Title: Diapositive 1
1Chap IX - RDF Resource Description Framework
Chap X - AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
Transparent - 1
2Sommaire du Cours
- Chap I - Documents Historique, Modèles,
Standards et Références - Chap II - HTML voir le cours CIP1-CMD HTML5
- Chap III - XML "eXtensible Markup Language",
les Bases - Chap IV - DTD "Document Type Definition"
- Chap V - CSS Feuilles de Styles en Cascades
CSS3 - Chap VI - DOM, DHTML "Domain Object Model "
Programmation Dynamique en HTML SPRY JQuery - Chap VII - XSD Schémas XML
- Chap VIII - XML "Advanced" Processeurs et
Dialectes XPath, Xlink - Chap IX - XSLT Transformations XML
- Chap X - RDF "Resource Description Framework"
- Chap IX - AJAX "Asynchronous JavaScript And XML"
- Savoir-Faire Know Hows
XLINK XSLT - Etat de l'art
Transparent 2
3Some Références
- Web
- EPU courses (in French)
- Création Manipulltion de Document
http//www.polytech.unice.fr/pfz/cmd.html - Introduction to Internet http//rainbow.i3s.unice
.fr/iai/ - Langages Documents httpwww.polytech.unicefr/p
fz/document.html - W3C tutorial http//www.w3schools.com/
- Mozilla Development Center http//developer.mozil
la.org/en/docs/Main_Page - W3C, http//www.w3.org/
- Web Developer's Bookmarks http//antriksh.com/reso
urces/ - Biblio
- many issues at EPU's lib
Transparent 3
4Documentation et Manuels
- Documents du web
- liste de balises HTML
- code des couleurs RVB
- code HTML des caractères ISO
- liste des extensions de fichiers (formats)
- Expressions Rationnelles
- Manuels.
- Expressions régulières sous Emacs
- Recherche et remplacement sous Emacs
- compléments Emacs
- grep sous Unix
- Tutoriaux du Web
- W3C http//www.w3schools.com/
- CSS Play http//www.cssplay.co.uk/index
- Zen Garden http//www.csszengarden.com/tr/franca
is/ - CSS in10 steps http//www.barelyfitz.com/screenc
ast/html-training/css/positioning/ - 10 steps to better CSS http//shapeshed.com/jour
Transparent 4
5Références Web
Transparent 5
- API Application Programming Interface
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- ASCII American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (128 car.) - AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript XML
- CSS Cascading Style Sheets
- DHTML Dynamic HTML
- DOM Document Object Model
- DTD Document Type Definition
- HTML HyperText Markup Language
- HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
- ISO - International Standards Organization
- Mozilla - Fondation (global community for free
and open Internet software)) - MVC - Model View Controler
- RDF - Resource Description Framework
- REST - Representational State Transfer
- RIA - Rich Internet Application
- RSS - Really Simple Syndication
- SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SOAP - Simple Access Object Protocol
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7Chap IX - RDF Resource Description Framework
RDF/XML Dublin Core OWLRDF validator
Transparent - 7
8RDF- Resource Description Framework (W3C)
- RDF is a part of the W3C's Semantic Web Activity
- RDF is a W3C Recommendation
- RDF is a framework for describing resources on
the web - RDF provides a model for data, and a syntax so
that independent parties can exchange and use it - RDF is designed to be read and understood by
computers - RDF is not designed for being displayed to people
- RDF is a XML Dialect
- RDF - Examples of Use
- Describing properties for shopping items, such as
price and availability - Describing time schedules for web events
- Describing information about web pages, such as
content, author, created and modified date - Describing content and rating for web pictures
- Describing content for search engines
- Describing electronic libraries.
