Hierarchy of Planck Constants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hierarchy of Planck Constants


Title: Hierarchy of Planck Constants Author: Matti Pitkanen Last modified by: Varga Csaba Document presentation format: Diavet t s a k perny re – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hierarchy of Planck Constants

Might be the First Principles? Article
Slides as pdfhttp///www.helsinki.fi/matpitka/t
Matti Pitkänen
Books about TGD
Two approaches to physics constructive and
To the beginning
  • Einstein
  • We can distinguish various kind of
    theories in physics. Most of them are
    constructive. They attempt to build up a picture
    of the more complex phenomena out of the
    materials of a relatively simple formal scheme
    from which they start out. Thus the kinetic
    theory of gases seeks to reduce mechanical,
    thermal, and diffusional processes to movements
    of molecules - i.e., to build them up out of the
    hypothesis of molecular motion. When we say that
    we have succeeded in understanding a group of
    natural processes, we invariably mean that a
    constructive theory has been found which covers
    the processes in question.
  • Along with this most important class
    of theories there exists a second, which I will
    call "principle-theories." These employ the
    analytic, not the synthetic, method. The elements
    which form their basis and starting-point are not
    hypothetically constructed but empirically
    discovered ones, general characteristics of
    natural processes, principles that give rise to
    mathematically formulated criteria which the
    separate processes or the theoretical
    representations of them have to satisfy. Thus the
    science of thermodynamics seeks by analytical
    means to deduce necessary conditions, which
    separate events have to satisfy, from the
    universally experienced fact that perpetual
    motion is impossible.
  • The advantages of the constructive theory
    are completeness, adaptability, and clearness,
    those of the principle theory are logical
    perfection and security of the foundations. The
    theory of relativity belongs to the latter class.

Problem some basic principle might be wrong!
To the beginning
  • Landscape problem of M theory. Is reductionism
    extrapolated to Planck length scale might be the
  • Perhaps one must tolerate the tension between
    constructive and analytic approaches.
  • In TGD this tension has been present all the
    time. Path integral formalism failed. The
    attempt to construct S-matrix led to a long
    process forcing to modify existing visions about
    ontology of physics.
  • New view about time, the notion of many-sheeted
    space-time, zero energy ontology, p-adic physics
    as physics of intentionality and cognition,
    hierarchy of Planck constants, role of von
    Neumann algebras known as hyperfinite factors of
    type II1 in the construction of theory,....

Plan of the talk
To the beginning
  • Represent various visions about basic
    principles behind quantum TGD keeping in mind the
    tension present also between them and trying to
    tolerate uncertainty.

  • From Equivalence Principle to zero energy
    ontology ?
  • Physics as spinor geometry of the world of
    classical worlds?
  • The tree strands of physics as generalized number
    theory vision fusion of p-adic and real
    physics, classical number fields and physics,
    infinite primes and physics.
  • Quantum TGD from hyperoctonionic generalization
    of conformal field with values in HFF of type II?

  • Hierarchy of Planck constants and generalization
    of imbedding space H M4xCP2

  • Finite measurement resolution as basic dynamical
    principle of quantum theory? Hyperfinite
    factors of type II1 (HFFs) as a basic building

  • Should quantum physics be extended to a theory of

From Equivalence Principle to Zero Energy Ontology
To the beginning
  • In Einstein's GRT the tension has been present
    from the beginning.
  • Equivalence Principle (EP) gravitational and
    inertial masses are identical.

  • Einstein's equations identify gravitational and
    inertial energy momentum tensors. Purely local
    statement. No global variant because
    gravitational and inertial four-momenta are not
    defined at all unless space-time has translations
    as symmetries. Something wrong?
  • Cure space-time as a 4-D surface in HM4xS,
    SCP2. CP2 from standard model symmetries and
    geometrization of classical gauge fields.

  • Inertial energy momentum as conserved Noether
    charge from Poincare symmetries of H rather than
    space-time. Gravitational four- momentum defined
    but not conserved unless the action is
    curvature scalar, in which case Equivalence
    Principle as identity.

