Title: Bonding and Molecular Structure
1Chapter 9 and 10
- Bonding and Molecular Structure
2Valence and Core Electrons
- Valence Electrons electrons that participate in
bonding - Core Electrons electrons in an atom that do not
participate in bonding - Main Group Elements s and p orbitals
- Transition Elements ns and (n-1) d orbitals
3Lewis Dot Symbols for Elements
- Element's symbol represents the atomic nucleus
together with the core electrons. - Valence electrons are represented by dots that
are placed around the symbol. - These symbols emphasize the ns2np2 octet that
all noble gases except helium possess.
4Lewis Dot Symbols for Main Group Elements
5Chemical Bond Formation Ionic Bonds
- Electrons are strongly displaced toward one atom
and away from the other. - Generally involve metals from the left side of
the periodic table interacting with nonmetals
form the far right side.
6Lew Symbols and the Octet Rule for Ionic
- The electron configuration of many substances
after ion formation is that of an noble gas ?
octet rule. - Octet rule Main-group elements gain, lose, or
share in chemical bonding so that they attain a
valence octet (eight electrons in an atoms
valence shell).
7Example 1
- The electron configuration of each reactant in
the formation of KCl gives - K is that of Ar
- Cl? is also that of Ar.
- The other electrons in the atom are not as
important in determining the reactivity of that
substance. - The octet rule is particularly important in
compounds involving nonmetals.
8Energy in Ionic Bonding
- When potassium and chlorine atoms approach each
other we have - K(g)? K(g) e? Ei 418 kJ
- Cl(g) e?? Cl?(g) Eea ?349 kJ
- K(g)Cl(g)? K(g) Cl?(g) ?E 69 kJ
9Driving Force of Ionic
- Positive ?E energy absorbed ? energetically not
allowed. - Driving force must be the formation of the
crystalline solid. - K(g) Cl?(g) ? KCl(s)
10Born-Haber Cycle and Lattice Energies
- Overall energetics for the formation of
crystalline solids can be determined from a
Born-Haber cycle which accounts for all of the
steps towards the formation of solid salts from
the elements. For the formation of KCl from its
elements we have -
11Born-Haber Cycle
- Net energy change of ?434 kJ/mol indicates
energetically favored. - Energy for the fifth step is the negative of the
- lattice energy energy required to break ionic
bonds and sublime (always positive).
12Example 2
- Determine the lattice energy of BaCl2 if the
heat of sublimation of Ba is 150.9 kJ/mol and the
1st and 2nd ionization energies are 502 and 966
kJ/mol, respectively. The heat for the synthesis
of BaCl2(s) from its elements is ?806.06 kJ/mol.
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- Lattice energy can also be determined from
Coulombs law - Directly proportional to charge on each ion.
- Inversely proportional to size of compound (sum
of ionic radii).
15Lattice Energies
- Table (right) presents the lattice energies for
alkali and alkaline earth ionic compounds. The
lattice energies - decrease for compounds of a particular cation
with atomic number of the anion. - decrease for compounds of a particular anion with
atomic number of the cation.
Lat. E, kJ/mol Lat. E, kJ/mol
LiF 1030 MgCl2 2326
LiCl 834 SrCl2 2127
LiI 730 MgO 3795
NaF 910 CaO 3414
NaCl 788 SrO 3217
NaBr 732 ScN 7547
NaI 682
KF 808
KCl 701
KBr 671
CsCl 657
CsI 600
16Covalent Bond Formation
- Electrons involved in the bond are more or less
evenly distributed between the atoms, and
electrons are shared by two nuclei. - Covalent bonding generally occurs between
nonmetals, elements that lie in the upper right
corner of the periodic table.
17The Covalent Bond
- Repulsive forces of the electrons offset by the
attractive forces between the electrons and the
two nuclei. - Bonds are characterized in terms of energy and
bond distance
18Strengths of Covalent Bonds
- Bonds form because their formation produces lower
energy state than when atoms are separated. - Breaking bonds increases the overall energy of
the system. Energy for breaking bonds has a
positive sign (negative means that energy is
given off). - H - H (g) ? 2H(g) DH 436 kJ.
19Ionic vs Covalent Bond
- Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling
points and tend to be crystalline - Covalently bound compounds tend to have lower
melting points since the attractive forces
between the molecules are relatively weak.
20Lewis Structures
- Lewis structures are used to indicate valence
electrons and bonds
21Drawing Lewis Structures
- Determine the arrangement of the atoms in the
compound with respect to each other and draw a
skeletal structure. - If the compound is binary, the first element
written down is usually the central atom
(hydrogen is an exception to this). - With a ternary compound (one with three kinds of
elements) the middles atom in the formula is
usually the central one.
22Lewis Structures Cont.
- Determine the total number of valence electrons.
- Subtract two electrons from the valence total for
each bond in the skeletal structure.
23Lewis Structures Cont.
- Determine how many electrons are required for
each element to have a total of eight (there are
several exceptions to this rule). - If a sufficient number of electrons are
available, distribute the remaining electrons
around the element symbols. - If a sufficient number is not available, add
additional bonds making certain to subtract the
electrons used. (Multiple bonds often occur
among the atoms C, N, and O.
