Explaining Crime and Delinquency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Explaining Crime and Delinquency


Explaining Crime and Delinquency CC200 Youth Justice Chapters 5 and 6 Social policy and theory Social Responsibility Perspective crime is an individual ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Explaining Crime and Delinquency

Explaining Crime and Delinquency
  • CC200
  • Youth Justice
  • Chapters 5 and 6

Social policy and theory
  • Social Responsibility Perspective crime is an
    individual responsibility (nature).
  • Social Problems Perspective crime is a
    manifestation of social problems (nurture).

Origins of Human Aggression
  • Incorporate a biological, environmental, and
    psychological components into an exploration of
    the origins of human aggression.
  • NFB title
  • 2005

Questions to consider
  • What are the primary explanations given for
    aggression in children and youth?
  • At what age are children most aggressive?
  • What factors influence their aggression?

  • What potentials solutions are discussed in the
  • What actions or responses to aggression displayed
    by children may, in fact, encourage greater
  • How do biological, environmental, psychological
    components work together in explanations for

Theory and Explanation
  • Classical School of Criminology develops in the
    18th century.
  • Based on belief that people have free-will and
    must be held accountable for their deeds.
  • Has as a starting point the idea that individuals
    have equal rights and co-exist in a society held
    together by common goals and beliefs.

  • Built upon a structural functionalist foundation.
  • Individuals are hedonistic beings who seek to
    maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
  • Individuals make rational decisions by engaging
    in cost/benefit analyses.
  • Crime is repugnant and morally wrong.

Cesare Becarria (1819) Italian Philosopher
  • One of the most influential of the classical
  • He argued that offenders must be presumed
    innocent, that offences and punishments must be
    defined in a written code of law, and that the
    guilty must be held accountable and punished for
    their wrong-doings.

Jeremy Bentham (18th century English Legal
  • Built on Beccarias ideas.
  • Repeat offenders should be punished more
    severely, and that the punishment should fit the
  • He also argued that individuals who committed
    similar crimes should receive similar punishments
    (continuity in punishment).

  • We will return to the classical theories and
    theorists later.

Biological Positivism
  • Biological and psychological approaches are based
    on the notion of individual pathologies.

  • This means that certain individuals are
    pre-disposed to criminal behaviors due to either
    biological or psychological abnormalities.

Cesare Lombroso (1835 -1909)
  • Argued that criminals could be identified by
    physical characteristics and were throwbacks to
    an earlier stage of human development.
  • He called this group Atavistic man

Physical characteristics of atavistic man could
  • Asymmetry of the face
  • Eye defects and abnormalities
  • Excessive dimensions of jaw and cheek bones
  • Ears of unusual size, or very small, or ears that
    stuck out
  • Lips fleshy, swollen protruding

  • Excessive length of arms
  • Supernumerary fingers and toes
  • Nose twisted, upturned, or flattened, or aquiline
    or beaklike
  • Receding chin, or excessive long, or short and
  • Abnormal dentition

  • He first argued that criminals were a throwback
    to a more primitive type of brain structure, and
    therefore behavior.
  • He never claimed that the born criminal made up
    more than 40 of the total criminal population.

He also looked at the female offender and argued
  • Most women are not criminal.
  • Those that are, are usually occasional criminals.
  • But some women are atavistic criminals.
  • They are harder to detect than men.
  • They are more cunning and more vicious.

  • More recently research has indicated there are
    specific brain structures that influence
    aggressive behaviors.
  • This has led to research in the areas of brain
    damage, epileptic disorders, and endocrine
    disorders and the direct impact that
    psychological disorders may have on criminal

Research has also focused on factors indirectly
related to criminal behaviors.
  • This research focus has included
  • Twin studies
  • Adoption studies
  • Learning disabilities
  • ADHD
  • Perinatal factors
  • Family studies
  • Minimal brain damage

  • However, it is important to realize that these
    factors operate and interact with other
    non-biological factors in a complex process to
    create causal chains.
  • Biological factors may only be indirectly linked
    to criminal behaviors.

Psychological Theories
  • Tend to approach the challenge of understanding
    and explaining criminality by focusing on
    theories of personality or learning that account
    for individual behavior in specific situations.

Sigmund Freud (circa 1953)
  • Is most closely linked to psychoanalytic theory.
  • While Freud did not specifically attempt to link
    his work to criminality, forensic researchers
    have used his work to explain the psychology of
    criminal behaviors.

