Title: Taming Cocoon
1Taming Cocoon
- ApacheCon Europe 2005
- Gianugo Rabellino
- Introduction
- Installing Cocoon
- Dissecting Cocoon
- Management and configuration
- A sitemap tour
- Cocoon components and blocks
- Understanding continuations and flow
- Dealing with forms
- Patterns, best practices, pitfalls
3Introduction web developer nightmares
- out.println(lttable border\0\gt\n\tlttrgt\n\t\t
- lttd align\left\gtltfont size\1\gt
- request.getParameter(lousyjob)
- Does your boss know you\'re typing HTML?
- lt/tdgt\n\tlt/trgt\nlt/tablegt\n)
4Nightmare managing HTML
- Your IDE can't deal with HTML
- Dreamweaver can't deal with business logic
- Period.
- Oh, and JSPs suck. Big time.
- Separate concerns - Edsger Dijkstra - 1974
5Nightmare handling state
- HTTP is stateless (did you notice already?)
- Where am I now?
- Restart required
- Sessions overpopulated mess of dictionaries
6Nightmare managing user input
- Validation hell
- Conversion ordeal
- Binding torture
- The infamous Back button, oh my!
7There has to be a better way
Never let a man do what a machine can do for
him Blaise Pascal
8Apache Cocoon
9Apache Cocoon facts and figures
- Origins
- Started by the Italian student Stefano Mazzocchi
- Redesign of Apache.org
- Frustrated by the limitations of HTML
- Wanted to use emerging technologies (XML/XSL)
- Today
- Now one of the most important Apache projects
- Incorporates technologies from various project
- Just under 2000 registered on all mailing lists
- Includes major companies such as HP, IBM
10Tucking web devs in, kissing them goodnight
1110.000ft overview
12Key Cocoon concepts
- URI space decoupling
- Componentized resource assembling
- Datasource connections and decoupling
- Stateful applications
13And their implementation...
- URI space decoupling
- Sitemap
- Componentized resource assembling
- Pipelines
- Datasource connections and decoupling
- Source interface and implementations (file, URL,
database, WebDAV, XMLDB...) - Stateful applications
- Web continuations
14URI space decoupling the sitemap
- Think ltservlet-mappinggt on steroids
- Pattern freaks think FrontController
- Uses pluggable algorithms
- Wildcard
- Regexp
- Your own
- Matching the whole HTTP environment
- Request URI/parameters/attributes
- Session attributes
- Cookies, context, etc...
- Welcome to the sitemap
15A sitemap example
- ltmapmatch pattern"news/" type"wildcard"gt
- ltmapgenerate src"newsfeeds/1.xml"
type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform src"news2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmapmatch pattern"products/"
type"wildcard"gt - ltmapgenerate src"products/infos/product_
1.xml" type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform src"products2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
16Resource assembling the pipeline
- Task find the total number of unique hosts
visiting the home page of your site - Windows solution
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- ...
- Unix solution
- grep index.html access.log awk 'print 2 '
sort uniq wc -l - Welcome to the pipeline specialized components
glued together
17The Cocoon pipeline
- Two simple rules
- Data stream is based on SAX events
- Pipelines start with one Generator (and only
one), have 0-n Transformers, end with one (and
only one) Serializer - Generators adapters from the outside world to
SAX events - Transformers SAX event manglers
- Serializers adapters from SAX events to the
outside world
18A pipeline example
ltmapmatch pattern".html"gt ltmapgenerate
srcxdocs/1.xml"/gt ltmaptransform
srcstyle/xdocs2html.xsl/gt ltmapserialize/gt lt/
19Datasource virtualization
- Virtualization layer over stream-based data
sources - Provides a java.io.File like interface for a
number of data sources - Think URLs on steroids
20The Source interface
21A datasource example
- ltmapmatch pattern"news/" type"wildcard"gt
- ltmapgenerate src"webdav//repo/newsfeeds/1.
xml" type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform src"xmldb//localhost/db/news2h
tml.xsl" type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmapmatch pattern"products/" type"wildcard"gt
- ltmapgenerate src"cocoon//products/infos/prod
uct_1.xml"/gt - ltmaptransform src"resource//products2html.xs
l" type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
22Summing it up
- The sitemap decouples URI space from physical
resources - The pipeline decouples results from the way
they're built - XML decouples content from presentation
- The source abstraction decouples data sources
from physical locations - Result full Separation of Concerns
- (and you aint seen nothing yet...)
