CS 2710, ISSP 2610 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 2710, ISSP 2610


Simulated annealing Probability of a move decreases with the amount E by which the evaluation is worsened A second parameter T is also used to determine the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 2710, ISSP 2610

CS 2710, ISSP 2610
  • Chapter 4, Part 2
  • Heuristic Search

Beam Search
  • Cheap, unpredictable search
  • For problems with many solutions, it may be
    worthwhile to discard unpromising paths
  • Greedy best first search that keeps a fixed
    number of nodes on the fringe

Beam Search
  • def beamSearch(fringe,beamwidth)
  • while len(fringe) gt 0
  • cur fringe0
  • fringe fringe1
  • if goalp(cur) return cur
  • newnodes makeNodes(cur, successors(cur))
  • fringesortByH(newnodes, fringe)
  • fringe fringebeamwidth
  • return

Beam Search
  • Optimal? Complete?
  • Hardly!
  • Space?
  • O(b) (generates the successors)
  • Often useful

Generating Heuristics
  • Exact solutions to different (relaxed problems)
  • H1 ( of misplaced tiles) is perfectly accurate
    if a tile could move to any square
  • H2 (sum of Manhattan distances) is perfectly
    accurate if a tile could move 1 square in any

Relaxed Problems (cont)
  • If problem is defined formally as a set of
    constraints, relaxed problems can be generated
  • A tile can move from square A to square B if
  • A is adjacent to B, and
  • B is blank
  • 3 relaxed problems by removing one or both
  • Absolver (Prieditis, 1993)

Combining Heuristics
  • If you have lots of heuristics and none dominates
    the others and all are admissible
  • Use them all!
  • H(n) max(h1(n), , hm(n))

Generating Heuristics
  • Use the solution cost of a subproblem. E.g., get
    tiles 1 through 4 in the right location, ignoring
    the others.
  • Pattern databases store exact solution costs
    for every possible subproblem instance.
  • The heuristic function looks up the value in the
  • DB constructed by searching back from goal and
    recording cost of each new pattern
  • Do the same for tiles 5,6,7,8 and take max

Other Sources of Heuristics
  • Ad-hoc, informal, rules of thumb (guesswork)
  • Approximate solutions to problems (algorithms
  • Learn from experience (solving lots of
  • Each optimal solution is a learning example
    (node,actual cost to goal)
  • Learn heuristic function, E.G. H(n) c1x1(n)
    c2x2(n) x1 misplaced tiles x2 adj tiles
    also adj in the goal state. c1 c2 learned
    (best fit to the training data)

Remaining Search Types
  • Recall we have
  • Backtracking state-space search
  • Local Search and Optimization
  • Constraint satisfaction search

Local Search and Optimization
  • Previous searches keep paths in memory, and
    remember alternatives so search can backtrack.
    Solution is a path to a goal.
  • Path may be irrelevant, if the final
    configuration only is needed (8-queens, IC
    design, network optimization, )

Local Search
  • Use a single current state and move only to
  • Use little space
  • Can find reasonable solutions in large or
    infinite (continuous) state spaces for which the
    other algorithms are not suitable

  • Local search is often suitable for optimization
    problems. Search for best state by optimizing an
    objective function.

  • States are laid out in a landscape
  • Height corresponds to the objective function
  • Move around the landscape to find the highest (or
    lowest) peak
  • Only keep track of the current states and
    immediate neighbors

Local Search Alogorithms
  • Two strategies for choosing the state to visit
  • Hill climbing
  • Simulated annealing
  • Then, an extension to multiple current states
  • Genetic algorithms

Hillclimbing (Greedy Local Search)
  • Generate nearby successor states to the current
    state based on some knowledge of the problem.
  • Pick the best of the bunch and replace the
    current state with that one.
  • Loop

Hill-climbing search problems
  • Local maximum a peak that is lower than the
    highest peak, so a bad solution is returned
  • Plateau the evaluation function is flat,
    resulting in a random walk
  • Ridges slopes very gently toward a peak, so the
    search may oscillate from side to side

Local maximum
Random restart hill-climbing
  • Start different hill-climbing searches from
    random starting positions stopping when a goal is
  • If all states have equal probability of being
    generated, it is complete with probability
    approaching 1 (a goal state will eventually be
  • Best if there are few local maxima and plateaux

