- Speak softly and carry a big stick you will go
far. - - T. Roosevelt
2IMPERIALISM - definitions
- 1. Imperialism the quest to build up a
territorial empire. - 2. Imperialism control by powerful nation(s)
over a less advanced or less civilized area.
- Advanced Economy (Industrial)
- Strong Government
- Considerable
- Military Strength
4The Less Advanced Area
- Primitive economy (pre-industrial)
- Underdeveloped natural resources
- Weak government
- Limited military power
- Imperialism has also been called Colonialism
5Essential Question Why did America join the
imperialist club at the end of the
1900s? (social, economic, militaristic/political)
61. ECONOMIC Commercial/Business Interests
U. S. Foreign Investments 1869-1908
Alfred T. Mahan ? The Influence of Sea Power on
History ? (THINK Why does a big navy lead to
more power for a nation?)
83. SOCIAL Social Darwinist Thinking
The White MansBurden
The Hierarchyof Race
9 SOCIAL Religious/Missionary Interests
American Missionariesin China, 1905
103. SOCIAL End of Manifest Destiny?, closing
of the American Frontier
112. Other Causes
- Used NATIONALIST arguments to gains support for
EMPIRE BUILDING. - a) gain glory achieve a place in the Sun
- b) secure essential military bases war
materials - c) provide an outlet for surplus population
- d) provide safety - missionaries spread
Christianity - E) bring to the backward areas the blessings of
the civilized culture of the West Europe USA
12This Duty of the West
- Labeled by RUDYARD KIPLING as
- The White Mans Burden
- 1) Industrial Revolution
- 2) Closing of the FRONTIER leads investors to
look elsewhere for economic opportunity
143. EXAMPLE of other Nations (Imperialist)
- a. British Empire controlled over ¼ of Worlds
- territory and population
15Hawaii "Crossroads of the Pacific"
16U. S. Missionaries in Hawaii in early 1800s
First church built in the late 1820s
Also, millions of American invested in
sugar/pineapple plantations
17U. S. View of Hawaiians
Hawaii becomes a U.S. protectorate in 1849, by
1887, U.S. re-wrote their constitution, giving
only white, land owning men the right to vote
18Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaii for the Hawaiians! THINK What are her
views of the United States?
19U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii
- 1893 Americanbusinessmen backed anuprising
against Queen Liliuokalani, forced its people to
overthrow her. - Sanford Ballard Dole proclaims the land the
Republic of Hawaii in 1894. - Hawaii remains a U.S. territory until 1959, when
it is made the 50th state.
20To The Victor Belongs the Spoils
Hawaiian Annexation Ceremony, 1898
22Sewards Folly 1867
Purchase of Alaska for 7.2 milliona mistake?
23Sewards Icebox 1867
24(No Transcript)
- Causes of the War
- 1. Despotic Spanish rule over Cuba
- A. Spain denied civil liberties political
rights - B. Levied heavy taxes restricted foreign trade
- C. Ruthlessly suppressed rebellions
- D. Spain finally abolished slavery in 1886
- E. Economic depression brings another
- revolt for INDEPENDENCE
26Jose Marti
- Consider the Father of Cuban Independence
- Died in 1895 leading independence uprising
against the Spanish.
272. American Humanitarianism sympathy
- A. Sympathized with desire for independence
- B. Outraged when over 200,000 Cubans died in
- concentration camps of hunger and
- A. American merchants traded with Cuba to the
- amount of 100 Million a year
- B. American investors placed 50 million in
- sugar and tobacco plantations.
294. Yellow Journalism
- A. William Randolph Hearst NY Journal
- B. Joseph Pulitzer New York World
- C. Both Newspapers sought to increase
- circulation by sensationalized news
stories. - 3) Hearsts Journal printed the Delome Letter
- Spanish ambassador calls McKinley
30William R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
31Pulitzer vs. Hearst
32Frederick Remington - artist
- Sent to Cuba by Wm. R. Hearst to draw pictures of
Cubas fight against Spanish. - Wm. Randolph Hearst Frederick
You supply the pictures and Ill supply the war!