23Web Continuations
24Web applications are easy!
25But wait, this is stateless HTTP
- Webapps are finite state machines
- Upon every click, processing starts from the
beginning - Again, and again, and again
26A typical web application clutter
27What are continuations?
- A continuation is an entire set of closures that
make up a point of execution - A continuation is an object that, for a given
point in your program, contains a snapshot of the
stack trace, including all the local variables,
and the program counter - Hmmm... so what?
28A flowscript example where the magic happens
29What are continuations, again?
- Contents of a continuation
- Stack of function calls
- Value of local variables
- ? Most often a lightweight object
- ? Creating a continuation does not halt a thread
!! - A continuation object is associated with a unique
identifier available to the view - ? Later used to "resurrect" it
30Flowscript example, revisited
31Continuations tree
Don't fear the Back button anymore!
32Summing it up
- Continuations give control back to the server
- ? We always know "where" the browser is
- Allow sophisticated flow screens
- ? No need for state automata
- Increase security and robustness
- ? Forbids direct access to form submission URLs
- ? Handling of "back" and "new window"
33A word about forms
34Cocoon Forms nightmares solved!
- MVC based form framework
- Provides
- Strongly-typed data a date field is a
java.util.Date. Automatically. - Validation declarative. Handled for you.
Automatically. - Binding to objects (EJB, POJOs...) or to XML,
your choice. Automatically.
35Cocoon Forms, a functional view
- Separation of Concerns in forms
- Model data typing, validation rules
- View widget presentation
- selections could be drop down lists or checkboxes
- Controller
- flowscript (continuations based)
- custom actions (à la Struts) not recommended
- Data binding
- declarative
- JXPath based
36Cocoon Forms a rich framework
- Powerful widget library
- Fields, aggregated fields, dates, selectors,
trees and repeaters - AJAX compliant infrastructure
- Boosts perceived performance
- Integrated add-ons
- HTML editor
- calendar pop-ups
- dynamic double selection lists
37Summing it up RAD development
- Configure, don't code
- Continuations make webapp development a breeze
- Powerful form frameworks ease managing user input
- Separation of Concerns brings maintainability
- ... and they lived happily ever after.
38Installing Cocoon
- Finding your way through compilation and blocks
39Downloading Cocoon
- http//cocoon.apache.org
- Subversion for the latest version
- http//svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/branches/
BRANCH_2.1.X - http//svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk
- or even WebDAV
40Preparing Cocoon
- Task list
- Edit local.build.properties
- Exclude unneeded and heavy tasks (e.g. javadocs /
documentation) - Edit local.blocks.properties
- Beware of dependencies
- All done, now run
- ./build.sh (Unix)
- C\gt build.bat (Windows)
41Testing the install
- Embedded Jetty
- Run
- ./cocoon.sh servlet (Unix)
- C\gt cocoon.bat servlet (Windows)
- Point your browser to http//localhost8888/
- Other servlet engines
- Run
- ./build.sh war (Unix)
- C\gt build.bat war (Windows)
- Deploy dist/cocoon.war
42Beware the classloader
- Cocoon uses its own version of Rhino (Javascript
engine) - Might clash with vendor-provided ones (e.g.
Websphere/BEA) - Make sure that your appserver is configured to
run Cocoon in an isolated classloader (as per
servlet spec) - ask your vendor to fix his bug if it doesnt work
- If it doesnt work, use the paranoid block and
the ParanoidCocoonServlet (but you shouldnt) - Mind redirects on WebSphere!
43Eclipse integration
- Run
- ./build.sh eclipse-project (Unix)
- C\gt build.bat eclipse-project (Windows)
- Inside Eclipse
- New Java Project
- Navigate to COCOON_HOME
- Your project will appear automagically!