24Example 3
- Draw Lewis Electron Dot Structures for the
25Lewis Structures and Resonance
- Quantum theory indicates that any position is
possible for an electron. - Equivalent electron positions often possible
- E.g. SO2 OS-O and O-SO.
- Each structure equally likely.
- the true form of the molecule is a hybrid of
these and is called resonance and the hybrid form
is called a resonance hybrid.
26Example 4
- Draw Lewis Electron Dot Structures for the
27Exceptions to the Octet Rule
- Although many molecules obey the octet rule,
there are exceptions where the central atom has
fewer or more than eight electrons. - Compounds in which an atom has fewer than eight
valence electrons
28- Compounds in which an atom has more than eight
valence electrons - Generally, if a nonmetal is in the third period
or greater it can accommodate as many as twelve
electrons, if it is the central atom. - These elements have unfilled d subshells that
can be used for bonding. -
29Free Radicals
- Molecules with an odd number of electrons
30Example 5
- Draw Lewis Electron Dot Structures for the
following XeF4, ICl3, and SF4
- Formal Charge (of an atom in a Lewis formula) the
hypothetical charge obtained by assuming that
bonding electrons are equally shared between the
two atoms involved in the bond. Lone pair
electrons belong only to the atom to which they
are bound. - Formal Charge group number number of lone
pair electrons ½ bonding electrons -
32Example 6
- Determine the formal charge on all elements
PCl3, PCl5, and HNO3.
33- Formal charge (FC) allows the prediction of the
more likely resonance structure. - To determine the more likely resonance structure
- FC should be as close to zero as possible.
- Negative charge should reside on the most
electronegative and positive charge on the least
electronegative element.
34Example 7
- Draw the resonance structures of H2SO4
determine the formal charge on each element and
decide which is the most likely structure.
35Bond Properties
- Bonds Order
- Bond Length
- Bond Energy
- Bond Polarity
36Bond Order
- The order of a bond is the number of bonding
electrons pairs shared by two atoms in a
molecule. - A fractional bond order is possible in molecules
and ions having resonance structures
37Bond Length
- Bond length is the distance between the nuclei of
two bonded atoms. Bond length is determined in a
large part by the size of the atoms. - Bond length becomes shorter as bond order
38Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
- Bond dissociation energy, BE the energy
required to break one mole of a type of bond in
an isolated molecule in the gas phase. - Useful for estimation of heat of unknown
39- Bond energies are all positive
- The energies are average bond energies
- Bond energies are defined in terms of gaseous
atoms of molecular fragments - Bond energies increase with bond order
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41- Hesss law can be used with bond dissociation
energies to estimate the enthalpy change of a
reaction. - The breaking in a C H bond would be C H(g) ?
C(g) H(g) ?H BE 410 kJ. - Sign always positive since energy must be
supplied to break bond.
42Using Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
- Estimate the heat of formation of H2O(g) from
bond dissociation energies. Thus determine - H2(g) ½ O2(g) ? H2O(g) ?
- H H (g) ? 2H(g) ?H BE 436 kJ
- ½ OO ? O(g) ?H BE 494/2 247 kJ
- 2H(g) O(g) ? H O H (g) ?H ?2BE ?2459
kJ - H2(g) ½ O2(g) ? H2O(g) ?235 kJ
- Actual ?241.8 KJ
- Can be determined by summing all the energies for
the bonds broken and subtract from it the sum of
the energies for the bonds formed.
43Example 8
- Estimate the energy change for the chlorination
of ethylene - CH2CH2(g) Cl2(g)? CH2ClCH2Cl
44Bond Polarity and Electronegativity
- Electronegativities
- increase from bottom to top of periodic table and
- increase to a maximum towards the top right.
- can provide an insight as to the type of bond
that would be expected.
46Bond Polarity
- Ionic bonds formed when displacement of electrons
is essentially complete - Covalent bonds forms when no displacement of
electrons occurs - Polar covalent forms when bond pair is not
equally shared between two atoms and the
electrons are displace toward one of the atoms
from a point midway between them
47Polar Bonds
- With a polar bond exists between two atoms, a
small charge on the atom due to that bond
develops. ? and ?? designates which is the
positive and negative side respectively -
48Example 9
- Determine the relative polarities of HF, HCl, HBr
and HI.
49Molecular Geometry and Directional Bonding
- Atoms oriented in very well defined relative
positions in the molecule. - Molecular Geometry general shape of the
molecule as determined by the relative positions
of the atomic nuclei.
50- Theories describing the structure and bonding of
molecules are - VSEPR considers mostly electrostatics in
determining the geometry of the molecule. - Valence Bond Theory considers quantum mechanics
and hybridization of atomic orbitals. - Molecular Orbital Theory claims that upon bond
formation new orbitals that are linear
combinations of the atomic orbitals are formed.
51Valence Share Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
- Valence Share Electron-Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
model allows us to predict the molecular shape by
assuming that the repulsive forces of electron
pairs cause them to be as far apart as possible
from each other.