  • Curvature scalar would predict conserved
    gravitational four-momentum not consistent with
  • Kähler action (Maxwell action for induce Kähler
    form of CP2) more natural physically.
    Gravitational momentum exists but not conserved.
    Robertson Walker cosmologies vacuum extremals
    (vanishing energy momentum and other conserved
    charges) but non-vanishing and non-conserved
    gravitational four-momentum.

  • Does Equivalence Principle fail? Or is the
    interpretation wrong?

  • The problem might have resolution in zero
    energy ontology. All physical states have
    vanishing net conserved quantum numbers.
    Positive and negative energy parts of states
    correspond to initial and final states of
    scattering event in positive energy ontology.
    Quantum states as events.

  • Basic principle every quantum state is creatable
    from vacuum.

To the beginning

To the beginning
Causal diiamond as pair of lightcones
  • Physical state can be visualized in terms of
    causal diamond. Lower lightcone boundary contains
    3-D surfaces with positive energy and upper
    lightcone boundary those with negative energy.


  • Equivalence Principle in TGD

  • Elementary partides as CP2 type vacuum extremals
    of Kähler action . Random lightlike curve as M4
    projection virtual particles. For extremals of
    curvature scalar projection light-like
    geodesic on mass shell particles.

  • EP at 4-D level Topologically condensed CP2
    type vacuum extremal creates a non-vacuum region
    around around it. The resulting inertial
    four-momentum equals to the gravitational
  • EP at macro level Space-time surfaces
    containing gravitons must have double sheeted
    structure (positive and negative energy
    space-time sheets). Near the vicinity of
    wormhole contacts (pieces of CP2 type vacuum
    extremals) vacuum extremals are deformed to
    non-vacuum extremals and carry inertial
    four-momentum equal to the gravitational four-
    momentum of the vacuum extremal.

To the beginning

  • EP at parton level Gravitational momentum of
    CP2 type extremal inertial Chern-Simons
    four-momentum, which non-vanishing only if
    Kähler gauge potential has pure gauge part in
    M4/- equal to Aa constant (a is lightcone
    proper time). Aa expressible in terms of G/R2.
    Quantum criticality fixes this ratio. No
    breaking of Poincare invariance if configuration
    space union of configuration spaces assignable to

To the beginning
Physics as classical physics for configuration
space spinor fields
To the beginning
  • Generalization of Einstein's geometrization
    program of classical physics to quantum physics.
  • The world of classical worlds (configuration
    space) consisting of 3-surfaces of HM4xCP2 arena
    of quantum dynamics. Quantum states classical
    spinor fields in this space.
  • Geometrize configuration space.
  • Kähler geometry required in order to geometrize
    Hermitian conjugation. Kahler function K.
    General coordinate invariance definition of K
    assigns to 3-surface more or less unique
    4-surface analogous to Bohr orbit. Classical
    physics exact part of quantum theory.

  • Mathematical existence of geometry extremely
    powerful constraint. For loop spaces Kähler
    geometry unique. In 3-D case even stronger
    constraints from existence of Riemann connection
    and finiteness. HM4xCP2 be the only possible
    choice? Infinite-D Kähler geometric existence

  • Quantum dynamics from quantum criticality.
    Exponent of Kähler function defines a universal
    vacuum functional analogous to expoment of
    Hamiltonian. Kähler couplings strength analogous
    to critical temperature and quantized. All
    coupling parameters as predictions of the theory.

  • Quantum states as classical spinor fields of
    configuration space. Only quantum jumps genuinely
    quantal element of theory.
  • Geometrization of Fermi statistics. Configuration
    space spinors as Fock states for fermions.
    Anticommuting configuration space gamma matrices
    linear combinations of fermionic oscillator
    operators for free second quantized induced
    spinor fields at 3-surface.

  • Configuration space gamma matrices generate
    infinite-D Clifford algebra. Canonical
    representation for von Neumann algebra known as
    hyper-finite factor of type II1 (HFF). Encodes
    quantum group and non-commutative physics.

To the beginning
Quantum TGD as almost topological quantum field
To the beginning
  • General coordinate invariance again! 3-surfaces
    can be chosen to be light-like 3-surfaces.