44Files you want to know
- Main sitemap
- COCOON_HOME/build/webapp/sitemap.xmap
- Log configuration
- COCOON_HOME/build/webapp/WEB-INF/logkit.xconf
- Component configuration
- COCOON_HOME/build/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf
- Mount table
- COCOON_HOME/mount-table.xml
45Management and configuration
- Handling Cocoon in production
46Configuring Cocoon
- Web Application Configuration
- Cocoon runs as a servlet
- Configuration controlled by web.xml
- Find it in the WEB-INF directory
- Most important entry
- Name and location of the actual configuration
file - Default WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf
- lt!--
- This parameter points to the main configuration
file for Cocoon. Note that the path is specified
in absolute notation but it will be resolved
relative to the servlets webapp context path - --gt
- ltinit-paramgt
- ltparam-namegtconfigurationslt/param-namegt
- ltparam-valuegt/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconflt/param-valuegt
- lt/init-paramgt
47Configuring Cocoon
- cocoon.xconf
- XML format
- Contains Avalon component configuration
- But not (!!) the sitemap components
- They are in the sitemap
- cocoon.xconf rarely needs changing
- Moving from test to production
- Replacing the XML parser
48Configuring Cocoon
- cocoon.xconf
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltcocoon version"2.0"gt
- ltparser class"org.apache.cocoon.components.parser
.XercesParser"/gt - lthsqldb-server class"org.apache.cocoon.components
.hsqldb.ServerImpl" - pool-max"1" pool-min"1"gt
- ltparameter name"port" value"9002"/gt
- ltparameter name"silent" value"true"/gt
- ltparameter name"trace" value"false"/gt
- lt/hsqldb-servergt...
- lt/cocoongt
49Configuring Cocoon
- cocoon.xconf
- No namespace
- Each component defined inside ltcocoongt
- Logical names matched to implementations
- e.g. parser hsqldb-server
- Configuration using ltparametergt
- Contains name-value pairs
- pool-min and pool-max
- We will look at those later (pooling)
50Configuring Cocoon
- cocoon.xconf
- Another important piece of information
- Location and name of the sitemap
- ltsitemap file"context//sitemap.xmap"
- check-reload"yes"/gt
- Reloading
- Triggers on incoming request
- Synchronous
- New sitemap will be generated and then handles
the request - What do you do if an error occurs ............
51Configuring Cocoon
- LogKit Configuration
- Each component in Cocoon logs using LogKit
- There are five log levels
- In testing DEBUG
- In production ERROR or FATAL_ERROR
- Location of the LogKit configuration file
- Is in the web.xml
- ltinit-paramgt
- ltparam-namegtlogkit-configlt/param-namegt
- ltparam-valuegt/WEB-INF/logkit.xconflt/param-valuegt
- lt/init-paramgt
52Configuring Cocoon
- LogKit Configuration
- Consists of several parts
- Factories for logging targets
- Implementations are not "hard-wired"
- Defines components that are to receive the log
messages - Targets
- Configured with Factory
- And file name, output format, size/rotation
information - Categories
- Actual "receiver" of the log messages
- Configured with (multiple) targets
- And log level
53Configuring Cocoon
ltlogkitgt ltfactoriesgt ltfactory
type"cocoon" class"org.apache.cocoon.util.log.Co
coonTargetFactory"/gt lt/factoriesgt lttargetsgt
ltcocoon id"cocoon"gt ltfilenamegtcontext-r
ltformat type"cocoon"gt 7.7priority
time 8.8category (uri)
message\nthrowable lt/formatgt
ltappendgttruelt/appendgt ltrotation
type"revolving" init"1" max"4"gt ltorgt
lttimegt010000lt/timegt lt/orgt
lt/rotationgt lt/cocoongt ltfilter/gt
lt/targetsgt ltcategoriesgt ltcategory
name"cocoon" log-level"DEBUG"gt
ltlog-target id-ref"cocoon"/gt ltlog-target
id-ref"filter"/gt lt/categorygt
lt/categoriesgt lt/logkitgt
54Configuring Cocoon
- LogKit Configuration
- (Normally) No need to change the setting
- Apart from log-levels
- Not reflected automatically
- Touch cocoon.xconf
- DEBUG logfiles can become very large
- Hard drives have a limited capacity ?
