ABGs and Acid-Base - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ABGs and Acid-Base


ABGs and Acid-Base Deborah Cappell, MD ABG The ABG contains pH, PCO2, PO2 as analyzed by three electrodes at 37C The presence of air bubbles can falsely can alter PO2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ABGs and Acid-Base

ABGs and Acid-Base
  • Deborah Cappell, MD

  • The ABG contains pH, PCO2, PO2 as analyzed by
    three electrodes at 37C
  • The presence of air bubbles can falsely can alter
    PO2 and PCO2 closer to RA. Ice keeps the gases
    from escaping from the solution.
  • Leukocyte larceny can cause a false decrement in
    PO2 due to WBC consumption of oxygen.

ABG question 1
  • A 72 yo male, 50 pk-yr smoker, p/w dyspnea and sx
    c/w chronic bronchitis. His SpO2 via pulse
    oximeter is 95. However, an ABG via co-oximeter
    reveals PCO2 54, PO2 65, SpO2 86. According to a
    standard Hgb dissociation curve the SpO2 should
    be gt90. Which explains the discrepancy btwn his
    PO2 and SpO2?
  • A. He has significant leukocytosis
  • B. He has carboxyhemoglobinemia
  • C. He has respiratory alkalosis
  • D. He has 2,3,-diphosphoglycerate deficiency
  • E. He is hypothermic

ABG question 1
  • A 72 yo male, 50 pk-yr smoker, p/w dyspnea and sx
    c/w chronic bronchitis. His SpO2 via pulse
    oximeter is 95. However, an ABG via co-oximeter
    reveals PCO2 54, PO2 65, SpO2 86. According to a
    standard Hgb dissociation curve the SpO2 should
    be gt90. Which explains the discrepancy btwn his
    PO2 and SpO2?
  • A. He has significant leukocytosis
  • B. He has carboxyhemoglobinemia
  • C. He has respiratory alkalosis
  • D. He has 2,3,-diphosphoglycerate deficiency
  • E. He is hypothermic

Explanation of ABG question 1
  • Pulse oxymeter does not distinguish oxygenated
    Hgb from carboxy or met hemoglobin.
  • However, the co-oximeter can differentiate hgb,
    carboxy-hgb and met-hgb. The carboxy-hgb was
    10.7 in this pt likely from smoking.
  • Hence using only standard oximetery in the
    setting of smoke inhalation can give a false
    sense of security. An ABG by co-oximetry to r/o
    carboxy-hgb is necessary.

Explanation of ABG question 1
  • Leukocyte larceny will falsely reduce PO2 and
  • Resp Alkalosis will shift the Hgb dissociation
    curve to the left and give a higher SpO2 for the
    same PO2.
  • 2,3 diphosphoglycerate deficiency shifts the Hgb
    dissociation curve to the left as well.
  • Only the measured SpO2 would be less than then
    PO2 not the calculated SpO2 less than PO2.
  • As the temperature decreases, pH increases.
  • When blood flows to the cool periphery the pH
    increases as PCO2 and H falls, so SpO2 rises
    with cooling and the PO2 decreases.

  • A 23 yo male admitted to ICU with resp failure
    from diffuse PNA. PMH IVDU and HIV. He is Rx with
    IV Bactrim and prednisone for presumptive PCP.
    His initial PaO2 was 55.
  • Within 24 hours he is intubated for hypoxemic
    resp failure. Initial post-intubation ABG on 100
    was 7.45/32/82 94. CXR diffuse infiltrates. The
    following day on 70 his ABG is 7.45/30/121 SpO2
    of 97. He is bronched and the BAL is positive
    for PCP.
  • On day 5 he is on 40 and a weaning trial is

  • After 60 min of CPAP with PS of 5 and 40 oxygen
    his ABG is 7.43/35/90 SPO2 77.
  • What is the most appropriate next step in this
    patient's management?
  • A. Repeat the ABG
  • B. Extubate to nonrebreather
  • C. Administer amyl nitrate by inhalation then
    sodium thiosulfate IV
  • D. Switch the patients Abx from Bactrim to
    pentamidine and administer IV methylene blue