  • Gauge bosons and Higgs as wormhole contacts
    wormhole throats at which induced metric changes
    signature are light-like. Carry fermionic and
    antifermionic quantum numbers. Fermions as
    topologically condensed CP2 type extremals.
    Lightlike 3-surrfaces look locally random orbits
    of partonic 2-surfaces with light velocity.

  • Metric 2-dimensionality implies generalization of
    the super-conformal invariance of string models.
    Kac-Moody symmetries as isometries of the Kähler
    metric. Lightlike boundary of M4/- gives rise
    to additional superconformal symmetries.

  • Light-likeness parton level formulation of TGD
    as almost topological quantum field
    theory. Chern-Simons action and its fermionic
    counterpart. Almost means that notions of
    energy and momentum make sense although theory
    relies on the formalism of TQFTs.

To the beginning

  • TGD does not reduce to string model although
    causal determinants 1-dimensional! D
    4,3,2,1-dimensionality in discretized sense.
    Locally 3,2,1,0 dimensionality.
  • At the bottom discrete number theoretical
    braids replace strings. Braids are basic objects
    of TQFTs. Interpretation in terms of finite
    measurement resolution.

  • Tension Kähler function of configuration space
    expressible in terms of data associated with
    modified Dirac operator at points of number
    theoretic braid.

  • First thread p-adic physics.
  • Reals and p-adic numbers, p2,3,5,7...
    completions of rationals .

  • p-Adic mass calculations.

  • What is the interpretation of p-adic physics?
    P-Adic space-time sheets define correlates for
    cognitions and intentions . Mind stuff of
  • How to glue real and various p-adic physics
    p2,3,5,7,... to single coherent whole?
  • Basic principle Real and p-adic physics
    completions of rational physics .

  • Generalization of number concept. Glue all these
    number fields together along rationals and common
    algebraics to form book like structure.

The three threads of Physics as generalized
number theory program
To the beginning
  • P-Adic and real space-time sheets intersect along
    common rational and algebraic points.
    Interpretation in terms of cognitive
    representations and discreteness of mathematical
    cognition and finite measurement and sensory
    resolution .
  • P-Adic transcendentals literally infinite as
    real numbers. Most points of p-adic space-time
    sheets and spatial and temporal infinity.
    Cognition and intentionality cosmic phenomena not
    localizable to finite space-time volume.
  • P-Adic topology induces effective p-adic topology
    of real space-time sheet when the number of
    common points large. P-Adic fractality predicted
    and explains the success of p-adic mass
    calculations. Cognition present already at
    elementary particle level.

  • TensionThe discretization required by
    p-adicization implies the notion of number
    theoretic braid needed in almost TQFT approach.

  • Tension Exponent of the configuration space
    Kähler function as Dirac determinant using only
    the data defined by braid. Construction assigns
    a preferred space-time surface to a given
    collection of light-like 3-surfaces.

To the beginning
  • Second thread classical number
  • Imbedding space, space-time surface, partonic
    2-surface, and causal determinant of conformal
    field theory (strings) have dimensions of
    classical number fields.

  • Could one also formulate QTGD by replacing
    M4xCP2 wth M8 HO space of hyper-octonions
    identifiable as subspace of complefixiifed
  • Could associativity and commutativity fix
  • Observations about subspaces of M8

  • Associative subspaces are hyperquaternionic
    planes M4 subset M8. Commutative subspaces
    are hypercomplex planes M2.
  • M2 space of non-physical polarizations selected
    also in gauge theories and string models.
    Gauge choice would have purely number theoretical
  • Subspaces M4 containing M2 parameterized by

To the beginning

  • HO-H duality(number theoretic compactification)
  • Hyper-quaternionic space-time surfaces of M8
    for which hyper-quaternionic tangent planes M4
    contain fixed hypercomplex plane M2 can be mapped
    to M4xCP2.
  • Bohr orbitology at light-like 3 surface X3 M2
    defines the direction of tangent space and one
    can assign unique 4-surface to X3 .

  • Are these 4-surfaces of M8 mapped to preferred
    extremals of Kähler action?

  • M4xCP2 and standard model symmetries have
    purely number theoretic origin! Also
    classical TGD!

To the beginning
  • Third thread infinite primes and
    further generalization of number concept
  • Take product of all primes and add to it 1. Prime
    results. Construction generalizes. Infinite
    hierarchy of infinite primes.