- And slow performance down
- Default level ERROR for all categories
55Dissecting Cocoon
56Cocoon anatomy
57Cocoon physiology
58The sitemap disemboweled
- The sitemap contains
- Component definitions and configurations
- Views
- Resources
- Action sets
- Flow
- Pipelines
- all neatly packaged as a namespaced XML file
- ltmapsitemap xmlnsmap"http//xml.apache.org/coco
on/sitemap/1.0"gt - ltmapcomponents/gt
- ltmapviews/gt
- ltmapresources/gt
- ltmapaction-sets/gt
- ltmapflow/gt
- ltmappipelines/gt
- lt/mapsitemapgt
59Sitemap components
- Configured as children of the ltmapcomponentsgt
section - Contains
- Generators
- Transformers
- Serializers
- Readers
- Matchers
- Selectors
- Actions
- Pipes
- and their configuration
- Each section declaration can have a default
60Sitemap components Tour
- Generator, Transformers and Serializers are
typical Cocoon components for pipelines - Readers are used for binary resources
- Think of a collapsed Generator and Serializer
- Matchers are used to route requests
- Selectors implement branching (if then else)
logic - Actions implement business logic based switching
(old fashioned, flow is now the preferred way) - Pipes define different pipeline implementation
(which differ mainly for caching policies) - Examples will follow
61A word about Actions
- Actions are reusable snippets of business logic
- Actions wrap pipeline snippets
- Actions can return either
- null the pipeline snippet is skipped
- A Map containing business values, which can be
reused in the pipeline snippet - ltmapact type"clear-cache"gtltmapgenerate
src"status" type"status"/gtltmaptransform
"gt ltmapparameter name"contextPath"
mapserialize/gt - lt/mapactgt
62Sitemap components example
- ltmapcomponentsgt ltmapgenerators/gt ltmaptran
sformers default"xslt"gt ltmaptransformer
logger"sitemap.transformer.xslt" name
"xslt" pool-max"32" src"org.apache
metersgt ltuse-session-paramete
rsgtfalselt/use-session-parametersgt lt
gt ltxslt-processor-rolegtxalanlt/xslt-
processor-rolegt ltcheck-includesgttru
elt/check-includesgt lt/maptransformergt lt/ma
ptransformersgt ltmapserializers/gt ltmapreade
rs/gt ltmapactions/gt ltmappipes/gtlt/mapcompone
63Tip reusing components
- Components can be re-defined with different
configurations, - Names have to be unique
- ltmaptransformer logger"sitemap.transforme
r.xalan" name"xalan" pool-max"32"
mer"gt ltuse-request-parametersgtfalselt/use-req
uest-parametersgt ltuse-session-parametersgtfal
selt/use-session-parametersgt ltuse-cookie-para
metersgtfalselt/use-cookie-parametersgt ltxslt-p
rocessor-rolegtxalanlt/xslt-processor-rolegt ltc
heck-includesgttruelt/check-includesgt lt/maptran
sformergt ltmaptransformer logger"sitemap.tra
nsformer.xsltc" name"xsltc" pool-max"32"
mer"gt ltuse-request-parametersgtfalselt/use-req
uest-parametersgt ltuse-session-parametersgtfal
selt/use-session-parametersgt ltuse-cookie-para
metersgtfalselt/use-cookie-parametersgt ltxslt-p
rocessor-rolegtxsltclt/xslt-processor-rolegt ltc
heck-includesgttruelt/check-includesgt lt/maptran
64Understanding views
- Views are exit points in pipeline processing
- Original motivation semantic search
- Current use mainly debug
- Configuration
- name unique identifier
- from-label explicit exit point
- from-position implicit (automatic) exit point
- first right after the generator
- last right before the serializer
- Activated by cocoon-viewview-name
- Warning! Views are not inherited by subsitemaps
- Warning! Views can be a security concern
65More on views placing labels
- Labels are set using the label attribute on
either - A Generator or Transformer declaration in the
