Welcome to Unit 9 CS113 Career Action Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to Unit 9 CS113 Career Action Plan


Welcome to Unit 9 CS113 Career Action Plan We are in our 9th week. I m proud of all of you for working so diligently on your goal. Are there any questions from Unit ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to Unit 9 CS113 Career Action Plan

Welcome to Unit 9 CS113Career Action Plan
  • We are in our 9th week. Im proud of all of you
    for working so diligently on your goal. Are there
    any questions from Unit 8 you need clarification
    on before we begin with Unit 9?
  • Please summarize in your own words at least one
    thing you learned from Unit 8 (Career
  • Instructor overview and comments.

Career Action PlanUnit 9 CS113
  • Reading-Kali. Life lesson by Oprah Winfrey.
  • Reading-GPS Road Map for Career Action Plan
    project using skills from CS113 course work.
  • Discussion-Explain why a Career Action Plan will
    be useful to you as you continue to plan and
    prepare for your career. Why might you need to
    revise your plan from time to time?
  • Assignment-Career Action Plan.
  • Seminar Case Study on Wanda.

Unit 9 Objectives
  • Understand the importance of Career Action
  • Complete the Unit 9 Career Action Plan
    Assignment. When saving the file, dont forget to
    save as YourName-CS113-Unit 9 project.
  • Cite your class reading. Demonstrate you read the
    Unit material.

Unit 9 To-do-list
  • Read the Unit-Overview PDF reading
  • Respond to the Discussion
  • Attend Seminar
  • Complete the Assignment
  • Preview the Unit 10 Writing Assignment

  • A great pleasure in life is doing what people
    say you cannot do. Walter Gagehot
  • The secret of achievement is to hold a picture
    of a successful outcome in the mind. Henry
    David Thoreau

Unit 8 Review
  • What did you find at Kaplans Career Service?

Cover Letter (Review Unit 8)
  • What demonstrates a successful tailored cover
    letter accompanying your resume?

Interview (Review Unit 8)
  • During a job interview, if you were asked What
    distinguishes you from the other candidates with
    the same skill?, how would you respond?

Interview (Review Unit 8)
  • If you developed a Users Manual all about you,
    what one item would you include in it?

Job Offer (Review Unit 8)
  • What are some of the reasons why an employer
    never offers you a job?

20 avoidable job search mistakes
  • http//www.att.net/s/editorial.dll?pnum1bfromind
  • A few of my favorites from the siteUse a
    professional e-mail address. What would be an
    example of an email address NOT to use?
  • Make sure you can answer these three key
    questions Why are you in the job market? Tell me
    about yourself. What are you looking to do next?
  • The site suggests you join your local Chamber of
    Commerce and having a LinkedIn profile.
  • Reference ATT.net, 20 avoidable job search
    mistakes, 2010, Rachel Farrell, CareerBuilder.com

General Questions
More on Critical Thinking Skills
  • These questions are designed to test your
    critical thinking skills and wit
  • A man carefully pointed his car due east and then
    drove for two miles. He was then two miles west
    of where he started from. Why?
  • A woman unwrapped a lump of sugar and put it into
    her coffee, but the sugar did not get wet. Why?
  • Why is it that Beethoven never finished the
    Unfinished Symphony?
  • What is the invention, first discovered in
    ancient times, that allows people to see through
    solid walls?

Critical Thinking-Discussion
  • Think about how well you did on the questions on
    the previous slide.
  • Think about your reaction when you heard the
    correct answer to each question.
  • Why is it important to examine information
    closely during the critical thinking
    problem-solving process?

  • No late work accepted after Sunday, January 23rd.
    I submit my grades to Kaplan at the conclusion of
    the class and will not have access to the
    grade-book soon after.
  • Try to submit your Unit 9 Assignment/Project a
    few days early to avoid any complications. If
    there is a technical problem or you accidentally
    submitted the wrong Project (happens all the
    time), you will have time to correct it. Dont
    procrastinate! Your passing grade might depend on
  • On the Career Action form use complete sentences
    and include your introduction and conclusion.
    Remember, we are writing at college level (Five
    sentences does not meet above-average work.). Do
    not forget to reference class Unit reading.
    Example (KU Course, CS113, Unit , 1002B). Make
    sure you have the reference page included.