  • Procedure equivalent with repeated second
    quantization of arithmetic quantum field theory
    with bosons and fermions labelled by primes of
    given level. All Fock states and bound states
    constructed at first level become elementary
    particles at the next level. Continue

  • The hierarchical structure of many-sheeted
    space-time could correspond to that for infinite
    primes. Proton- although manyquark state -
    would be elementary fermion at appropriate level
    of hierarchy.
  • Hierarchy could also correspond to the
    hierarchy of nth order logics.

To the beginning

  • Also infinite integers and rationals exist.
    Infinite number of real units defined as ratios
    of infinite integers. Not equivalent number
    theoretically. Infinite-dimensional space U of
    real units.
  • Point of imbedding space replaced with infinite-D
    space U8 of points equivalent in real sense.
    What Schrödinger amplitudes in this space could
  • Number theoretic Brahman Atman identity. Is the
    world of classical worlds and even the space of
    configuration space spinor fields representing
    quantum states of Universe representable in this
    generalized imbedding space which is 8-D in real
    sense? Algebraic holography.
  • Can one map configuration space spinor fields to
    Schrödinger amplitudes in U8 in natural
  • Good hopes for mapping the basis of configuration
    space spinor fields associated with zero energy
    states inside given causal diamond and appearing
    as zero energy insertions to Schrodinger
    amplitudes in U8 !

  • Stuff below measurement resolution experienced

To the beginning
Extension of Clifford algebra of CH to
hyper-octonionic conformal fields in HO?
To the beginning
  • Configuration space Clifford algebra correspond
    to vibrational degrees of freedom of 3-surface
    with cm degrees of freedom fixed. How to
    include cm degrees of freedom in H?

  • In string models gamma fields define conformal
    fields. Generalization replace complex argument
    z with hyper-octonionic argument. HFF valued
    conformal fields.
  • Could local variant of HFF analogous to local
    gauge algebra provide first principle approach to
    quantum and classical TGD?

  • By non-associativity of hyper-octonions the
    resulting algebra does not reduce to HFF as in
    case of other number fields. Could this unique
    local version of HFF underlie quantum TGD?


  • Associativity n-point functions involving
    local Clifford algebra elements must be
    associative at least. Arguments restricted to 4-D
    hyper-quaternionic subspace M4 subset M8.
  • Commutatitivity fix preferred imaginary unit by
    choosing subspace HCM2 subset M4 subset M8.

  • Assume that partonic 2-surfaces X2 belong to the
    boundary of lightcone (causal diamond) of M8,,
    not only M4xCP2! ! Nontrivial condition.

  • Stronger assumption also pre-images of lightlike
    3-surfaces X3 belong to M4/- subset M8.

  • These assumptions would explain the preferred
    role of partonic 2-surfaces and of their
    lightlike orbits as being due to their
    associativity. Associativity not true in the
    interior of space-time surface in general.

To the beginning

  • Commutativity of n-point functions at partonic
    2-surfaces if arguments belong to the
    intersection of X2 with lightlike ray. Integral
    over rays would give maximal information.
    Unique discrete set of points identifiable in
    terms number theoretic braids. With additional
    assumptions about X2 rational or algebraic
    points of H.
  • If also light-like 3 surfaces in M4/- then
    commutative submanifolds 1-D curves and define
    the strands of braids.

  • Conclusion Very many speculative must-be-trues
    of quantum TGD follow as a consequence!

  • Critical question Octonions would be number
    theoretically more elegant. Could one replace
    hyper-octonions with octonions and interpret
    duality in terms of generalization of Wick

To the beginning
  • Is Planck constant really constant? Planetary
    orbits obey in reasonable approximation Bohr
    rules with gigantic Planck constant (see this and
    this). Effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate
    brain quantal although energies of the photons
    extremely small as compared to thermal energy for
    ordinary value of Planck constant (see this).
    Could hbar be quantized and have arbitrarily
    large values?