- RDF and "The Semantic Web"(W3C's "Semantic Web
Vision") - Web information has exact meaning
- Web information can be understood and processed
by computers - Computers can integrate information from the web
Transparent 8
9RDF/XML Resource with Properties and Values
- A Resource is anything that can have a URI
(about), such as "http//polytech/LANGDOC/RDF" - A Property is a Resource that has a name, such as
ltauthorgtor lthomepagegt - A Property value, such as "Paul Franchi" or
"http//www.polytech.unice.fr/pfz" -
- W3C RDF Syntax Validator Graph Generator
RDF Namespace
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt lt!--
RDF file pour ce cours --gt ltrdfRDF
-ns" xmlnspol"http//polytech"
gt ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//polytech/LANG
DOC/RDF"gt ltpolauthorgt Paul Franchi
lt/polauthorgt ltpolhomepagegt http//www.polytech.
unice.fr/pfz lt/polhomepagegt lt/rdfDescriptiongt
Transparent 9
10RDF - Graphe Entité-Relation
- Un modèle de Graphe Entités/Relations
- Une syntaxe RDF/XML pour "sérialiser" le graphe
Transparent 10
11RDF Description, Property, Attribute, Value,
RDF Namespace
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt ltrdf
RDF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-s
yntax-ns" xmlnscd"http//www.Bib/cd"gt
ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.Bib/cd/Em
pire Burlesque" cdartist"Bob Dylan"
cdcountry"USA" cdcompany"Columbia"
cdprice"10.90" cdyear"1985"
/gt ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.Bib/cd
/Hide your heart"gt ltcdartist rdfresource"http
//www.Bib/cd/Bonnie Tyler" /gt ltcdcompanygtCBS
Recordslt/cdcompanygt ltcdyeargt1988lt/cdyeargt
lt/rdfDescriptiongt . . . lt/rdfRDFgt
Bib Namespace
Transparent 11
12RDF - W3C Syntax Validator Graph Generator
Transparent 12
13RDF Bag et les autres Conteneurs
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt ltrdfR
DF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syn
tax-ns" xmlnscd"http//www.Bib/cd"gt
ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.Bib/cd/Bea
tles"gt ltcdartistgt ltrdfBaggt
ltrdfligtJohnlt/rdfligt ltrdfligtPaullt/rdfligt
ltrdfligtGeorgelt/rdfligt ltrdfligtRingolt/rdfli
gt lt/rdfBaggt lt/cdartistgt lt/rdfDescriptiongt lt
Transparent 13
14RDF Bag, Seq, Alt
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt ltrdfR
DF xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syn
tax-ns" xmlnscd"http//www.Bib/cd"gt
ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.Bib/cd/Be
atles"gt ltcdartistgt ltrdfBaggt
ltrdfligtJohnlt/rdfligt ltrdfligtPaullt/rdfligt
ltrdfligtGeorgelt/rdfligt ltrdfligtRingolt/rdfli
gt lt/rdfBaggt lt/cdartistgt lt/rdfDescriptiongt .
. . lt/rdfRDFgt
ltcdartistgt ltrdfSeqgt ltrdfligtGeorgelt/rdfligt
ltrdfligtJohnlt/rdfligt ltrdfligtPaullt/rdfligt
ltrdfligtRingolt/rdfligt lt/rdfSeqgt lt/cdartistgt
ltcdformatgt ltrdfAltgt ltrdfligtCDlt/rdfligt
ltrdfligtRecordlt/rdfligt ltrdfligtTapelt/rdfligt
lt/rdfAltgt lt/cdformatgt
Transparent 14
15RDF- les utilisations classiques
- Dublin Core MetaData
- Mozilla
- contents.rdf
- chrome.rdf
- Communication par RDF files (génération par Php,
etc.) - RSS 1.0
Transparent 15
16Dublin Core
- The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) has
created some predefined properties for describing
Property Definition
Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource
Coverage The extent or scope of the content of the resource
Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource
Format The physical or digital manifestation of the resource
Date A date of an event in the lifecycle of the resource
Description An account of the content of the resource
Identifier An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context
Language A language of the intellectual content of the resource
Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available
Relation A reference to a related resource
Rights Information about rights held in and over the resource
Source A Reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived
Subject A topic of the content of the resource
Title A name given to the resource
Type The nature or genre of the content of the resource
Transparent 16
17Dublin Core
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt lt!--
RDF file pour le Tutorial de W3Schools--gt ltrdfRD
F xmlnsrdf"http//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-synt
ax-ns" xmlnsdc "http//purl.org/dc/elements/
1.1/" gt ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.w3
schools.com "gt ltdctitlegtD-Lib
Programlt/dctitlegt ltdcdescriptiongtW3Schools -
Free tutorialslt/dcdescriptiongt
ltdcpublishergtRefsnes Data aslt/dcpublishergt
ltdcdategt1999-09-01lt/dcdategt ltdctypegtWeb
Developmentlt/dctypegt ltdcformatgttext/htmllt/dcfo
rmatgt ltdclanguagegtenlt/dclanguagegt
lt/rdfDescriptiongt lt/rdfRDFgt
Transparent 17
18OWL - "Web Ontology Language " (W3C)
- What is OWL?