components section (will work anywhere) - A Generate or Transform directive in a pipeline
(specific to the pipeline) - An Aggregate or Part directive (more on this
66View examples
- Defining views
- ltmapviewsgt ltmapview from-label"content"
name"content"gt ltmapserialize
type"xml"/gt lt/mapviewgt ltmapview
from-label"content" name"pretty-content"gt
ltmaptransform src"stylesheets/system/xml2html.xs
lt"/gt ltmapserialize type"html"/gt lt/map
viewgt lt/mapviewsgt - Defining labels
- ltmapgenerator label"content"
logger"sitemap.generator.file" - name"file" pool-max"32
- src"org.apache.cocoon.generation.FileGen
- Reusable pipeline fragments
- Useful for repetitive tasks
- Will be (mostly) replaced by Virtual Sitemap
Components - Warning! Resources are not inherited by
68A resource example
- Defining a resource
- ltmapresourcesgt ltmapresource
name"simple-page2html"gt ltmaptransform
e-page2html.xsl"gt ltmapparameter
name"contextPath" value"requestcontextPath"/gt
ltmapparameter name"servletPath"
value"requestservletPath"/gt ltmapparame
ter name"sitemapURI" value"requestsitemapURI"
/gt ltmapparameter name"file"
value"file"/gt ltmapparameter
name"remove" value"../0"/gt lt/maptransfor
mgt lt/mapresourcegt lt/mapresourcesgt - Calling a resource
- ltmapcall resource"simple-page2html"gtltmapparame
ter name"file" value"forms/form1_success.xsp"/gt - lt/mapcallgt
- Define a set of actions to be executed as a unit
of work either - Unconditionally (upon every invocation)
- When explicitely called, using a cocoon-action
parameter - ltmapaction-setsgt ltmapaction-set
name"shop-actions"gt ltmapact
type"session-invalidator" action"logoff"/gt lt
mapact type"session-validator"/gt lt!-- Always
executed --gt ltmapact type"cart-add"
action"addItem"/gt ltmapact
type"cart-remove" action"removeItem"/gt ltmap
act type"cart-remove-all" action"removeAll"/gt
ltmapact type"cart-update" action"updateQty"/gt
ltmapact type"order-add" action"addOrder"/gt
ltmapact type"order-verify"
action"verifyOrder"/gt ltmapact
type"navigator" src"1"/gt lt!-- Always executed
--gt - lt/mapaction-setgtlt/mapaction-setsgt
70Declaring flow scripts
- Flow is a new way to insert page flow control in
your application (much more on that later) - Scripts and/or classes are declared in the flow
section of the sitemap - ltmapflow language"javascript"gt
- ltmapscript src"calc.js"/gt
- lt/mapflowgt
- ltmapflow language"java"gtltmapscript
- src"org.apache.cocoon.samples.flow.java.Cal
culatorFlow"/gtltmapscript src"org.apache.cocoon.
samples.flow.java.FormFlow"/gtltmapscript - src"org.apache.cocoon.samples.flow.java.Per
sistenceFlow"/gt - lt/mapflowgt
71The pipelines section
- The heart of Cocoon, where things get done
- Contains 1 ltmappipelinegt declarations
- Any pipeline section represents a logical
division - Different pipelines serve different purposes
- Visibility internal-only pipelines can only be
just using the cocoon protocol - Caching, as pipelines can be
- non-cached (always executed)
- cached delegating validity to the pipeline
components (executed if nothing has changed in
the pipeline) - cached beforehand using the expires directive
(executed only once during the validity period)
72Cocoon pipelines dissected
- Pipelines are recipes building resources
- SAX events travel through the pipeline
- The TLA is GTS Generator, Transformer,
Serializer - Generators are adapters from the outside world to
SAX events - Transformers are SAX filters
- Serializers are the opposite of Generators,
adapting SAX events to the outside world - The obligatory diagram
73Whats in a pipeline?