  • Possible only if the notion of imbedding space is
    generalized. Imbedding space has a book like
    structure. Each page covering or factor space of
    original imbedding space. The pages are glued
    together like pages of book.
  • The matters at different pages of book dark
    relative to each other in sense that only
    particles from same page can appear in vertices
    of Feynman diagrams. Classical interactions
    between different pages possible. Also exchange
    of particles if phase transition changing hbar
    occurs (particle moves from page to another one).

Hierarchy of Planck constants
To the beginning
To the beginning

  • Dark matter as matter with nonstandard value of
    Planck constant. Macroscopic quantum phases
    possible even in astrophysical length scales.
    Condensation of visible matter around dark matter
    with large Planck constant explains Bohr orbits
    for planets.
  • This picture consistent with what is known about
    dark matter since classical em fields are not
    assumed to be of importance in astrophysical
    length scales.

  • The anomalies associated with living cell
    understood if considerable fraction of
    biologically important ions dark and in
    macroscopic quantum phase.
  • Tension Is the hierarchy of Planck constant
    necessary for quantum TGD. The generalization of
    imbedding space essential for the realization of
    quantum criticality and construction of exponent
    of Kähler function of configuration space.

  • Clifford algebra for configuration space HFF of
    type II1 algebraic fractal. Infinite hierarchies
    of inclusions of HFF to itself as subalgebra.
    What could be the interpretation?

  • Subalgebra N defines finite measurement
    resolution. Complex rays of state space replaced
    with N rays.
  • In zero energy ontology elements of N insert to
    the positive or negative energy part of state
    zero energy part. The added part corresponds to
    time scale T/2, or more generally, T/2n.
  • Interpretation in terms of radiative corrections
    which correspond to the increase of measurement
    resolution. Coupling constant evolution not
    continuous but comes in powers of 2.

  • p-Adic length scale hypothesis as a consequence
    p-adic primes near powers of 2 preferred.

Could finite measurement resolution fix the
quantum dynamics?
To the beginning

  • Additional prediction the temporal distances
    between tips of causal diamond macroscopic time
    scale for elementary particles. Argument goes
    as follows.
  • Light-like 3-surfaces locally as random
    light-like orbits of partonic 2-surfaces.
    Brownian motions.
  • During time T particles moves average distance
    given by p-adic length scale Lp. Analogy with
    Brownian motion implies

    T Lp2/cR, R CP2

  • T corresponds to secondary time p-adic time scale

    T Tp,2 sqrt(p)Lp/c

  • For electron T .1 seconds. Fundamental
  • Zero energy ontology necessary in order to
    understand biology.

To the beginning
  • Definition of generalized S-matrix, M-matrix, as
    time-like entanglement coefficients between
    positive and negative energy parts of zero energy
    state interpreted as initial and final states of
    particle scattering experiment.

  • Unitarity not necessary. M-matrix complex
    square root of density matrix. Product of
    positive square root of density matrix and of
    unitary S-matrix. Matrix generalizations of
    modulus and phase of Schrödinger amplitude.
    Quantum physics as a square root of
  • M-matrix must commute with hermitian elements of
    algebra N defining measurement resolution. N
    acts as infinite-D symmetry algebra. Connection
    with integrable QFTs and conformal invariance.

  • M-matrix identifable in terms of Connes tensor
    product and is highly unique. Decomposition of
    HFF to direct summands implies non-uniquess which
    corresponds to thermal states.

To the beginning

  • Tension How closely this vision relates to
    other visions?
  • Configuration space Clifford algebra as HFF this
    is essential. Finite measurement resolution
    means discretization at space-time level.
    Conformal field theories and TQFTs relate
    closely to HFFs and inclusions. Connection with
    geometric, almost TQFT, and number theoretic
  • Hyper- octonionic analog of HFF might imply
    generalized imbedding space as emergent structure.

To the beginning
  • Quantum measurement theory the black sheet of
    quantum physics. Before one can speak of TOE
    one must be able to make observer a genuine part
    of Universe.
  • Quantum jump and self basic notions of TGD
    inspired theory of consciousness.