  • The foundation of this theory is that individuals
    progress through five overlapping stages of
  • As well, personality is made up of three forces
  • The id biological drives
  • The ego which controls and directs the id
  • The super-ego or conscience.

  • The ego and super-ego are created when the
    individual successfully works through conflicts
    present at each of the five stages of
  • Criminal behavior results when the internal
    controls found in the ego and super-ego fail to
    restrain the primitive, aggressive urges of the

In other words
  • If the ego and super-ego do not fully develop
    through the early stages of development, criminal
    behavior is more likely to develop.

Jean Piaget
  • Theories focusing on the idea of moral
    development supplement psychoanalysis with a
    chronological development argument.
  • Piaget (1932) studied children, game playing, and
    rule development.
  • He concluded that moral reasoning occurred in

L Kohlberg (1964)
  • Built upon Piagets work and hypothesized that
    moral development occurs in six stages and that
    all individuals went through these stages.
  • Some individuals spent more time in different
    stages and some never progressed past the first
    few stages.

  • Criminal behavior was more likely to occur in
    individuals who had not successfully completed
    all stages of moral development.

Hans J. Eysenck (1977)
  • Developed a theoretical explanation for the
    psychopathic personality.
  • Developed a more behaviorist approach to crime
    and personality.
  • He argued that children will naturally engage in
    deviant forms of behavior.
  • They will only refrain if they are punished each
    time they engage in the behavior.

In other words
  • Individuals must be conditioned not to engage in
    certain acts through fear of punishment.
  • Individuals who engage in deviant or criminal
    acts have not developed this fear as a result of
    poor conditioning by parents or they are less
    susceptible to conditioning generally.

B. F. Skinner
  • Work begins in the 1930s.
  • Work on operant conditioning argued that
    individual behavior is influenced by both
    positive reinforcement and punishment (negative).
  • Behavior that is rewarded will continue.

  • Behavior that is consistently punished will
  • Individuals who are rewarded, or escape
    punishment, for deviant and/or criminal behaviors
    will continue to engage in them.

Social Learning Theory
  • Associated with Albert Bandura (1970s)
  • Suggests that aggressive behavior is learned (or
    modeled) from three sources.
  • Family
  • Social models and peers
  • Symbolic modeling uses television (media)
    violence as a model of aggressive behavior.

  • Like biological theories, both behaviorist and
    developmental psychological approaches attempt to
    explore the relationship between individuals and
    deviant or criminal behavior.

  • Findings from this research indicates that
    psychological factors may play a role in
    determining behaviors.

  • However, these factors operate and interact with
    other social and environmental factors in a
    complex relationship.
  • These theories are still based on a primary
    assumption of individual badness and pathology.

Okay, now back to the classical theories of crime
and criminality.
  • Dont forget, we said that this paradigm argues
    that individuals are hedonistic and seek to
    maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
  • And, they make rational decisions by weighing the
    pros and cons of their actions before undertaking

  • from this perspective, youth will naturally be
    drawn towards activities that bring them the
    greatest pleasure (risk-taking behaviors or
    criminal behaviors).

  • In order to counter the rational decision by
    youth to participate in delinquent or criminal
    activities, society, through the use of social
    and legal sanctions must create an environment
    when the potential cost of this behavior
    outweighs the pleasure they may gain in

  • This can be accomplished through the
    implementation of either general or specific

General Deterrence
  • Is accomplished by the development of a criminal
    justice system that makes evident the
    consequences for anyone who engages in a criminal

Specific Deterrence
  • Accomplished by the use of punishment and/or
    consequences to the individual who engages in the
    deviant or criminal act.

In order for punishment to succeed it must meet
three criteria
  • Certainty
  • Timeliness
  • Proportionality

Simply stated
  • Those that break the laws much know that they
    will be punished, the punishment should occur
    swiftly, and the punishment should be
    proportionate to the crime.
  • If these three conditions are met, deterrence
    will succeed because the cost will outweigh the

  • From this perspective, the creation and
    implementation of policies or laws to curtail or
    control levels of criminal activity in society
    are the most important aspect of crime policies.

  • Youth engage in criminal behaviors because they
    are inadequately monitored and controlled.

  • The solution to the crime problem is to ensure
    they will be caught and punished for their
    criminal activities.

