Title: Intrastate Crowdfunding: Raising Capital from the Community
1Intrastate Crowdfunding Raising Capital from the
David Dupee, Founder CEO
2Intro to Crowdfunding
- Rewards (kickstarter) emotional connection, try
new products - Accredited investors (CircleUp) financial return
- Retail/general public (CraftFund) Packers Plus
mix of emotional and financial
3Intrastate Crowdfunding Probably Wont Fund Next
- Not clear how VCs and other institutional
investors will view crowdfunded companies - Adverse selection institutional investors
already focused on certain verticals - Tech and certain B2B companies might not meet
test to qualify as company doing substantial
business in WI (80 of assets, revenue, and
offering proceeds come from in state)
4Intrastate Crowdfunding Likely Works Best for
Main Street Biz
- Consumer and place-based businesses have added
marketing incentive to build brand advocates - Investments easier to understand and do due
diligence on - Millennials key demographic
- Future investor class 75M
- Already familiar with crowdfunding
- Different approach to investing
5What the Limited Data on Investment Crowdfunding
- U.S. Title III of JOBS Act yet to take effect.
Other exemptions used to allow general public to
invest online - intrastate guitar company, brewery
- Reg A real estate
- UK. Investment crowdfunding legal for 3 years
with consumer products as one of the strongest
6Sound Familiar? BrewDog Example
- Scottish brewer raised nearly 4M by turning
12,000 fans into shareholders
Our strategy has always been to try to shorten
the distance as much as possible between
ourselves and the people who drink our beers.
Very quickly it became clear that the excitement
was as much about belonging somewhere as about
money. - Harvard Business Review
7What Does this Mean for WI?
- Getting ahead of the curve 10 states have since
passed similar law - Economic development
- Restaurants largest private sector employer in
state - Food and beverage manufacturers account for 10B
in revenue and key driver of tourism - Attract and retain millennial workforce
8David Dupee, Founder CEO CraftFund
LLC www.craftfund.com david_at_craftfund.com _at_CraftFu
nd _at_CraftFundWI