  • After 60 min of CPAP with PS of 5 and 40 oxygen
    his ABG is 7.43/35/90 SPO2 77.
  • What is the most appropriate next step in this
    patient's management?
  • A. Repeat the ABG
  • B. Extubate to nonrebreather
  • C. Administer amyl nitrate by inhalation then
    sodium thiosulfate IV
  • D. Switch the patients Abx from Bactrim to
    pentamidine and administer IV methylene blue

Answer Explained
  • This pt has clinically improved, however his SpO2
    has declined despite an adequate PaO2.
  • A recognized complication of sulfonomides is
    methemoglobinemia. (Then Hgb cannot bind oxygen
    because of oxidation of fe.)
  • Also can happen with nitrites, nitrates,
    phenacetin, aniline dyes, and lidocaine
  • Rx methylene blue IV by reducing the Fe.

  • A 33 yo female with p/w lower abdominal pain for
    1 day, assoc with nausea and decreased appetite.
    PE VS anl, abd soft with lower abd diffuse
    tenderness and the patient vomited twice during
    the exam. Pelvic showed b/l adnexal tenderness.
    WBC 19K, with 90 PMN.
  • She received Metronidazole, Cipro, Morphine and
    metoclopramide and was sent for CT abd/pelvis.

  • 2 hours later she had acute onset SOB and feeling
    of impending doom. She was cyanotic despite 100
    Oxygen by NRB. HR 132, BP 160/100, RR 28, SpO2
    85 and the ABG 7.36/35/240. Naloxone was given
    but cyanosis and dyspnea continued, and she
    became lethargic.
  • What is the best Rx for the disorder that caused
    the acute decompensation?

  • What is the best Rx for the disorder that caused
    the acute decompensation?
  • High dose corticosteroids
  • Broad spectrum Abx
  • Surgery
  • Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate
  • Methylene Blue

  • What is the best Rx for the disorder that caused
    the acute decompensation?
  • High dose corticosteroids
  • Broad spectrum Abx
  • Surgery
  • Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate
  • Methylene Blue

  • The pt has methemoglobinemia due to
    administration of metoclopramide and Rx with
    Methylene blue will reduce the seum ferric iron.
    Metoclopramide is an oxidizing agent which can
    convert ferrous () iron in hgb to the ferric
    form (). When given in excessive doses or to
    pt with enzyme deficiencies to convert methgb to
    hgb toxic levels may develop.
  • MetHgb has a higher Oxygen affinity and reduces
    blood oxygen content shifting the curve to the
    left. Cyanosis develops at 15, sx at 30 and
    Change in MS at 50. Level gt70 are usually

  • Many drugs are oxidants and cause this
    chloroquine, dapsone, local anesthetics
    (benzocaine, nitrates (nitroglycerin,
    nitroprusside, NO), and sulfonamides.
  • High levels of MetHgb turn blood brown and does
    not turn red when exposed to air. SpO2 is
    inaccurate. The SpO2 not correlating with abg is
    a clue that co-oximetry is needed.

  • Rx for MetHgb gt30 with methylene blue which is a
    cofactor for NADP-metHb reductase and increases
    that enzymes capacity to reduce ferric iron. Dose
    is 1-2 mg/kg over gt5 minutes.
  • Higher doses may increase MetHgb levels in doses
    gt15mg/kg and in pt with G6PD.
  • This pt has PID and abx are useful.
  • Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate are used as
    antidotes to cyanide poisoning and work by
    increasing metHgb levels to facilitate transport
    of cyanide as cyanomethemoglobin from
    mitochondrial cytochromes to hepatocytes.

  • Interpreting an ABG requires first an
    appreciation for the alveolar gas equation.
  • Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
  • Aa PAO2- PaO2
  • FIO2(PB-PH20)-PaCO2/R -PaO2
  • Where FIO2 0.21 PB760 PH2O 47
  • A normal Aa gradient is dependent on age, body
    position, and nutritional status.
  • (It is increased with age, obesity, fasting,
    supine position, heavy exercise and fasting)

  • An increased Aa gradient can be caused by
  • A. Hypoventilation
  • B. Hyperventilation
  • C. Pulmonary embolus
  • D. A and C
  • E. B and C