- OWL is built on top of RDF as a web standard
- OWL is for processing information on the web
- OWL was designed to be interpreted by computers
- OWL was not designed for being read by people
- OWL is written in XML
- OWL has three sublanguages
- OWL Lite
- OWL DL (includes OWL Lite)
- OWL Full (includes OWL DL)
- OWL is Different from RDF
- OWL is a stronger language with greater machine
interpretability than RDF. - OWL comes with a larger vocabulary and stronger
syntax than RDF.
What is Ontology? For the web, Ontology is about
the exact description of web information and
relationships between web information.
- OWL Example (Airport)
- OWL Resource http//www.daml.org/2001/10/html/air
port-ont - Class Airport
- Properties
- elevation
- iataCode
- icaoCode
- latitude
- location
- longitude
- name
Transparent 18
19Chap X - AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
Http synchrone XMLHttpRequest
Les exemples AJAX tournent sous FF3, mais pas
(encore) sous FF4
Transparent - 19
20AJAX- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
- AJAX is not a new programming language, but a
technique for creating better, faster, and more
interactive web applications. - With AJAX, your JavaScript can communicate
directly with the server, using the JavaScript
XMLHttpRequest object. With this object, your
JavaScript can trade data with a web server,
without reloading the page. - AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP
requests) between the browser and the web server,
allowing web pages to request small bits of
information from the server instead of whole
pages. - The AJAX technique makes Internet applications
smaller, faster and more user-friendly. - AJAX is a browser technology independent of web
server software. - AJAX is based on the following web standards
- JavaScript
Transparent 20
21AJAX schéma "HttpRequest / Response"
lthtmlgt ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
function HTTP() lt/scriptgt ltbodygt
HTTP() lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Côté "Serveur"
Synchronebloquant ou Asynchrone non bloquant
Côté "Client"
Transparent 21
22- 0 (non init)
- 1 (connexion)
- 2 (requete)
- 3 (réponse),
- 4 (terminé)
L'Objet XMLHttpRequest
- Attributs
- readyState
- status 200 si ok - 404 si la page n'est pas
trouvée. - responseText données chargées dans une chaîne de
caractères. - responseXml données chargées sous forme xml,
- onreadystatechange propriété activée par un
évènement de changement d'état. On lui assigne
une fonction. - Méthodes
- open(mode, url, boolean)
- mode type de requête, GET ou POST
- url l'adresse des données,
- boolean true (asynchrone) / false (synchrone).
- en option on peut ajouter un login et un mot de
passe. - send("chaine") null pour une commande GET.