  • The appeal of this approach is that it addresses
    public sentiment that youth are out of control
    and more dangerous and increasingly punitive
    measures are needed to deal with the issue.

Challenges to the theory..
  • Do youth rationally weigh the pros and cons of
    their actions?
  • For some youth, engaging in criminal activities
    may be the most rational choice they can make.
  • For some youth, the greater certainty and
    severity of punishment can increase behaviors as
    a means of increasing status.

And a last consideration
  • The United States has the highest violent crime
    rate of all industrialized nations.
  • They also have the highest rates of
    incarcerations (except that Canada incarcerates
    more youth).
  • This contradicts the notion that imprisonment
    will reduce crime the premise that get tough
    on crime policies take that is based on the
    classical perspective.

Strain and Sub-cultural Theories
  • Strain theory has its focus on the relationships
    between individuals and social structures.
  • All social structures exert pressures on
    individuals to conform to certain behavioral

  • These behaviors can either be socially sanctioned
    (conformist) or socially rejected (deviant).

  • Modern western society encourages/expects youth
    to take on certain behaviors and to accept
    certain expectations.

  • What are these certain social expectations?
  • Obedience.
  • A successful completion of at least high school.
  • Internalization of a strong, individualistic work

  • Criminal behaviors result from the strain youth
    face between the goals sanctioned by society and
    legitimate opportunities to meet these goals.

  • When youth are unable to legitimately meet these
    goals they experience strain.
  • They may search for alternative and illegitimate
    ways to meet the goals.

Robert K. Merton (1938)
  • Argued that there were several potential outcomes
    to strain.

  • Conformists individuals who accept socially
    determined goals and develop legitimate ways to
    accomplish their goals.

  • Ritualists individuals who do not particularly
    subscribe to socially sanctioned goals, but who
    maintain conventional, or legitimate, behaviors

  • Innovators individuals who face blocked
    opportunities to achieve socially sanctioned
    goals and may potentially resort to alternative,
    and often illegal, behaviors to achieve their

  • Retreatists individuals who are unable to
    legitimately meet their goals and who simply drop
    out of society all together.

Albert Cohen (1955)
  • Built upon and added to Mertons work.
  • Cohen observed that much of the crime committed
    by youth appeared to be aimless and malicious.

  • He argued that youth do not necessarily accept
    the culturally transmitted social goal of
    economic success and financial accumulation that
    appears to motivate adults.

  • Instead of financial success, these youth were
    searching for the status and respect they could
    not command in their schools and communities.

  • These institutions were based on middle-class
    values and morals and incorporated middle-class
    measuring rods in order to judge youth.

  • Status frustration results when working-class
    youth are unable to meet those standards.
  • The resulting strain could manifest itself in
    several ways.

  • Some youth could strive to meet these
    middle-class expectations.
  • Other youth could reject these standards and
    develop their own working-class expectations.

  • Other youth could gravitate towards like-minded
    youth and form their own sub-culture.
  • This would allow the participant to achieve the
    status he/she craved.

  • Achieving this status in the sub-culture might
    mean turning over middle-class values and
    expectations and doing the opposite of what is
    expected from successful middle-class youth.

R. Cloward L. Ohlin (1960)
  • Added a sub-cultural dimension to the work of
    Merton and Cohen with their theory of
    Differential Opportunity.

  • Criminal activities resulting from strain could
    actually be motivated by a drive for both
    financial success and gaining status.

  • Therefore, it is important to consider the issue
    of access to illegitimate opportunities when
    considering motivations for criminal behaviors.

  • Some individuals live in environments where
    criminal behavior is the norm.

  • These individuals have to opportunity to learn
    and internalize criminal values and norms as well
    as the techniques needed to engage in deviance.
  • This would lead to the development of criminal

  • There was also the potential for violent or
    conflicting sub-cultures to emerge where there
    were no opportunities (either legitimate or
    illegitimate) for goal achievement or where youth
    could achieve status and relieve frustrations
    through participation in gang violence.

Criticisms of Strain/Sub-cultural Theories
  • Based on the assumption that all individuals
    accept and aspire to these goals and values.
  • Issue of originality where does strain
  • Fails to deal with social issues which may block
    opportunities or deny access to legitimate means
    of goal attainment.

  • Fails to discuss why and how some activities are
    defined as deviant/criminal in the first place.
  • Fails to address the gendered nature of crime.