C. Pulmonary embolus
  • An increased Aa gradient can be caused by
  • A. Hypoventilation
  • B. Hyperventilation
  • C. Pulmonary embolus
  • D. A and C
  • E. B and C
  • Hypoventilation will increase PCO2 and decrease
    PaO2 proportionally.
  • Hyperventilation will decrease PCO2 and increase
    PaO2 proportionally.
  • VQ mismatch will increase the Alveolar-arterial

Question Acid-Base
  • In a hemodynamically stable pt on RA with nl BP
    and CXR which of the following arterial and
    venous ABG come from the same pt?
  • (pH/PCO2/PHCO3 arterialvenous)
  • A. 7.4/40/24 7.4/40/24
  • B. 7.25/23/10 7.29/20/9
  • C. 7.3/55/28 7.2/65/33
  • D. 7.39/44/23 7.35/50/24
  • E. 7.4/24/24 7.37/30/26

Question Acid-Base
  • In a hemodynamically stable pt on RA with nl BP
    and CXR which of the following arterial and
    venous ABG come from the same pt?
  • (pH/PCO2/PHCO3 arterialvenous)
  • A. 7.4/40/24 7.4/40/24
  • B. 7.25/23/10 7.29/20/9
  • C. 7.3/55/28 7.2/65/33
  • D. 7.39/44/23 7.35/50/24
  • E. 7.4/24/24 7.37/30/26

Answer, explained
  • 7.39/44/23 and 7.35/50/24
  • The mean difference btwn arterial and venous pH
    was 0.036, PCO2 6, HCO3 1.5
  • Venous pH should be lower and PCO2 higher than
    arterial. Bicarb is slightly higher in venous
    than arterial blood.
  • If only a trend is what is being followed, eg in
    DKA, venous blood gases are likely adequate.

Answer, explained
  • (Option A has same values for venous and
    arterial, option B the direction of change art to
    venous is backward, option C the magnitude of
    change is too great, option E makes no
    physiologic sense.)

  • A pregnant asthmatic is in the ER. She is 22 yo
    with asthma since early child with rare
    medication use until her pregnancy. She is 34
    weeks pregnant and this is her 1st pregnancy. In
    her 2nd trimester she was seen in her OBs office
    and was Rx with IV corticosteroids and then
    started on inhaled corticosteroids and a
    long-acting beta agonist. She did well until the
    last 2 days when DOE progressed to dyspnea at
    rest and over the prior evening used her rescue
    beta agonist many times.

  • On PE she is in moderate distress, using
    accessory muscles to breath while sitting
    upright. She can speak only 2-3 words at a time
    and there is insp and exp wheezing with decreased
    air movement. ABG on RA is 7.36/38/78. In this
    patient the most likely acute acid-base
    disturbance is
  • Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Metabolic Acidosis
  • Respiratory Acidosis
  • Respiratoy Alkalosis
  • No acute acid-base disturbance

  • On PE she is in moderate distress, using
    accessory muscles to breath while sitting
    upright. She can speak only 2-3 words at a time
    and there is insp and exp wheezing with decreased
    air movement. ABG on RA is 7.36/38/78. In this
    patient the most likely acute acid-base
    disturbance is
  • Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Metabolic Acidosis
  • Respiratory Acidosis
  • Respiratory Alkalosis
  • No acute acid-base disturbance

SEEK explained
  • This ABG is signaling ventilatory failure from
    acute asthma. There are changes in pregnancy
    which must be taken into account. During pg
    oxygen consumption rises to 40-100 above
    baseline. This is due to fetal/placental needs
    and increased CO and work of breathing. Increased
    oxygen consumption is associated with a 30-50
    increase in CO2 production by the 3rd trimester
    requiring an increase in minute ventilation that
    starts in the 1st trimester and peaks at 20-40
    above baseline at term.

SEEK explained
  • Alveolar ventilation is increased above the level
    needed to eliminate the increased CO2 production
    and hence PCO2 falls to 27-32 mm Hg in most of
    pregnancy. The augmented ventilation is
    attributed to respiratory stimulation from
    increased progesterone and results in a 30-35
    increased in TV while RR remains the
    same/slightly increased. Renal compensation
    results in a pH of 7.4-7.45 and bicarb 18-21.

