Sexual Harassment Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sexual Harassment Training


Sexual Harassment Training Just the Facts – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Josi57


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sexual Harassment Training

Sexual Harassment Training
  • Just the Facts

October 2, 2013 _at_ 1000 a.m.
Just the Facts
  • Principles,Concepts and Definitions
  • Sexual Harassment and the Law
  • Handling the Sexual Harassment Complaint
  • Dangerous Words
  • Protecting Yourself and Preventing Sexual
  • To Protect Yourself Against Charges of Sexual
  • Informal Procedures
  • Formal Procedures

Just the Facts
  • Factors to Consider in Determining Whether
    Conduct Rises to the Level of Actionable Sexual

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Quid Pro Quo
  • Hostile Environment
  • Unwelcome
  • Reasonable Person
  • Intent vs. Impact

Sexual Harassment and the Law
  • Title IXEducation Amendments of 1972
  • Federal legislation prohibiting sex
    discrimination in education file with U.S.
    Department of Education can sue privately on own
    behalf. Types of remedies Cut-off of federal
    funding to the educational institution.
    Institution and officials liable for monetary

Sexual Harassment and the Law
  • Meritor Saving Bank v. Vinson 106 S.Ct.2339
  • The U.S. Supreme Court rules that sexual
    harassment violates Title VII prohibitions
    against sex discrimination in employment, and
    does not have to cause tangible economic harm to
    be actionable. It defined a hostile environment
    and delineated between voluntariness and

Sexual Harassment and the Law
  • Title VII1964 Civil Rights Act
  • Federal legislation prohibiting sexual
    discrimination in employment file with Equal
    Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Types
    of remedies Monetary compensation for back pay,
    lost benefits, and damages compensatory (e.g.
    emotional distress) and punitive damages
    possible job reinstatement.

Recent Court Rulings
  • Clarkson University of New York did not sexually
    discriminate against a female receiving clerk or
    wrongly terminate her, OCR held. The clerk
    alleged she was verbally harassed by a co-workers
    and her supervisor. OCR found, however, that the
    clerk herself engaged in vulgar and abusive
    sexual language at work and did not object at the
    time to the only corroborated statement made If
    you are going to get raped, you may as well sit
    back and enjoy it. That the statement was not
    severe enough to constitute sexual harassment,
    OCR found, holding that the clerk was terminated
    not because of her gender, but because of
    excessive absenteeism, poor job performance, a
    poor attitude and repeated use of vulgar and
    obscene language.

Handling the Sexual Harassment Complaint
  • Take the report seriously.
  • Listen, sympathize, but dont judge.
  • Dont delay.
  • Respond to concerns.
  • Document.
  • Follow up on the complaint.
  • Avoid using dangerous words.

Dangerous Words
  • When responding to a complaint, be careful that
    these words dont come out of your mouth
  • Its just teasingno big deal.
  • The people in our school would never do
  • I know he/she didnt mean anything like that.
  • Its your fault for dressing so provocatively.
  • You need to learn to handle these things.
  • Just ignore it.
  • He puts his arms around everyone.
  • Why cant you learn to accept a compliment?
  • You must have wanted it, otherwise you would have
    told him no.
  • Thats how they do things where he comes from.
  • Its just a joke. Lighten up.
  • No ones filed a charge so our hands are tied.
  • Weve never had a complaint, so we dont have a
  • This kind of behavior is all part of growing up.
  • Its a matter of hormones we cant control that
  • If we had to discipline every student who used
    bad language wed never get anything else done.
  • Its just a prank that got out of hand.

Protecting Yourself and Preventing Sexual
  • The following checklist can be used to examine
  • Does this behavior contribute to achieving our
  • Could this behavior hurt my colleagues or
    students if they were hurt?
  • Could this behavior be sending out signals that
    invite harassing behavior on the part of others?
  • Would you say it in front of your spouse, parent,
    or child?
  • Would you say it if you were going to be quoted
    on the front page of the newspaper?
  • Would you say/act the same way to a member of
    your same gender?
  • Why does it need to be said at all?
  • What business is it furthering?

To Protect Yourself Against Charges of Sexual
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • Dont talk about sex on the job.
  • Never mix a discussion of social life with a
    job-related counseling session, particularly if
    you are discussing a disciplinary procedure or a
    possible upgrade, promotion, or hire!
  • Keep compliments casual and fairly impersonal.
  • Avoid jokes, words, phrases and gestures with
    sexual meanings.
  • Dont assume that a friendly woman/man will be
    willing to go to bed with you. Assume only that
    friendly people are friendly.
  • Respect a persons personal space.

SCS Policy on Sexual Harassment
  • Formal Procedures
  • Purpose To determine if sexual harassment has
    occurred, the culpability of the alleged
    offender, appropriate sanctions or remedies.
  • How Initiated Generally the complainant, the
    institution or a third party writes charges of
    sexual harassment. Usually invoked when the
    behavior is serious or repeated and not amendable
    to informal procedures.
  • Informal Procedures
  • Purpose To stop the behavior. Should not be used
    for repeated or serious offenses (e.g. assault).
  • How Initiated Must be complainants preference
    to use informal procedures. Generally do not
    involve written charges.

SCS Policy on Sexual Harassment
  • Formal Procedures
  • Investigation Always required.
  • Hearing or other due process proceeding Yes
  • Outcomes If harassment is found a variety of
    sanctions may be applied
  • Informal Procedures
  • Investigation Complainant and alleged harasser
    may be interviewed, but usually not extensive
    investigation is necessary
  • Hearing or other due process proceeding No
  • Outcomes Generally, harassment stops (or formal
    processing of complaint is launched). Outcomes
    may include apology, promise not to repeat
    behavior, transfer of one party, voluntary
    resignation of alleged harasser.

SCS Policy on Sexual Harassment
  • Formal Procedures
  • Advantages Sanctions may be invoked more likely
    to increase community awareness of problem and
    institutions commitment to solving it may
    settle credibility issues creates record in
    event of future claims
  • Informal Procedures
  • Advantages Less frightening and litigious
    confidentiality easier to maintain less
    likelihood of negative publicity no need to
    challenge motives or behaviors may educate
    harasser no issues of definition of sexual
    harassment or credibility or the parties
    complainant may play active role in resolution
    provides options for complainant and wide range
    of sanctions less costly than formal
    proceedings usually less polarizing.

SCS Policy on Sexual Harassment
  • Formal Procedures
  • Who to Call
  • 1. Mrs. Valerie Roberts
  • Director of Human Resources
  • 229-931-8502
  • 2. Mrs. Victoria Harris
  • Associate Superintendent
  • 229-931-8521
  • Informal Procedures
  • Who to Call
  • Your Supervisor/Principal
  • Your Counselor and/or Department Chair

Factors to Consider in Determining whether
Conduct Rises to the Level of Actionable Sexual
The frequency of the conduct The nature and severity of the conduct Whether the conduct complained of was repeated
Whether the conduct complained of was physically threatening The effect of the conduct on the alleged victims mental or emotional state Whether others joined in the conduct
Whether the conduct arose in a context where other gender-related conduct occurred and Whether the conduct unreasonably interfered with the alleged victims work performance. Sexual Discrimination Harassment Policy
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