Edwin Sutherland (circa 1947)
  • Differential Association Theory foundation is
    in the idea that criminal activity is learned.
  • Argued that all behavior is learned through
    interactions with others in a communication

  • Majority of learning happens in intimate groups
    and includes learning the motivations and
    rationalizations for engaging in certain

  • These behaviors may be socially acceptable of
    they may be deviant/criminal.
  • Sutherland developed concepts to assist in
    understanding how differential associations vary
    in terms of quality and strength.

Focus is on the importance of
  • Frequency the number of times one is exposed to
  • Duration the length of time one is exposed to

  • Priority the extent to which people are exposed
    to learning at early stages of their development
  • Intensity the importance to the potential
    delinquent of the individual from whom he/she is

  • Sutherland also argued that learning deviant
    behavior was like learning socially acceptable
    behavior and criminal behavior could not be
    explained in reference to the general needs and
    values of criminals as these appeared to be the
    same as non-criminal individuals.

  • He also argued that is association with criminals
    could lead to an individual learning criminal
    behaviors, then associating with pro-social,
    non-criminal groups or individuals could provide
    opportunities to learn acceptable, non-criminal

  • This theory has been extremely influential in the
    study of crime.
  • It has highlighted the role of learning and
    relationships with others in regards to criminal
  • It has provided a way of exploring why, when
    facing similar situations (such as poverty or
    racism) some people engage in criminal behaviors
    while others do not.

Challenges to Differential Association Theory.
  • One of the most important criticism of this
    theory is based on the concept of causality.
  • How do youth come to associate with a criminal
    element? They may seek them out for social
    support and understanding.

  • By focusing on how individuals learn criminal
    behavior, theorists ignore or deny the influence
    of social structure.
  • Learning approaches need to incorporate an
    analysis of the influence of the social
    environment on the process of learning criminal

R.J. Sampson J. Lauritsen (1990)
  • Routine Activities Theory argues the potential
    for violent/delinquent activities increases with
    exposure to violent/delinquent activities.
  • Individuals who experience violent environments
    and victimization will legitimate the use of
    violence as a viable solution more readily than

  • There appears to be a strong relationship between
    violence at home and future anti-social
  • Youth may seek out others who approve and
    encourage the use of violence.
  • Same fundamental criticisms that apply to
    differential association theory apply to this
    theory the influence of social structure is
    played down.

Ecological Theories.
  • Study the impact of social environment on
    communities, individuals, and criminality.
  • Chicago School 1920s most famous of the
    ecological theories.

  • Focused on the ways in which human societies
    resembled the organization and interrelationship
    between plants and animals in nature.

C. Shaw H. D. McKay (1930s)
  • Applied the theory to the study of youth crime.
  • The physical shape and character of communities
    created conditions under which delinquent/criminal
    behavior could take place.

  • Focused their work on social disorganization and
    links to criminal activities.

R. J. Sampson W. B. Groves (late 1980s)
  • Defined the links between neighborhood
    disorganization and criminal activity as
  • Low socio-economic status.
  • A mix of different ethnic groups.
  • High levels of social mobility.
  • Broken homes and family disruptions.

  • The fundamental premise is that neighborhoods
    that exhibit high levels of these factors are
    more likely to generate crime because the social
    controls that prevent people from committing
    delinquent/criminal acts are weak or missing.

  • Shaw and McKay further their explanation by
    stating that the morals and values of the youth
    in these disorganized neighborhoods have been
    culturally transmitted by the greater number of
    individuals who have internalized criminal values.

Criticisms to social disorganization approaches
  • There may be multiple other factors that
    contribute to youth crime in particular
  • These may include high levels of unemployment,
    family disruption, and poverty.

  • These theories do not focus on the roots of
    social disorganization namely inequality,
    systemic racism, and changing economic
  • Not all youth in disorganized communities engage
    in delinquent/criminal behaviors.

  • This perspective has the potential to target
    certain neighborhoods for interventions based on
    factors such as socio-economic status and

  • If working-class or ethnic neighborhoods are
    considered more criminogenic there is a tendency
    to focus crime control policies in these areas.

Social Control Theories
  • Unlike theories that focus on why youth commit
    delinquent/criminal acts, social control theories
    focus on what stops youth from engaging in
    delinquent/criminal behaviors.

Travis Hirschi (circa 1969)
  • Fundamental premise is that appropriate
    socialization will create a strong bond between
    the individual and society.
  • This strong bond will prevent youth from engaging
    in criminal behaviors.