SEEK explained
  • The patient has an increased Aa gradient likely
    related to VQ mismatch from asthma. The pregnancy
    with the acute respiratory distress make the
    sequence of chronic resp alkalosis from
    pregnancy, with renal compensation by chronic
    metabolic acidosis, now complicated by acute
    respiratory acidosis. This example underscores
    the clinical context importance in interpreting

How to approach an Acid-Base
Disorder Primary Problem pH Compensation
Met Acidosis Decreased bicarb Decreased Decreased PaCO2
Met Alkalosis Increased bicarb Increased Increased PaCo2
Resp Acidosis Increased PaCO2 Decreased Increased Bicarb
Resp Alkalosis Decreased PaCO2 Increased Decreased Bicarb
Acid Base
  • 1.Determine if acidemia (pHlt7.36) or alkalemia is
    present (pHgt7.44). In mixed disorders the pH will
    be normal but the bicarb/pCO2/AG will be abnl.
  • 2. Is the primary disturbance met or resp? Does
    the change in PCO2 account for the direction of
    pH change?
  • 3. Is there appropriate compensation for the
    primary disturbance? (see table ahead)
  • 4. Is the AG elevated? If so is there a ?gap?
    If so is there an additional non-gap acidosis or
    a metabolic alkalosis?

Appropriate Compensation
  • Met acidosis
  • PCO2 1.5XHCO3 8 2
  • Met Alkalosis
  • PCO2 0.7XHCO3 21 1.5
  • (If bicarb gt40 PCO20.75xHCO3)19 7.5)
  • Resp Acidosis
  • Acute HCO3 (PCO2-40)/10 24
  • Chronic HCO3 (PCO2-40)/324
  • Resp Alkalosis
  • Acute HCO3 (40-PCO2)/524
  • Chronic HCO3(40-PCO2)/224

  • A 60 yo female is admitted with 2 day of cough
    productive of purulent sputum. She has a history
    of severe COPD on home 2L Oxygen NC. On admission
    the HR is 120, BP 140/95, RR 28. Labs reveal Na
    135, K 3.5, Cl 92, Bicarb 33. ABG on RA is
    7.2/80/45. What is the acid-base disorder?
  • Inconsistent and uninterpretable data
  • Acute respiratory acidosis
  • Chronic respiratory acidosis
  • Acute on chronic respiratory acidosis
  • Acute respiratory acidosis with anion gap
    metabolic acidosis

  • A 60 yo female is admitted with 2 day of cought
    productive of purulent sputum. She has a history
    of severe COPD on home 2L Oxygen NC. On admission
    the HR is 120, BP 140/95, RR 28. Labs reveal Na
    135, K 3.5, Cl 92, Bicarb 33. ABG on RA is
    7.2/80/45. What is the acid-base disorder?
  • Inconsistent and uninterpretable data
  • Acute respiratory acidosis
  • Chronic respiratory acidosis
  • Acute on chronic respiratory acidosis
  • Acute respiratory acidosis with anion gap
    metabolic acidosis

  • The first step is to check the internal
    consistency with the Henderson-Hasselback
    equation. The H 24xPaCO2/HCO3 or each
    change in pH of 0.01 represents a 1meq decreased
    in H so that at a pH of 7.2 the H is around
    62. 62does not24X80/3358.

  • Respiratory acidosis is when pH is less the 7.4
    and CO2 is increased.
  • In acute resp acidosis the Ph declines 0.08 for
    each 10 rise in CO2. So if the baseline CO2 was
    40, the CO2 of 80 should decrease pH by 0.32 to
  • In chronic resp acidosis the pH decline 0.03 for
    each 10 increase in CO2. A patient with chronic
    resp acidosis with CO2 of 80 would have a pH of
  • Rather a combination of acute respiratory
    acidosis superimposed on chronic resp acidosis
    with baseline CO2 of 60 is more consistent with
    these values.

  • Finally any acid base problem should include
    anion gap calculation. The ag in the case is 10
    and normal is 12/- 4 so this pt does not have an
    AG met acidosis.