Transparent 22
23Script AJAX
function submitForm() var xhr
try xhr new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTT
P') catch (e) //IE try
xhr new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
catch (e2) //FF try xhr
new XMLHttpRequest() catch
(e3) xhr false
xhr.onreadystatechange function()
if(xhr.readyState 4)
if(xhr.status 200)
xhr.responseText else
document.ajax.dyn"Error code "
xhr.status xhr.open(
GET", "data.xml", true) xhr.send(null)
Transparent 23
24"Http synchrone"
"Request" synchrone sur un serveur
lthtmlgt ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
function syncHTTP() try var xmlHttp
try // IE7, Firefox, Opera 8.0, Safari
e("UniversalBrowserRead") xmlHttpnew
XMLHttpRequest() catch (e)
alert("Your browser is not a good one!") return
false xmlHttp.open ("GET","http//www.w3s
chools.com/ajax/time.asp", false) // synchrone
xmlHttp.send (null) if(xmlHttp.status
! 200) throw new ERROR("HTTP "
xmlHttp.status) //200OK
catch (e) alert("Erreur au HTTP") return
false // syncHTTP() lt/scriptgt ltbodygt ltform
name"myForm"gt Name ltinput type"text"
onkeyup"syncHTTP() " name"username" /gt Time
ltinput type"text" name"time" /gt lt/formgt lt/bodygt
"false" synchrone
Transparent 24
25"Request" sur un serveur (url, .asp ou.php)
lthtmlgt ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
var xmlHttp function ajaxFunction() /
voir suivant / xmlHttp.onreadystatechange
function() / voir suivant /
lt/scriptgt ltform name"myForm"gt Name ltinput
type"text" onkeyup"ajaxFunction()"
name"username" /gt Time ltinput type"text"
name"time" /gt lt/formgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
- XMLHttpRequest asynchrone onreadystatechange()
Transparent 25
26"Request" sur un serveur (url, .asp ou.php)
function ajaxFunction() var xmlHttp try
// IE7, Firefox, Opera 8.0, Safari
("UniversalBrowserRead") xmlHttp new
XMLHttpRequest() catch (e) // Internet
Explorer 6 et - try xmlHttpnew
ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") catch (e)
try xmlHttpnew
catch (e) alert("Your browser does not support
AJAX!") return false
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange function()
if (xmlHttp.readyState4) document.myForm.t
ime.value xmlHttp.responseText
time.asp", true) xmlHttp.send (null) //
"true" asynchrone
- XMLHttpRequest asynchrone onreadystatechange()
Transparent 26
27"Request" sur un document .xml
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt lts
cript type"text/javascript"gt lt!CDATA
var xmlhttp function loadXMLDoc (url)
xmlhttpnull if (window.XMLHttpRequest) //
code for IE7, Firefox, Mozilla, etc.
("UniversalBrowserRead") xmlhttpnew
XMLHttpRequest() else if (window.ActiveXObjec
t) // code for IE5, IE6 xmlhttp new
ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") if
(xmlhttp!null) xmlhttp.onreadystatechange
onResponse xmlhttp.open ("GET", url, true)
xmlhttp.send (null) else alert ("Your
browser does not support XMLHTTP.")
- XMLHttpRequest asynchrone onResponse()
Transparent 27
28"Request" sur un document .xml
function onResponse() if (xmlhttp.readyState!4
) return if (xmlhttp.status!0
xmlhttp.status!200) // OK? alert ("Problem
retrieving XML data") return
() gt lt/scriptgt lt/headgt ltbodygt ltdiv
id"copy"gt ltbutton onclick"loadXMLDoc('cd_catalog
.xml')"gtGet CD infolt/buttongt lt/divgt lt/bodygt
- XMLHttpRequest asynchrone onResponse()
Transparent 28
29"Request" sur un document .xml
TRAITEMENT_DU_TEXTE() // extraction du
"string source" var reponse xmlhttp.responseText
/ traitement avec RegExp, match(),
split(), substr(), slice(), etc. / var
debutnew RegExp ("\\d\\D?lt\/CDgt") alert
- XMLHttpRequest responseText
Transparent 29
30"Request" sur un document .xml
TRAITEMENT_DU_XML() txt"lttable
border'1'gt" x xmlhttp.responseXML. documentE
lement.getElementsByTagName("CD") for
(i0iltx.lengthi) txttxt "lttrgt"
try txttxt "lttdgt" xx0.firstChild.nodeV
alue "lt/tdgt" catch (er) txttxt
"lttdgt lt/tdgt" xxxi.getElementsByTagN
ame("ARTIST") try txttxt
"lttdgt" xx0.firstChild.nodeValue "lt/tdgt"
catch (er) txttxt "lttdgt lt/tdgt"
txttxt "lt/trgt" txttxt
"lt/tablegt" document.getElementById('copy').innerH
TML txt
- XMLHttpRequest responseXML.
Transparent 30