Four elements of the bond.
  • Attachment the degree of emotional regard and
    respect one has for other individuals.
  • Commitment the degree to which an individual
    entertains and pursues ideas about conventional
    objectives such as a respectable career.

  • Involvement the time and energy one invests
    participating in conventional activities.
  • Belief the degree of respect held by
    individuals for the framework of moral order and
    law of conventional society.

  • The lower the level of these bonds, the higher
    the likelihood of deviant or criminal behavior.
  • Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) argue that poor
    parental supervision or ineffective punishment
    when combined with situations that are conductive
    to delinquency lead to poor self-control for
    youth and are the main reasons youth engage in
    criminal behaviors.

W. Reckless (1961)
  • Containment Theory -a variation on social control
  • Individuals resist criminal behaviors for two
    main reasons.

  • Inner containment - they resist because they have
    been socialized to resist temptations and to hold
    a strong belief in conventional goals.

  • Outer containment individuals resist criminal
    behaviors because of prohibitions created by

G. M. Sykes D. Matza (1957)
  • Yet another version of social control theory.
  • Known as Techniques of Neutralization
  • Youth lose self control and engage in criminal
    behavior because they are able to
    self-rationalize and justify their activities.

  • Most youth are fully aware and understand the
    moral implications of criminal behavior and they
    believe, for the most part, in the moral
    standards and laws of society.
  • The majority of these youth feel shame and
    remorse over their actions.

D Matza (1964)
  • Later adds the concept of drift to the theory.
  • He suggests that youth drift between conformity
    and deviance and do so because they are able to
    neutralize the impact of their actions.
  • They do so be verbalizing about their actions in
    five ways.

These are
  • Denial of responsibility the youth contends
    that his/her behavior is not his/her personal
    responsibility, but that of another person or

  • Denial of injury the youth contends that no one
    was actually hurt by his/her actions.
  • Denial of the victim the youth argues that the
    victim had it coming to them or deserved it.

  • Condemnation of the condemners the young person
    attempts to turn the tables on his or her
    accusers, with statements like well, you do it
    too, or, youre just as bad.

  • Appeal to higher loyalties the youth contend
    that his/her commitment and allegiance to the
    group is more important than to society or
    conventional others.
  • Or that gangs or friends forced him/her to do
    what he/she did.

J. Hagan, J. Simpson A. R. Gillis (circa 1978)
  • Power-control Theory attempts to incorporate
    gender into social control theories of crime and

  • Similar to other social control theories in that
    is assumes that delinquency and criminality are
    forms of risk-taking behaviors.

  • Goal is to explore sex differences in
    delinquency/criminality by examining the
    influences of variations in parenting styles of
    the behaviors of young males and females.

  • They argue that parental control and youth
    attitudes toward risk-taking are affected by
    family relations.

Two ideal family types are explored.
  • Patriarchal male employed outside the home in a
    position of authority and the wife is not
    employed outside the home.

  • Egalitarian both husband and wife are employed
    in positions of authority outside the home.

So, how will power by exercised within the family
  • Patriarchal
  • Traditional division of labor
  • Fathers, but even more so mothers, are expected
    to control daughters.
  • Daughters socialized to concentrate on domestic
    labor, sons to prepare for participation in
    outside workforce.

  • Egalitarian
  • More equal distribution of labor.
  • More equal expectations of control between
    parents and children.
  • Sons and daughters encouraged to prepare for
    participation in outside workforce.

  • Based on these assumptions, Hagan et. al. predict
    that patriarchal families will be characterized
    by large gender differences in common delinquent
  • Egalitarian families will be characterized by
    smaller gender differences in delinquency.
  • Why?

Challenges to social control theories.
  • If people are motivated to choose delinquent
    criminal behaviors to meet needs, why in the face
    of temptations of the majority of youth conform
    to social expectations and moral standards?

  • Why are there not a greater number of youth
    participating in delinquent/criminal activities?

  • Social control theories also assume that
    delinquent/criminal youth violate norms and
    expectations upon which the rest of society

  • This assumption is based on a core belief that
    consensus and not conflict is a primary
    characteristic of society.

  • Finally, one needs to consider the notion of
    causal direction.

  • Control theories are based on the premise that
    weak bonds to society cause delinquent/criminal

  • However, we could ask does delinquency/
    criminality result from poor bonds to society or
    is it the other way around?
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