33De Lôme Letter
- Dupuy de Lôme, SpanishAmbassador to the U.S.
- Criticized PresidentMcKinley as weak and
catering to the rabble and, besides, a low
politician who desires to leave a door open to
himself and to stand well with the jingos of his
345. Sinking of the Maine Feb 1898
- A. American battleship visiting Cuba blown up
- 260 Americans killed
- B. Cause probably fire in a coal bin
- C. But, American public goaded on by the
- Yellow Press blames SPAIN
35Sensationalism Yellow Journalism
36Outbreak of the War
- McKinley demands Spain ends camps and negotiate
with Cuban rebels - April 11, 1898 McKinley asks Congress to use
American armed forces in Cuba - Congress approves on 4-20, and recognizes Cubas
INDPENDENCE from Spain - Congress adopts Teller Amendment which stated
that the United States would not.
37Teller Amendment 1898
- Made PRIOR to Sp-Am War
- U.S. could NOT ANNEX Cuba
- US must leave control of island to its People
- Superceded by PLATT AMENDMENT
- Battle Cry Remember the Maine,
- to HELL with Spain!
39George Dewey
- Victorious Admiral at
- Battle of Manila Bay
- Philippines
40Rough Riders San Juan Hill
41Terms - Treaty of Paris - 1898
- Spain agreed
- 1) CUBA independent
- 2) Puerto Rico and Guam given to USA
- 3) Philippines sold to USA for 20 Million
42Platt Amendment - post-war
- Followed Sp Am War
- Cuba must accept for US to withdraw
- Cuba could not allow foreign powers to control it
- USA could lease land for naval base Guantanamo
- Cuba becomes a Protectorate of USA
- Protectorate a country whose affairs are
partially controlled by a stronger nation
44Annexation Debate - Philippines
- ANTI-Annexation
- Violated the
- Declaration of Independence
- Denied Self-Government to the new territories
- Introduced more racial problems
- PRO-Annexation
- Educate Filipinos
- Uplift Filipinos
- Civilize Filipinos
William Howard Taft, Governor of Philippines
45The Bolo War
- AKA the Filipino Rebellion
- AKA Philippine-American War
- Lasted 3 years
- Guerilla War
- Filipinos fight for independence
- Led by Emilio Aguinaldo
46Meiji Restoration Japan late 19th C
- Movement to modernize Japan
- Begins w/Commodore Matthew Perrys visit
- Japan begins to adopt Western ways
- Built up navy
48Spheres of Influence
- Ports or regions where a foreign nation retains
exclusive rights over trade, mines, rails, etc.
49Open Door PolicyJohn Hay Sec. of State
- Called for open access to all of Chinas ports
50Fight for Panama Canal
- Isthmus narrow strip of land connecting two
land masses
The Isthmus of Panama
51The Boxer Rebellion 1900
- Rebellion against Christian missionaries, and
people that supported imperialist (300 killed),
U.S. put down rebellion
- Original site planned for canal to be built
- French attempting to build a canal in Panama
- Eventually went bankrupt
- Originally part of Columbia
- Broke away with help of USAs navy
- Gave USA permission to build canal
- 51 miles long, 6 locks
- 27,500 workers died
- Most from disease
- 10 mile canal zone
54The PANAMA CANAL - 1914
- Reduced NY San Francisco trip over 50
- From 13,000 miles to 5,200 miles
55Built during the TR years
56Roosevelt Corollary
- Put some teeth into the Monroe Doctrine
- USA will use
- military to
- enforce the
- Monroe
- Doctrine
- Claimed right
- to police the
- W. Hemsiphere
Dollar Diplomacy using a nations economic
power to influence other countries. Associated
with Taft subsequent presidents