Title: A Company with a Vision
1A Company with a Vision
- The mission of Flora is to participate in the
continuing evolution of the people on Earth
toward universal harmony, peace and perfection by
providing products and services for the
purification and upliftment of the body and the
spirit, and by providing to each person who
derives a livelihood with Flora, an opportunity
for personal growth and advancement of these
goals in life.
2Udos Probiotics
Friendly Intestinal Bacteria
3Udos Choice ProbioticsBackground
- Henry Tissier- 1899 (_at_ Pasteurs laboratory)
- Discovered- Anaerobic lactic acid bacteria
Bacillus Bifidus - Found that the most predominant bacteria in the
intestines of breast-fed infants were Bacillus
Bifidus - Ernst Moro- 1900 (Escherichs Laboratory- Graz,
Austria) - Discovered Anaerobic Lactic acid bacteria
Bacillus Acidophilus - Elie Metchnikoff 1900 ( Pastures institute
28yrs) - 1908 Nobel prize for work on the immune system
- wrote that Bulgarian peasants who consumed large
amounts of yogurt lived long, healthy lives - Dr. Mitsuoka - 1970s
- Demonstrated how the composition of intestinal
flora changes during our lifetime. First
suggested probiotic supplementation
4Udos Choice ProbioticsBackground
- Why more Bifidobacteria when we get older?
- Because, with age, the population of
Bifidobacteria in the colon has a natural
tendency to decrease while Coliforms and Welchs
Bacilli colonies are increasing. - This is when the immune system starts weakening
and when the incidence of colon related ailments
increases. - People aged 45 should therefore regularly supply
their colon with high doses of Bifidobacteria in
order to prevent development and growth of
disease germs.
5Udos Choice Probiotics Digestive Health
- 1000s years bacteria adopted to specific
environments - Lactic Acid producing bacteria (Anaerobic)
- Over 500 different types of bacteria in humans
intestines - 10s of trillions per gram of content
6Udos Choice Probiotics Digestive Health
- Two main groups
- Lactobacilli small intestine
- Bifidobacteria large intestine
7Udos Choice Probiotics Benefits
- Lower intestinal pH producing lactic acid that
favor growth of more beneficial organisms - Most important contribution is that they limit
the growth of putrefactive and pathogenic
bacteria inside the digestive system
8Udos Choice Probiotics Benefits
- Support immune system
- Lactic Acetic Acids
- Produce antimicrobial bacteriocins
- Immunoglobulins- IgA
- Interferon
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Protect against yeast fungal infections
9Udos Choice Probiotics Benefits
- Assist digestion
- Produce enzymes
- lactase
- Reduce food intolerance and gas
- Reduce food allergies
- Enhance nutrient absorption
10Udos Choice Probiotics Benefits
- Other Benefits
- Protect heal intestinal lining
- Glycoproteins
- SCFAs- fuel mucosa cells
- Support growth development
- (N SCFAs)
- Lower blood cholesterol
- Produce vitamin Bs and K
11Udos Choice Probiotics Strain Selection
- Survival, Growth Efficacy
- Gastric resistance
- Bile tolerance
- Survival rate
- Enzymatic activity (saccharolytic)
- Ferment sugars
- Probiotic properties
- Lactic acid production
- Antibiotic profile (Gram negative)
12Udos Choice Probiotics Features of
- Research based age specific probiotic strains
concentrations - Tested strain compatibility for maximized potency
- Tested to survive ph3/4 acidity levels and 10
bile - No enteric-coated required
- Best taken after meal (lower ph food
13Udos Choice Probiotics Features of
- Human origin strains with natural compatibility
and adaptation to human intestinal environment
for beneficial symbiotic survival and growth - Allergen free potato starch excipient
- Vegetal-capsules with lower internal moisture
content (-10) assures longer bacterial survival
and higher potency - Udos probiotic strains double in population
every 15min
14Udos Choice Probiotics Features of
New Formulas
- Higher potency at manufacture
- 24 months expiry period
- All medicinal strains as per NHPD
- Lower moisture super dry potato starch excipient
15Udos Choice Probiotics Digestive Health
- Super Toddlers Probiotic
- Super Childrens Probiotic
- Super Adults Probiotic
- Super Advance Adults Probiotic
- Super 8 Hi-potency Probiotics
- Super Bifido Plus
- Super 5 Probiotic
16Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Toddler's Probiotic
- For Toddlers Children 12 months 4 years
(powder) - 6 infant toddler-specific bacterial strains
- Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium infantis
- Important for infant diarrhea, constipation, food
allergies, immune support and antibiotic use - Supports Healthy digestive system function and
development - Supports growth development (N B vit)
17Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Toddler's Probiotic
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 3 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 1.7 Billion
- EXP Date of 2 years
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 2 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 1.7 Billion
- EXP Date of 1 years
18Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Childrens Probiotic
- For children 4 and over
- 7 bacterial strains specific for healthy
childhood microflora - Immune support - Limits the action of invading
pathogens and disease-causing bacteria (E. coli,
Salmonella, Shigella) - Protects against diarrhea
- Produces lactase for lactose digestion
- Reduces allergies
- Supports digestion and absorption of nutrients
- Manufactures important B vitamins
- Promotes regular bowel movements
19Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Childrens Probiotic
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 5 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 3 Billion
- EXP Date of 2 years
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 4 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 3 Billion
- EXP Date of 1 years
20Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Adults Probiotic
- For Healthy Adults 16 55 years
- 6 adult-specific bacterial strains
- Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium blend
- Immune support
- Emphasis on digestion
- Reduce lactose intolerance
- Reduce gas and indigestion
- Supports regularity
- Protects against infection and yeast overgrowth
21Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Adults Probiotic
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 17 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 10 Billion
- EXP Date of 2 years
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 12 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 10 Billion
- EXP Date of 1 years
22Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Advanced Adults Probiotic
- For Adults 55 (seniors) or adults with lower
bowel conditions - 7 strain blend of Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium
- Formulated based on Dr. Mitsuokas research
- Higher percentage and concentration of
Bifidobacteria for additional colon protection - Reduces gas, indigestion and food intolerance
- Irritated bowel, colitis, diarrhea constipation
- Protection against infection
23Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Advanced Adults Probiotic
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 34 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 20 Billion
- EXP Date of 2 years
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 24 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 20 Billion
- EXP Date of 1 years
24Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super 8 Plus Probiotic
- For Correcting significant Imbalance 19 years
up - High potency-42 billion per capsule
- 8 bacterial strains to reduce yeast overgrowth
- Designed specifically with a higher concentration
of L. acidophilus - Formulated for yeast (Candida) overgrowth Leaky
gut - Suppresses bacteria involved in vaginal and
urinary tract infections
25Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super 8 Plus Probiotic
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 42 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 25 Billion
- EXP Date of 2 years
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 30 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 25 Billion
- EXP Date of 1 years
26Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Bifido Plus
- Super high potency formula 100 billion
- 8 Probiotic strains for significant flora
imbalance - Maximum support to restore friendly bacteria
populations - 80 Bifidobacteria to support colon health
- Diarrhea, IBS, Colitis, Celiac, Crohn's, Leaky
gut, chronic constipation, etc. - Supports healing of intestinal lining
27Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super Bifido Plus
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 102 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 61 Billion
- EXP Date of 2 years
- Cell Count
- _at_ MFG 70 Billion
- Cell Count
- _at_ EXP 61 Billion
- EXP Date of 1 years
28Udos Choice Probiotics Features Benefits
Super 5 Plus Lozenge
- New 2 Billion per lozenge
- 5 Specific strains to support oral upper
digestive tract health - protect against the harmful microorganisms that
cause - Thrush
- Gum infections
- Tooth decay
- Irritated inflamed mouth tissue
- Bad breath
- Throat Esophagus infections
29Bacterial Species and Benefits
30Udos Choice Probiotics Digestive Health
- What increases the need for Probiotics
- Stress
- Refined processed foods
- Fluoridated/Chlorinated water
- Food chemical preservatives and pesticides
- Prescription drugs (Birth control pills)
- Cortisone-type drugs
- Antibiotics
- Alcohol
31Udos Choice Probiotics Digestive Health
- Conditions that Require Probiotics
- Excessive foul gas
- Blotting and indigestion
- Chronic diarrhea
- Constipation
- Celiac
- Crohns
- Leaky gut
- Yeast infection
- Food poisoning
- Food allergies intolerance
The earth does not belong to us. We have only
borrowed it from our fathers for our sons to
inherit. -Indian Wisdom
Visit us at www.florahealth.com
Flora thanks you for your ongoing partnership in
working to contribute to the improvement of
peoples health and wellbeing, while maintaining
the preservation of our environment an utmost
Created by Alberto Trujillo 2009