Title: The Immune System Part 2
1The Immune SystemPart 2
2The Immune System
- A system of circulating cells and substances
which have the ability to recognize exogenous
micro-organisms and endogenous cells which have
become neoplastic and attack them. - The system protects the body--self--against
these external factors by recognition based on
presence of antigen.
3Cells of the Circulatory System
4White Blood Cells
- A. Lymphocytes
- 1. B-Lymph's
- 2. T-Lymph's
- B. Others
- 1. Neutrophils
- 2. Basophils
- 3. Eosonophils
- 4. Macrophages
5Organs that Impact Immunity
Functions 1. Killer
T-Cells--kill micro-organisms 2. Helper
T-Cells--regulate and control the production of
lymphokines that signal the plasma cells to
produce antibodies 3. Suppressor
T-Cells--discourage suppress the production of
Mature in the thymus and are circulated to
peripheral tissues
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- Mature in the bone marrow
- Genetically coded to recognize outsiders
- Transform to fight and then spread
- Memory Cells--immunity
- Plasma Cells--mature B-cells
- Produce antibodies
- Mature in the bone marrow-- circulate throughout
the body - Some become fixed to specific tissues
- ex. Histocytes (connective tissue)
Kupffers cells (liver) - All are functionally similar in that they engulf
and destroy foreign material. - Are essential in processing antigens
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13Antibodies Antigens
- Antibody--Serum proteins produced by plasma cells
that bind with antigens and induce cell lysis. - Antigen--Any substance capable of eliciting an
immune response--usually large protein,
polysaccharide, or lipid molecules contained
in/on cell walls of certain organisms. - Every antibody is unique to the antigen it is
reacting to
14Antigen-Antibody Binding Results In..
1. Inflammation - histamine release increases
delivery of T-cells macrophages causes
infection in the capillaries to leak 2.
Chemotaxis -movement of macrophages to area
signals phagocytes to come to the bacteria
through releasing chemicals that attract them to
the area and marking what does not belong.
15Antigen-Antibody Binding Results In..
3. Agglutination- clumping 4.
Opsonization- macrophage binding 5. Cytolysis-
cell destruction
16Terms related to immunity
1. Non-self-- 2. Memory-- 3. Specificity--
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