  • Quantum jump has complex anatomy unitary
    process, state function reduction, state
  • Unitary process corresponds to unitary matrix U
    between zero energy states. M-matrix property of
    zero energy state.
  • U-matrix can be assigned with the
    non-determinism of volition and intentional
    action. U-matrix tells also the probabilities for
    p-adic to real transitions characterizing
    intentional action. U-matrix probably almost
  • Self as a system able to remain unentangled. Self
    results as a fusion of quantum jumps. Self
    relates to quantum jumps like composite particle
    to elementary particles from which it consists of

Should one extend quantum physics to a quantum
theory of consciousness?
To the beginning
  • Negative energy ontology means that also
    negative energy signals to geometric past are
    possible. Mechanisms of memory, intentional
    action, and remote metabolism.

  • New view about relationship between geometric and
    experienced time. (see this and this) Quantum
    classical correspondence quantal time evolution
    by quantum jumps must have space-time correlate.
    Failure of strict determinism for Kähler action
    makes this possible.

  • Attention of self directed to a fixed volume of
    imbedding space HM4xCP2 in standard picture it
    would gradually shift towards future.

  • In quantum jump configuration space spinor field-
    superposition of space-time surface shifts
    backwards in geometric time in a good
    approximation this realizes quantum classical
    correspondence. Observer experiences that
    geometric future of space-time sheet emerges to
    the perceptive field from future. Time flows.
    Only approximation in question dissipative

To the beginning

  • Negentropy Maximization Principle the basic
    variational principle of quantum consciousness
    theory. Information content of conscious
    experience measured by the reduction of the
    entanglement entropy in state function reduction.

  • For standard definition of entanglement entropy
    in terms of Shannon entropy pure state would
    always result in state function reduction.

  • For rational or even algebraic entanglement
    probabilities one can define number theoretical
    variants of Shannon entropy by replacing
    logarithm of probabily with the logarithms of
    p-adic norm of probability . This entropy can be
    negative. Entanglement can carry genuine
    information. State function reduction can
    generate entanglement!

  • Possible interpretation in terms of formation of
    macrosopically quantum coherent systems. Synergy.
    Experience of understanding associated with this
    kind of quantum jumps?

To the beginning

  • Tension Relationship with other approaches

  • Consciousness theory generalization of quantum
    measurement theory.
  • Consciousness theory not alternative brings in
    genuinely new elements. Solves problems of
    other approaches. Difficulties of quantum
    measurement theory. The problem of time. The
    notion of information.

  • The hierarchy of conscious entities and
    evolutionary hierarchy corresponds naturally to
    the hierarchy of Planck constants. Evolution as
    growth of largest Planck constant assignable to
    personal magnetic body having onionlike

  • P-Adic physics forced by the necessity to
    describe properly cognition and intentionality .

To the beginning

  • Philosophical comment about number theoretic

  • Real units correspond to zero energy states of
    arithmetic QFT. Physical zero energy states must
    be mapped to these. Must correspond to zero
    energy insertions to positive or negative part of
    zero energy state. States below measurement
    resolution mapped to the points of number
    theoretic braid in the resolution used.

  • Conformal hyperoctonionic fields O(hi) at points
    of number theoretic braid create these zero
    energy states. In better resolution nonlocal
    operators formed from Cliffod algebra. Small
    causal diamond inside bigger causal diamond.
  • Physical measurements give information about
    universe above measurement resolution. The
    Schrödinger amplitudes in the space of real units
    below it. Subjective experience gives information
    about quantum state below resolution.

To the beginning

  • Technical comment about number theoretic

  • Operators O(hi) constructed using generators of
    supercanonical and super KM algebras . Map basis
    to basis. Enumerability mathematician would
    stop here.
  • Infinite primes lt--gt hierarchy of space-time
    sheets. Map of CH spinor fields to real units
    induced at the lowest level from the map of
    qnumbers of superalgebra generators to finite
    primes. Find natural ordering of these quantum
    numbers/states. Map to primes must respect this
  • Order states of irrep of given group by values
    of quantum numbers assuming ordering of quantum
  • Order irreps of given group by the dimension of
    representation or by the highest weight of irrep.

  • Order the groups involved first SU(3) xSO(3)
    associated with Hamiltonians of S2xCP2 first,
    then KM color group, KM ew group, and KM rotation
    group (say). This allows highly unique map of
    the labels of super generators to finite primes.

To the beginning
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