- Well, components in action from nouns to verbs
- Content production
- generate - transform - serialize
- aggregate - part - part
- read
- Branching
- match
- select
- act
- call
74So whats the sitemap, again?
- Central switchboard (or FrontController, if you
like patterns) - Contains component declarations (yes, even
business components) - Locates (match) and builds (pipelines) the final
result - In most cases, its the only file youll need to
75A typical request cycle in Cocoon
- The environment is checked for the proper
pipeline to use (normally via matching/selecting) - The pipeline is evaluated
- Sitemap components are looked up via type
references or default assignment - The pipeline is setup.
- The pipeline is executed
- Warning no dynamic sitemap routing!
76Zen and the art of matching
77A perfectly valid pipeline example
- ltmappipelinegt
- ltmapgenerate srchello.xml"
type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform srchello2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mappipelinegt
- Would match any request and greet the user
- which is probably not what you want
78Matchers kick in
- Matchers associate the actual environment to a
pipeline - ltmappipelinegt
- ltmapmatch patternhello type"wildcard"gt
- ltmapgenerate srchello.xml"
type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform srchello2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmappipelinegt
- Hit http//localhost8888/hello
79Semantic problem
- Warning, pitfall ahead!
- Formally a pipeline is everything included in
ltmappipelinegt - Colloquially, though, a pipeline is normally the
G-T-S part - ltmappipelinegt
- ltmapmatch patternhello type"wildcard"gt
- ltmapgenerate srchello.xml"
type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform srchello2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmapmatch patterngoodbye type"wildcard"gt
- ltmapgenerate srcgoodbye.xml"
type"file"/gt - ltmaptransform srcbye2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmappipelinegt
80Why the fuss?
- A pipeline, formally, is everything that starts
with a Generator and ends with a Serializer - This sample, then, is perfectly valid
- 1ltmappipelinegt
- 2 ltmapmatch patternhello type"wildcard"gt
- 3 ltmapgenerate srchello.xml"
type"file"/gt - 4 lt/mapmatchgt
- 5 ltmapmatch patterngoodbye
type"wildcard"gt - 5 ltmapgenerate srcgoodbye.xml"
type"file"/gt - 7 lt/mapmatchgt
- 8 ltmaptransform srcgreeting2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - 9 ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- 10ltmappipelinegt
81To make things further complicated
- This one is valid as well
- 1ltmappipelinegt
- 2 ltmapmatch patternhello type"wildcard"gt
- 3 ltmapgenerate srchello.xml"
type"file"/gt - 4 ltmaptransform srcgreeting2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - 5 ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- 6 lt/mapmatchgt
- 7 ltmapmatch patterngoodbye
type"wildcard"gt - 8 ltmapgenerate srcgoodbye.xml"
type"file"/gt - 9 lt/mapmatchgt
- 10 ltmaptransform srcgreeting2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - 11 ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- 12ltmappipelinegt
82Argh! Where is my aspirin?
- but this one could not be
- 1ltmappipelinegt
- 2 ltmapgenerate srchello.xml" type"file"/gt
- 3 ltmapmatch patternhello type"wildcard"gt
- 4 ltmapgenerate srchello.xml"
type"file"/gt - 5 ltmaptransform srcgreeting2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - 6 ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- 7 lt/mapmatchgt
- 8 ltmapmatch patterngoodbye
type"wildcard"gt - 9 ltmapgenerate srcgoodbye.xml"
type"file"/gt - 10 lt/mapmatchgt
- 11 ltmaptransform srcgreeting2html.xsl"
type"xslt"/gt - 12 ltmapserialize type"html"/gt
- 13ltmappipelinegt
83Bottom line
- Cocoon will process the sitemap and try to build
a G-T-S pipeline - Cocoon will stop processing when a Serializer is
met - Beware the Generator already set errors!
