Title: fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future
1fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future
2an act of showing respect
3communication using gestures
4to twist, as in pain
5jeering laughter, ridicule
6soothe, pacify
7trying to win favor with flattery
8to consider carefully
9hostile, aggressive
10anger aroused by something unjust
11regret, wretchedness
12belligerent, argumentative
13to speak in a monotonous tone
14distant emotionally
15repetitive boring
16filthy place
17disrespectful, belittling
19willing to receive favorably
20gloomy, dour
22fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future
23menacing, threatening
24an act of showing respect
25to twist, as in pain
26communication using gestures
27soothe, pacify
28trying to win favor with flattery
29jeering laughter, ridicule
30to consider carefully
31hostile, aggressive
32anger aroused by something unjust
33regret, wretchedness
34belligerent, argumentative
35to speak in a monotonous tone
36distant emotionally
37filthy place
39disrespectful, belittling
40willing to receive favorably
41repetitive boring
42gloomy, dour
43menacing, threatening
45fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future
46an act of showing respect
47communication using gestures
48to twist, as in pain
49jeering laughter, ridicule
50soothe, pacify
51trying to win favor with flattery
52to consider carefully
53hostile, aggressive
54anger aroused by something unjust
55regret, wretchedness
56belligerent, argumentative
57to speak in a monotonous tone
58distant emotionally
59repetitive boring
60filthy place
61disrespectful, belittling
63willing to receive favorably
64gloomy, dour
66fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future
67menacing, threatening
68an act of showing respect
69to twist, as in pain
70communication using gestures
71soothe, pacify
72trying to win favor with flattery
73jeering laughter, ridicule
74to consider carefully
75hostile, aggressive
76anger aroused by something unjust
77regret, wretchedness
78belligerent, argumentative
79to speak in a monotonous tone
80distant emotionally
81filthy place
83disrespectful, belittling
84willing to receive favorably
85repetitive boring
86gloomy, dour
87menacing, threatening