- Lewis dot structure determines the total of
electrons around the central atom. Multiple
bonds (double and triple) count as one. - The number of bonding and nonbonding electron
pairs determines the geometry of electron pairs
and the molecular geometry. - Only the valence electron pairs are considered in
determining the geometry.
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- Count the number of valence electrons and write
the Lewis Structure - Determine the number of unshared electron pairs,
E, and the number of shared pairs, X. - Determine the arrangement of bonds and unshared
pairs that minimizes electron pair repulsions - Describe the shape of the molecule in terms of
the positions of the atoms - Note Multiple bonds are treated as single bonds
- Lone e? Pairs affect geometry more than bonding
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61Example 10
62Example 11
63Example 12
64Example 13
- PCl5, SF4, ClF3, XeF2 (lone pair in axial
position for a trigonal bipyramidal structure).
65Example 14
66Polarity of Molecules
- Bond dipole a positive charge next to a negative
charge. - Dipole moment, ? the magnitude of the net bond
dipole of a molecule ? Qxr Q the net charge
separation r the separation distance. Units
debyes (D) where 1 D 33.36x10?30 Cm.
67The Dipole A dipole arises when two
electrical charges of equal magnitude but
opposite sign are separated by distance.
68- A polar bond forms when two atoms of between two
atoms involved in a bond have significantly
different electronegativities. - Most electronegative substance will have a slight
negative charge (represented as ??) - The positive (electron poor) side of the bond is
represented as ? or - ? points in direction of the negative charge.
- Net polarity (dipole moment) of a molecule is
obtained using the vector sum of polarities of
individual bonds.
69For a polyatomic molecule we treat the dipoles as
3D vectors
The sum of these vectors will give us the dipole
for the molecule
70Example 14
- Determine if NH3, H2O, CO2 have dipole moments.
- Valence Bond Theory a quantum mechanical
description of bonding that pictures covalent
bond formation as the overlap of two singly
occupied atomic orbitals.
72- VSEPR effective but ignores the orbital concepts
discussed in quantum mechanics. - H2 forms due to overlap of two 1s orbitals.
- Electron densities from p-subshell electrons
overlap to produce a bond in F2.
73Overlap of Orbitals
74The degree of overlap is determined by the
systems potential energy
equilibrium bond distance
The point at which the potential energy is a
minimum is called the equilibrium bond distance
75Hybrid Orbitals
- In molecules, the orbitals occupied by electron
pairs are seldom pure s or p orbitals.
Instead, they are hybrid orbitals formed by
combining s and p or s,p and d orbitals. - Hybridization determined by using VSEPR to
establish the geometry, i.e., the number of
electron clouds around the central atom. The
number of electron clouds the number of hybrid
77Formation of sp hybrid orbitals The combination
of an s orbital and a p orbital produces 2 new
orbitals called sp orbitals.
79Formation of sp2 hybrid orbitals
81Formation of sp3 hybrid orbitals
84Electron Geometry and Hybrid Orbitals
85Valence Bond Theory and Multiple Bonds Sigma
bond (s) ? A bond where the line of electron
density is concentrated symmetrically along the
line connecting the two atoms. Only 1 sigma bond
can exist between two atoms
86Pi bond (p) ? A bond where the overlapping
regions exist above and below the internuclear
axis (with a nodal plane along the internuclear
axis). Occur when multiple onds form between two
87- C2H4 planar with a trigonal geometry sp2
hybridization for each of the carbon atoms and
they form ? bonds with hydrogen. - Each carbon has 4 orbitals in its valence shell.
This means one of the p-orbitals for each C is
not hybridized. - Proximity to each other results in overlap to
give a charge distribution resembling a cloud
which is above and below the plane of the
molecule - a ? bond
- sp (linear) hybridized. Leads to the existence of
a ? bond as well as two ? bonds.
91Example HC?CH
- single bond is a ? bond,
- double bond is a ? bond and a ? bond,
- triple bond is a ? bond and 2 ? bonds.
93MO Theory of Bonding
- Molecular Orbital Theory extends quantum theory
and states that electrons spread throughout the
molecule in molecular orbitals region in a
molecule in which an electron is likely to be
which is similar to the concept discussed in
quantum theory. Molecular orbitals are
considered to be the result of the combination of
atomic orbitals.
94Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory
These two new orbitals have different energies.
The one that is lower in energy is called the
bonding orbital, The one higher in energy is
called an antibonding orbital.
95Energy level diagrams / molecular orbital diagrams
96MO Theory for 2nd row diatomic molecules Molecul
ar Orbitals (MOs) from Atomic Orbitals
(AOs) 1. of Molecular Orbitals of Atomic
Orbitals 2. The number of electrons occupying
the Molecular orbitals is equal to the sum of the
valence electrons on the constituent atoms. 3.
When filling MOs the Pauli Exclusion Principle
Applies (2 electrons per Molecular
Orbital) 4. For degenerate MOs, Hund's rule
applies. 5. AOs of similar energy combine more
readily than ones of different energy 6. The
more overlap between AOs the lower the energy of
the bonding orbital they create and the higher
the energy of the antibonding orbital.
97Example Li2