- You cant have a Serializer already set error
84Understanding matchers
- Matchers will route a user request through
Cocoon pipelines - Matchers are evaluated in order first match wins
- Matchers are available for the whole environment,
matching on - Request URI
- Request parameters
- Request Attributes
- Session Attributes
- Cookies
- and more
- Matchers are pluggable write your own!
85Using matchers
- A basic example
- ltmapmatch pattern""gt ltmapgenerate
src"welcome.xml"/gt ltmaptransform
src"welcome.xslt"/gt ltmapserialize
type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt - Captures an empty URI
86Wildcard-based matching
- Wildcard match part of the URI using special
chars (/) - A single asterisk matches everything up to the
first forward slash - ltmapmatch patternwelcome-"gt ltmap
generate src"welcome.xml"/gt ltmaptransform
src"welcome.xslt"/gt ltmapserialize
type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt - Matches http//localhost8888/welcome-friend
- A double asterisk matches everything
- ltmapmatch patternwelcome"gt ltmapge
nerate src"welcome.xml"/gt ltmaptransform
src"welcome.xslt"/gt ltmapserialize
type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt - Matches http//localhost8888/welcome/friend
87Capturing matcher results
- Captured parts of a URI are available for later
use - Ordered list, denoted by position number in curly
braces - Starts at 1
- ltmapmatch patternwelcome-"gt ltmap
generate src"welcome-files/1.xml"/gt ltmap
transform src"welcome.xslt"/gt ltmapserializ
e type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt - Matches http//localhost8888/welcome-friend
- Uses welcome-files/friend.xml as the generator
input - Can be arbitrarily complex
- ltmapmatch pattern"linkstatus///"gt
ltmapgenerate src"http//12/3"
type"linkstatus"/gt ltmaptransform
ltmapserialize/gt lt/mapmatchgt
88Nesting matchers
- Matchers can be nested
- ltmapmatch patternwelcome-"gt
- ltmapmatch patternfriend-"gt
- ltmapgenerate src"welcome-files/
1.xml"/gt - lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmapmatch patternfoe-"gt
- ltmapgenerate srcgoaway/1.xml"/gt
- lt/mapmatchgt ltmaptransform
src"welcome.xslt"/gt ltmapserialize
type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt
89Nesting matchers capturing parent results
- The matched expression on the child matcher
doesnt take into account the part already
matched - Parent captured expressions are available with
a tree navigation syntax - ltmapmatch patternwelcome-"gt
- ltmapmatch typehost-matcher
patternlocalhost"gt - ltmapgenerate srclocal-files/../1.
xml"/gt - lt/mapmatchgt
- ltmapmatch typehost-matcher
pattern.mydomain.com"gt - ltmapgenerate srcremote-files/1/.
./1.xml"/gt - lt/mapmatchgt ltmaptransform
src"welcome.xslt"/gt ltmapserialize
type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt
90Dealing with Sources
91The Source abstraction
- Abstracts a stream based data source
- Sub interfaces define write mode and tree-like
navigation (à la java.io.File) - URL-like syntax (with some bastardization)
92The Source interface
93Available sources
- Remote sources
- URLSource deals with every protocol available
for java.net.URL - FileSource manages local files
- WebDAVSource interoperates with WebDAV
repositories - XMLDBSource connects to NXDs
- BlobSource uses databases blobs
- Meta sources
- SitemapSource uses Cocoon pipelines as data
stream sources - ResourceSource grabs data from classpath
- ContextSource accessed streams from the webapp
context - ModuleSource converts modules into sources
- CachedSource decorates sources adding passive
94The Sitemap Source
- Calls cocoon pipelines
- Weirdo
- When used in a generator or transformer, the
called pipeline serializer will be ignored - When used in a reader, the serializer will be
honored - More weirdos URL bastardization
- cocoon/ will call a pipeline starting from the
