include
  • Wash hands before and after ,clean sites before
    with a swab, apply pressure after.
  • Keep personal equipment in a defined, clean area.
  • Use sterile equipment only, once only, do not
  • Do not share
  • Dispose of items safely
  • Introduce, inject and remove needles gently and
    slowly at a shallow angle towards the heart.
  • Alternate injection sites, allowing veins to rest
    and recover -Smoke rather than injecting at times
    in order to rest veins
  • Become ambidextrous so that they can inject in
    both arms it is best to encourage this before the
    onset of any problems, as it is much easier to
    practise new techniques when relaxed and the
    outcome is not crucial
  • Discourage use of tourniquets, release them
    prior to injecting
  • Stay away from sites that have become infected ,
    get medical help.
  • Do not flush /back-load/front-load
  • Do not inject where you feel a pulse or if the
    blood is bright red.
  • Just how dangerous injecting will be on any one
    occasion is affected by
  • The understanding the injector has of their
    underlying structures
  • The dexterity of the injector
  • The state of mind of the injector (e.g.
    intoxicated or not)
  • The substance being injected
  • Luck.

  • When handing over the exchange materials,
    consider using a suitable bag, typically an
    opaque dispensing bag
  • This opportunity can be taken for
    health-promotion activities/leaflets/flyers
  • advice booklets.

Sharps/ Needle-stick Injuries
  • Clean it
  • Report it
  • Call for help
  • Get treated
  • ID source / needle /patient if possible.

(No Transcript)
Best Practice - Pharmacy-based needle exchange
  • Be aware of policies protocols for
  • Young people
  • The Intoxicated
  • Psychological instability
  • Body spills
  • Staff Hep B vaccinations
  • Client confidentiality - including what to do
    when a
  • patient requests needle exchange who is also
  • prescribed substitute medication.
  • Dealing with unacceptable behaviour / guidance
  • what constitutes unacceptable behaviour
  • ways of minimising unacceptable behaviour.

Working with Young Service Users
  • Adult models of Needle Exchanges are not
    appropriate for young people (a person under the
    age of 18).
  • It is therefore recommended that Pharmacy Needle
    Exchanges do not provide this service to those
    under, or who appear to be under 18 years of age.
  • The course of action to a young person presenting
    to a Pharmacy Needle Exchange will be as follows
  • Request proof of the young persons age before
    making a decision whether or not to provide
    injecting equipment
  • Provide details of specialist local services
    working with young people with addictions, which
    will offer advice, information and specialist

Directing under 18s to Bedfords Young Persons
  • Plan B Bedfordshire
  • 22 Grove Place, Bedford MK40 3JJ Tel 01234 344
  • Plan B offers a range of support, information and
    advice to young people aged between 5 and 18 who
    use drugs and/or alcohol and also supports young
    people affected by someone elses use.

Further research for the keen.
  • Safer Injecting
  • http//
  • Steroids (PIEDS) http//
  • Guidance with PBNX
  • National Institute for Clinical Excellence
    Guidelines -
  • The Can Partnership
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