Title: The Market Revolution North
1The Market RevolutionNorth
2Study Guide Identifications
- Transportation, Market Industrial Revolutions
- Immigration and Scapegoat
- Status of artisan
- Rhode Island and Waltham System
- Cult of Domesticity
- Purity Crusade
- Universal White Male suffrage
- 2nd Great Awakening
3Study Guide Questions
- What marked the increasing industrialization in
the US economy between 1815 1860? - How and why did inequalities increase among the
rich, the middle class and the working class?
4Changes that allowed for the Industrial Revolution
- Transportation Revolution
- Improvements in transportation made that
transformation possible - Federal, state and corporate investments in
transportation improvements - Roads, Canals, Railroads
- Market Revolution
- Transition from domestic markets to for distant
markets - Industrial Revolution
- Domestic hand labor to machine and factory output
- Immigration
- Cheap and exploitable labor
- Political turmoil and Famine brought Massive
immigration - Irish Potato Famine 1845-1846
- 2.5 Million (30 of Irelands population)
- German immigration 1840-60
- 4.2 Million
- Provided Cheap/Exploitable Labor
- Used to scapegoat political, economic social
6The Bog Trotters
7The Poor House from Galway
The Irish fill our prisons, our poor houses,
scratch a convict or a pauper, and the chances
are that you tickle the skin of an Irish
Catholic. Putting them on a boat and sending them
home would end crime in this country
8The Great Fear of the PeriodThat Uncle Sam is
Swallowed by Foreigners
The Problem Solved
9Thomas Nast Cartoon, 1870Expresses the worry
that the Irish Catholics threatened American
10Artisan Status
- Early industry The Putting Out System
- Status of Artisan
- Owned tools of production
- Owned shops
- Managed time and produce
- skilled workers
- Independence
- prestige
11Shoe Makers
12Textile Industries Industrial Espionage
- Slaters Rhode Island System
- Water powered spinning machine
- The Rhode Island System
- The countryside factory towns Labor of Farmers
daughters - Lowells Waltham System
- Machines that turned raw cotton into finished
cloth - Boston Associates Co. 1813
- Fully mechanized
- By the 1830s - Unskilled, female labor
13Daguerreotype of a young mill girl, c. 1850,
Middlesex Company Woolen Mills 1848
14Urban Industry
- Industrial Revolution and the Widening gap
between the rich and the poor - By 1835 cities were serving commercial
agriculture and factory towns that produced for
largely rural domestic market. - Creation of the Urban working class
- In the cities there was little concern for
creating a classless industrial society.
15Class Hierarchy
- The richest men
- importers and exporters and took control of banks
and insurance companies and made great fortunes
in urban real estate - Growing middle class
- Commercial Class
- Wholesale and retail merchants,
- lawyers, salesmen, auctioneers, bookkeepers and
accountants - clerks on the bottom creating a white-collar
class to cater to the new emerging consumer
16Middle Class Ideal
- Consumer goods
- Symbols of their middle class status
- Notions of gentility
- distinction between manual and non manual work
17Cult of Domesticity
- The separation of work and home
- New sense of class-consciousness.
- Middle class fathers left for their jobs while
mothers governed households. - Reduction in size of families
- 1820s ministers and female writers elevated the
family role of middle class women into a cult of
18Cult of Domesticity
- Biological difference determined separate social
roles for men and women. - Men
- strong, aggressive and ambitious, intelligent
- Place in business and politics.
- Women
- Kind, pure, emotional, moral
- Place to preserve religion and morality in the
home and family
19The Hands
- Producers of consumer goods
- The hands
- Growth in Demand
- Growth in Working class
- Shoemaking, tailoring and the building trade were
divided into skilled and semiskilled segments and
farmed out to subcontractors who could turn a
profit by cutting labor costs
20Rising Standard of Living
- After 1815
- per capita income doubled
- living standards rose
- Houses larger, better furnished, heated.
- Food more plentiful and varied
- The cost
- Half of all adult white males without land
- wealth had become more concentrated.
- In 1800 the richest 10 percent of Americans owned
40-50 of the national wealth, by the 1850s they
owned 70. In the cities they owned over 80.
21Lowered Standard of Living
- First Slums appeared in the mid 1800s
- Huge influx of immigrants and creation of
exploitable labor force - Overcrowded Housing
- Contaminated water supplies
- Lack of Sewage
- Disease and high mortality rates
- Cholera and Typhus
22Five Points District
23Evangelical Crusades
- Early 19th C ministers bolstered doctrine of
separate spheres - Clerical endorsement of female moral superiority
in exchange for womens activism - Decline of clerical authority in society
- Opposed forces that seemed to act against womens
interests - Materialism
- Intemperance
- Licentiousness
24Purity Crusade
- Traditionally both men and women wee sexual
beings, women weaker willed, lustful and
licentious and insatiable - Purity Crusade women lacked sexual feeling, lust
and carnality became a part of mens sphere - Etiquette manuals counseled to deter male
25Professional Medicine Womens Sexuality
- Women were Asexual beings
- Defined by their sex sexual roles, yet did not
desire it - Dr Alcott, Women, as is well known, in a natural
stateseldom if ever makes any of those advances,
which clearly indicates sexual desire and for
this very plain reason, she does not feel them. - Only low women suffered from the indignity of
sexual desire - Long periods of abstinence proper
- Masturbation damaged future offspring, and caused
mania and idiocy on the guilty party
26Middle Upper class invalids
- Chronic invalidism among women
- Middle class culture idealized female debility
- 1800s doctors came close the defining femaleness
as an illness itself
27Twin Revolutions
- Universal White Male Suffrage Movement
- Suffrage extended to white males (1807-1860s)
- By the 1800s race and gender began to replace
wealth and status as the basis for defining the
limits of political participation
28Twin Revolutions
- Second Great Awakening (1800-1840)
- Salvation open to all reinforced the legitimacy
of one man, one vote - Women provided a welcomed release from being
treated like beasts of burden and drudges of
domineering masters - Blacks advocated spiritual and secular equality
- Platform to directly challenge slavery
29Social Changes
- Extension of white male suffrage
- Development of common schools
- By 1850 ½ women gained literacy
- Evangelicalism democratized salvation
- Development of the Abolition movement out of the
evangelical revivals - Abolition movement split into the Womens movement
30New York 1837Foreigners and aliens to our
government and laws, strangers to our
institutions are permitted to flock to this land
and in a few years are endowed with all the
privileges of citizens, but we native born
Americansare most of us shut out.