Looking forward to Unit 10
  • Unit 9 (today) is our last audio Seminar
    together! Unit 10 does NOT have a Seminar. I
    found the class Unit discussions have been very
    rewarding! Thank you for sharing and all your
    insights. I encourage you all to continue with
    your future goals. Perhaps our paths will cross
    again, someday. It has been a pleasure for me and
    I wish only the best for each and every one of
    you. Good luck in your future endeavors!

Unit 9 Preview
  • Self Assessment (chart below taken from
    CS113-Unit 9.)

Case Study on Wanda
  • Who would like to volunteer to give a short
    synopsis on Wanda before we start with the case
    study questions?

Case Study of Wanda
  • How is Wanda setting herself up for success?

Case Study on Wanda
  • What kinds of questions might Wanda have for her

Case Study on Wanda
  • How might Wandas Career Action Plan help her as
    she makes plans for her next term?

Unit 9 assignment(Time for Action)
  • After reviewing your Interview with a
    Professional, discuss how you will make use of
    some of the information you gained from the
    interview as you continue to prepare for your own
  • Action Plan Where would you like to be in your
    career future? How will you get there?
  • Demonstrate your understanding of career action
    planning and goal-setting by describing one
    short-term and one long-term goal you have for
    your professional future. Refer back to class

Unit 9 Discussion
  • Explain why a career action plan will be useful
    to you as you continue to plan and prepare for
    your career.

Again, looking ahead Unit 10
  • Please continue to read email and class
    announcements during Unit 10!
  • It is NOT my fault if you miss valuable
    information from me.
  • I will still hold office hours on AIM during Unit
  • No Seminar in Unit 10.
  • No class work will be accepted after Sunday,
    January 23rd. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Unit 10 (Moving Forward)
  • Discussion Student Farewell
  • Assignment After reflecting on what you have
    learned and how you have benefited by taking
    CS113 Academic Strategies for the Business
    Professional, write a minimum one page response
    to the questions below
  • 1. Reflect and describe which key concepts and
    topics in this course have made you a stronger
    candidate to enter the business world.
  • 2.  Discuss how this course has affected you in
    your professional development, as a student and
    as a person, as well as how it has encouraged you
    on your academic path.
  • 3. Write introductions, conclusions and CITE your
    sources from class reading, supporting your OWN

Class Exercise
  • I would like to try another class exercise with a
    twist on it. I need one volunteer. Are you up
    to the challenge? Is anyone daring and interested
    in volunteering without knowing the details? Just
    raise your hand to volunteer by typing //

Class Exercise (continued)
  • I want my one volunteer to think of one name of a
    well-known person. (Do not tell us yet). The
    person may be living or dead and can have
    achieved celebrity status in any field (business,
    technology, sports, entertainment, politics, arts
    and literature, science, medicine, etc.).
  • The rest of the class is the guessing team. The
    guessing team will be timed for 3 minutes to come
    up with whom the famous person is. The Volunteer
    must use their keyboard to help the receivers.
    The Volunteer can use words, visual icons
    symbols, or anything that will help the class
    guess. But the Volunteer can NOT type ANY part of
    the persons name.
  • The guessing class asks as many questions as
    possible (using assumptions, critical thinking,
    scientific method, or problem solving skills) to
    come up with the correct answer.
  • Volunteer Let us know when you are ready by
    typing ready and Ill start the time.

Discussion on Seminar exercise.
  • How did the time limit, teamwork atmosphere, or
    speed of the typing affect your ability to

  • I am glad I was a part of your success during
    this class. I watched each and every one of you
    grow (especially when referring back to class
    work)! You all will be pros when it comes to
    writing your college thesis. I hope I get to
    personally meet you when you walk across the
    stage and graduate. I look forward to shaking
    your hand and patting you on the back for a job
    well done and well deserved. Best to you all.

Any General Questions?
  • Seminar is coming to an end, soon. Lets wrap-up
    the evening.

Seminar Concluded
  • Good night. Have a great week! Thank you again
    for giving me the opportunity to share the
    learning floor with you.
  • My office hours on AIM are posted on our class
    syllabus. My AIM ID is DrDenhard.
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