Respiratory Acidosis
  • Ineffective alveolar respiration or increased CO2
  • Etiologies include airway obstruction, resp
    center depression, neuromuscular d/o, pulm d/o,
    high carb diet

Respiratory Alkalosis
  • Hyperventilation
  • Etiologies
  • Hypoxemic drive (eg altitude, shunt),
    acute/chronic pulm dz, vent over-breathing,
    stimulation of resp center (eg pain, psychogenic,

Metabolic Alkalosis
  • Etiologies
  • Cl depletion (hypovolemic)
  • Ucl lt20
  • Saline responsive
  • Cl expanded (Hypervolemic)
  • Ucl gt20
  • Saline resistant

Etiologies of metabolic alkalosis
  • Hypovolemic/Cl depleted
  • GI loss vomit, gastric suction, Cl rich
    diarrhea, villous adenoma
  • Renal loss of H
  • Diuretic
  • Post-hypercapnia
  • High dose carbenicillin

Etiologies of metabolic alkalosis
  • Hypervolemic/Cl expanded
  • Renal H loss primary hyperaldo, primary
    hypercortisolism, adrenocorticotropic hormone xs.
  • Pharm xs steroids
  • Renal A. stenosis with RV HTN
  • Renin secreting tumor
  • Hypokalemia
  • Bicarb overdose
  • Pharm
  • Milk-alkali syndrome
  • Massive blood transfusion

Metabolic Acidosis
  • An increase in acid accumulation or decreased
    extracellular bicarb.
  • Compensate with increased ventilation and
    decreased PaCo2 and increased renal H excretion.
  • During prolonged acidosis the last two digits of
    pH PaCO2 as long as pHgt7.1 down to PaCO2 of 10.
  • PaCo2 1.5xHCO3 8 2
  • Or ? PaCO2 1.2 X ? bicarb

Etiologies of Metabolic Acidosis
  • Increase in endogenous acid production
    (ketoacidosis), exogenous acid input (poisons),
    xs bicarb loss (diarrhea) or decreased renal
    excretion of endogenous acid (chronic renal
  • Divided into anion gap and non-anion gap acidosis.

Etiologies of Metabolic Acidosis
  • AG Na -(ClHCO3) 10 4
  • AG increases with decreased unmeasured cations or
    increased unmeasured anions.
  • (Unmeasured anions proteins, phosphate, sulfates
    and organic acids vs unmeasured cations K,Ca, Mg)
  • Hypoalbuminemia will decrease the normal AG to
    4-5. For every 1 decrease in Alb a decrease of
    2.5-3 in AG is expected. Similarly parproteinemia
    will decrease the normal anion gap.

Etiologies of Metabolic Acidosis
  • Increased anion gap
  • Methanol
  • Uremia
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Paraldehyde
  • INH/Iron
  • Lactic acidosis (including metformin)
  • Ethylene glycol, EtOH
  • Salicylates, starvation ketosis
  • (others CO, CN, Sulfur, theophylline, toluene)

Etiologies of Metabolic Acidosis
  • Normal anion gap
  • Bicarb loss (kidney/gut)
  • diarrhea
  • urinary diversion
  • fistulas/drain from bile/small bowel etc
  • RTA
  • Acid addition (with Cl- as the anion)
  • Hcl
  • NH4Cl
  • Arginine HCL
  • Lysine HCL
  • CaCl2/MgCL2 (oral)
  • sulfur

  • If there is an abnormal AG you can look for
    triple disorders by checking for the delta gap
  • In an uncomplicated AG met acidosis for every 1
    increase in AG the HCO3 should decrease by 1. If
    this is not the case there is likely a mixed d/o.
  • ?gap(AG-12) (24-HCO3)
  • The normal ?gap should be zero 6.
  • A positive delta gap indicates either
    simultaneous metabolic alkalosis (eg vomitting)
    or resp acidosis.
  • A negative delta gap indicates then a concomitant
    normal AG hyperchloremic acidosis (eg diarrhea)
    or chronic resp alkalosis is present.

Acid Base
  • 1.Determine if acidemia (pHlt7.36) or alkalemia is
    present (pHgt7.44). In mixed disorders the pH will
    be normal but the bicarb/pCO2/AG will be abnl.
  • 2. Is the primary disturbance met or resp? Does
    the change in PCO2 account for the direction of
    pH change?
  • 3. Is there appropriate compensation for the
    primary disturbance?
  • 4. Is the AG elevated? If so is there a ?gap?
    If so is there an additional non-gap acidosis or
    a metabolic alkalosis?