Random restart hill-climbingHmm
  • If all states have equal probability of being
    generated, it is complete with probability
    approaching 1 (a goal state will eventually be
  • If it is restarted enough times, we considered
  • Well, hill-climbing stops when no neighbors are
    better than current
  • It stops on a local optimum (whether or not it is
    a global optimum).
  • So, more iterations does not seem to be the

Random restart hill-climbingHmm
  • If all states have equal probability of being
    generated, it is complete with probability
    approaching 1 (a goal state will eventually be
    generated). Any way to see this as true?
  • RN,p. 111 A complete local search algorithm
    always finds a goal if one exists an optimal
    algorithm always finds a global minimum/maximum.
  • So, goal means local minimum/maximum ?

Simulated Annealing
  • Based on a metallurgical metaphor
  • Start with a temperature set very high and slowly
    reduce it.
  • Run hillclimbing with the twist that you can
    occasionally replace the current state with a
    worse state based on the current temperature and
    how much worse the new state is.

Simulated Annealing
  • Annealing harden metals and glass by heating
    them to a high temperature and then gradually
    cooling them
  • At the start, make lots of moves and then
    gradually slow down

Simulated Annealing
  • More formally
  • Generate a random new neighbor from current
  • If its better take it.
  • If its worse then take it with some probability
    proportional to the temperature and the delta
    between the new and old states.

Simulated annealing
  • Probability of a move decreases with the amount
    ?E by which the evaluation is worsened
  • A second parameter T is also used to determine
    the probability high T allows more worse moves,
    T close to zero results in few or no bad moves
  • Schedule input determines the value of T as a
    function of the completed cycles

  • function Simulated-Annealing(problem, schedule)
    returns a solution state
  • inputs problem, a problem
  • schedule, a mapping from time to temperature
  • local variables current, a node
  • next, a node
  • T, a temperature controlling the
    probability of downward steps
  • current ? Make-Node(Initial-Stateproblem)
  • for t ? 1 to 8 do
  • T ? schedulet
  • if T0 then return current
  • next ? a randomly selected successor of current
  • ?E ? Valuenext Valuecurrent
  • if ?E gt 0 then current ? next
  • else current ? next only with probability e?E/T

Local Beam Search
  • Keep track of k states rather than just one, as
    in hill climbing
  • In comparison to beam search we saw earlier, this
    alg is state-based rather than node-based.

Local Beam Search
  • Begins with k randomly generated states
  • At each step, all successors of all k states are
  • If any one is a goal, alg halts
  • Otherwise, selects best k successors from the
    complete list, and repeats

Local Beam Search
  • Successors can become concentrated in a small
    part of state space
  • Stochastic beam search choose k successors,
    with probability of choosing a given successor
    increasing with value
  • Like natural selection successors (offspring)
    of a state (organism) populate the next
    generation according to its value (fitness)

Genetic Algorithms
  • Variant of stochastic beam search
  • Combine two parent states to generate successors
    (sexual versus asexual reproduction)

  • Fun GA (pop, fitness-fn)
  • Repeat
  • new-pop
  • for i from 1 to size(pop)
  • x rand-sel(pop,fitness-fn)
  • y rand-sel(pop,fitness-fn)
  • child reproduce(x,y)
  • if (small rand prob) child ?mutate(child)
  • add child to new-pop
  • pop new-pop
  • Until an indiv is fit enough, or out of time
  • Return best indiv in pop, according to fitness-fn

  • Fun reproduce(x,y)
  • n len(x)
  • c random num from 1 to n
  • return
  • append(substr(x,1,c),substr(y,c1,n)

Example n-queens
  • Put n queens on an n n board with no two queens
    on the same row, column, or diagonal

Genetic AlgorithmsNotes
  • Representation of individuals
  • Classic approach individual is a string over a
    finite alphabet with each element in the string
    called a gene
  • Usually binary instead of AGTC as in real DNA
  • Selection strategy
  • Random
  • Selection probability proportional to fitness
  • Selection is done with replacement to make a very
    fit individual reproduce several times
  • Reproduction
  • Random pairing of selected individuals
  • Random selection of cross-over points
  • Each gene can be altered by a random mutation

Genetic AlgorithmsWhen to use them?
  • Genetic algorithms are easy to apply
  • Results can be good on some problems, but bad on
    other problems
  • Always good to give a try before spending time on
    something more complicated
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