  • 38 yo male with chronic renal failure p/w
    weakness, anorexia and nausea to ER. He has
    recently had increased n/v but had refused HD.
    PE bibasilar crackles, regular cardiac rhythm,
    and 2 edema. Labs Na 135, K 5.2 Cl 80 HCO3 24,
    BUN 100 Cr 12. ABG pH7.4 pCO2 37 HCO3 22.
  • Which best describes the acid-base status
  • A. No acid-base abnormality
  • B. Met acidosis and respiratory alkalosis
  • C. Metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis
  • D. Respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis

  • 38 yo male with chronic renal failure p/w
    weakness, anorexia and nausea to ER. He has
    recently had increased n/v but had refused HD.
    PE bibasilar crackles, regular cardiac rhythm,
    and 2 edema. Labs Na 135, K 5.2 Cl 80 HCO3 24,
    BUN 100 Cr 12. ABG pH7.4 pCO2 37 HCO3 22.
  • Which best describes the acid-base status
  • A. No acid-base abnormality
  • B. Met acidosis and respiratory alkalosis
  • C. Metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis
  • D. Respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis

Answer Explained
  • Recognize a large AG with normal bicarb may
    indicate a mixed metabolic acidosis and metabolic
  • Would expect AG acidosis from renal failure. His
    AG is 31. His bicarb should therefore be 5. For
    each increase in AG from 12 bicarb should
    decrease by the same 19
  • Due to the n/v he also has a metabolic alkalosis
    which increased his bicarb back to 24 with
    decreased Cl.
  • No evidence of resp alkalosis since the PCO2 is
    nl. Very rare if ever to see mixed resp alk and

  • A 52 yo f with advanced pulm sarcoid on
    prednisone 30 qd for 2 yrs. Pt is admitted with 2
    days of fever, flank pain, dysuria and vomiting
    for 6 hours. On admit HR 120 BP 80/60 RR 28. UA
    is loaded with WBC and gram stain is loaded with
    gram negative bacilli. ABG on RA 7.44/24/68. Na
    135, K 3.5, Cl 86, HCO3 16. What is the acid-base

  • A. Inconsistent and un-interpretable data
  • B. Chronic resp alkalosis
  • C. Acute and chronic resp alkalosis
  • D. Resp Alkalosis and anion gap metabolic
  • E. Resp Alkalosis, anion gap metabolic acidosis,
    and metabolic alkalosis.

  • A. Inconsistent and un-interpretable data
  • B. Chronic resp alkalosis
  • C. Acute and chronic resp alkalosis
  • D. Resp Alkalosis and anion gap metabolic
  • E. Resp Alkalosis, anion gap metabolic acidosis,
    and metabolic alkalosis.

Answer explained
  • PH is greater than 7.4 (alkalemia) and PaCO2 is
    reduced so the primary abnormality is respiratory
    alkalosis. (This is likely related to pain she is
  • Is there a metabolic component? The AG is
    135-(8616)33. Normal AG is 8-16. So there is
    an AG acidosis. If the bicarb is not increased
    for each increase in AG there is a mixed d/o.
  • The delta gap (AG-12) (24-bicarb)
  • (33-12)-(24-16) 13. (normal is zero /- 6)
  • A positive delta gap implies simultaneous resp
    acidosis or metabolic alkalosis. Here chronic met
    alkalosis likely related to chronic steroid use
    and vomiting.

MKSAP Question
  • A 75 yo female is BIBEMS after ingesting 50 tabs
    of enteric coated asa. She has chronic OA and DM
    type 2. She has refractory arthritis and periph
    neuropathy. On PE T 100, HR 135 RR 28 BP 105/65.

Which of the following labs is most consistent
with her presentation?
Na K Cl CO2 BUN Cr Glu
A 147 2.9 105 18 35 1.5 355
B 140 4.5 105 28 35 1.5 355
C 140 3.3 105 28 10 0.7 45
D 121 4.3 105 18 35 1.5 655
E 130 5.3 110 18 35 2.5 655
Which of the following labs is most consistent
with her presentation?
Na K Cl CO2 BUN Cr Glu
A 147 2.9 105 18 35 1.5 355
B 140 4.5 105 28 35 1.5 355
C 140 3.3 105 28 10 0.7 45
D 121 4.3 105 18 35 1.5 655
E 130 5.3 110 18 35 2.5 655
MKSAP explained
  • Mixed anion gap metabolic acidosis with resp
    alkalosis and volume depletion characteristic of
  • Early salicylate OD central hypervent with resp
    alk then renal compensation
  • Later metabolic acidosis due to uncoupled
    oxidative phophorylation and ketosis.
  • Progressively salicylates enter cns causing
    change in Mental status and tinnitis. Volume loss
    can be worse by renal and vomit losses causing
    increased BUN/Cr.
  • Stress can cause hyperglycemia.

MKSAP explained
  • So the answer is mild hypernatremia due to renal
    free water loss, AG acidosis with low bicarb, and
    volume depletion with elevated BUN/Cr, with mild
  • B normal AG, mild dehydration and hyperglycemia
    eg vomiting.
  • C mild hypokalemia and hypoglycemia without
    volume depletion eg hypoglycemic episode
  • D AG with hyperglycemia and hyponatremia likely
    with DKA and hyperkalemia
  • E Hyperkalemia, hyperchloremia, low bicarb and
    normal AG eg RTA.

  • A 20 yo college student is BIB fraternity
    brothers to the ER because he is unarousable. No
    PMH until the party the previous night.
  • BP 120/70 HR 118 RR 32 Sclera anicteric, pupils 8
    mm and poorly responsive. Fundoscopy reveals sl
    blurring of the disk margins b/l with decreased
    retinal sheen. PE otherwise unresponsive and
  • Na 142, K 4.3 Cl 98 HCO3 10 Glu 108, BUN 14 Osm
    (measured 348) 7.22/24/108. Blood alcohol level
    is 45. UA is unremarkable. What is the etiology
    of his metabolic acidosis?

Question cont
  • A. Methanol ingestion
  • B. Toluene toxicity
  • C. Ethylene Glycol ingestion
  • D. Ethanol intoxication
  • E. Isopropanol ingestion

Question cont
  • A. Methanol ingestion
  • B. Toluene toxicity
  • C. Ethylene Glycol ingestion
  • D. Ethanol intoxication
  • E. Isopropanol ingestion

Answer explained
  • This pt has a high AG and elevated osmolal gap.
  • This suggests either methanol or ethylene glycol
    intoxication. Optic nerve dysfunction on exam
    makes methanol most likely.
  • The osmolal gap is calc osmolality -osm measure
  • 2XNa Glu/18 BUN/2.8- measured
  • 295-358. or a gap of 63 ( part of which is
    explained by EtOH (EtOH/4.6 45/4.6 10)
  • High AG met acidosis is usually methanol/ethylene

Answer explained
  • Methanol causes optic n injury with blurred disc,
    retinal edema (increased sheen), loss of pupilary
    light reflex. Rx with EtOh or fomepizole to
    decrease formation of formaldehye.
  • Ethylene Glycol also causes increased AG and
    osmolal gap met acidosis. It is associated with
    oxalate crytaluria and not optic n injury.
  • Ethanol with ketolactic acidosis would not
    explain the optic findings.
  • Isopropanolol is met to acetone and causes
    osmolal gap without AG acidosis
  • Toluene (glue-sniffing) intoxication is not
    associated with osmolal gap only AG acidosis.

Causes of an osmolal gap gt10
  • Anion gap metabolic acidosis
  • Ethylene glycol
  • Methanol
  • Formaldehyde
  • ESRD without HD
  • Paraldehyde
  • Alcoholic ketoacidosis
  • No metabolic acidosis
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Diethyl ether
  • Mannitol

Osm gap Osm(measured)- Nax2 Glu/18 BUN/2.8
Acid Base Take Home Message
  • 1.Determine if acidemia (pHlt7.36) or alkalemia is
    present (pHgt7.44). In mixed disorders the pH will
    be normal but the bicarb/pCO2/AG will be abnl.
  • 2. Is the primary disturbance met or resp? Does
    the change in PCO2 account for the direction of
    pH change?
  • 3. Is there appropriate compensation for the
    primary disturbance?
  • 4. Is the AG elevated? If so is there a ?gap?
    If so, is there an additional non-gap acidosis or
    a metabolic alkalosis?
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