current sitemap - cocoon// will call a pipeline starting from the
root sitemap
95Cocoon Components Tour
- A journey through Generators, Transformers,
Serializers, Readers, Matchers, Sub-sitemaps,
Modules, Error handling and more
96Components Tour
- Cocoon has roughly 400 components
- 66 Generators
- 65 Transformers
- 23 Serializers
- 10 Readers
- 37 Matchers
- 31 Selectors
- 88 Actions
- 59 Input/Output Modules
- And you might want to write your own
- No way to cover them all well see the most
97Useful stuff FileGenerator
- Actually its a SourceGenerator can deal with
every Source data stream - which includes cocoon// URIs
- Probably the most used generator in Cocoon
98Useful stuff Directory Traversal
- Operate on TraversableSources (directories)
- Provide an XML listing of the requested resources
- Available components
- DirectoryGenerator
- ImageDirectoryGenerator
- MP3DirectoryGenerator
- TraversableGenerator
- TraversableSourceDescriptionGenerator
- XPathTraversableGenerator
99Useful stuff more generators
- JXTemplateGenerator inspired by JSTL, more on
this later - RequestGenerator XMLized Request object
- SessionAttributeGenerator streams an object
stored in session as XML - StreamGenerator reads and streams XML from a
request InputStream (e.g. POST requests) - HttpProxyGenerator accesses an XML stream over
HTTP - HTMLGenerator grabs HTML from a source, converts
to XHTML using jTidy and streams it away
100Useful stuff TraxTransformer
- Can use either (and concurrently)
- Xalan
- Saxon
- Relevant configuration parameters
- ltuse-request-parametersgttruefalselt/use-request-pa
rametersgt - ltuse-session-parametersgttruefalselt/use-session-pa
rametersgt - ltuse-cookie-parametersgttruefalselt/use-cookie-para
metersgt - ltxslt-processor-rolegttraxxalanxsltclt/xslt-proces
sor-rolegt - ltcheck-includesgttruelt/check-includesgt
- Beware caching impact!
101Useful stuff I18NTransformer
- Incredibly useful for dictionaries and
localization - Golden rule use it
- Relevant configuration
- ltmaptransformer name"i18n" logger"sitemap.tran
sformer.i18n" src"org.apache.cocoon.transformatio
default"messages"gt ltcatalogue id"messages"
name"messages" location"translations"/gt ltcatal
ogue id"menu" name"menu" location"translations"
/gt ltcatalogue id"tiered" name"messages"gt
ltlocationgttranslations/tieredlt/locationgt ltloc
ationgttranslationslt/locationgt lt/cataloguegtlt/cat
- lt/maptransformergt
102Dissecting I18NTransformer
- Resolving catalogue files
- name, id unique identifiers and base names for
files - location a source to be prepended to the base
names - Locale will be appended, in full or short form
(en_US or en as a fallback). - Finally, .xml will complete the file name
- So
- ltcatalogue id"messages" name"messages
location"translations"/gt - Assuming en_US as locale, the transformer will
look for - translations/messages_en_US.xml
- translations/messages_en.xml
- translations/messages.xml
103I18N catalog files
- ltcatalogue xmllang"en"gt
- ltmessage key"Apache Cocoon i18n
Samples"gtApache Cocoon i18n Sampleslt/messagegtltmes
sage key"Samples"gtSampleslt/messagegtltmessage
key"Static (XML)"gtStatic (XML)lt/messagegtltmessag
e key"Dynamic (XSP)"gtDynamic (XSP)lt/messagegtltmes
sage key"Sitemap source"gtSitemap
sourcelt/messagegtltmessage key"Locales"gtLocaleslt/m
essagegtltmessage key"Documentation"gtDocumentation
lt/messagegtltmessage key"i18n transformer
docsgtlt/messagegtltmessage key"i18n transformer
Javadocgtlt/messagegtltmessage key"LocaleAction
Javadocgtlt/messagegtltmessage key"Credits"gtCredit
slt/messagegtltmessage key"Konstantin
Piroumian"gtKonstantin Piroumianlt/messagegtltmessage
key"Many others..."gtMany others...lt/messagegt - lt/cataloguegt
104Using the I18NTransformer
- From then you can happily translate
- Elements
- lttitlegt lti18ntextgttitletextlt/i18ntextgt
- lt/titlegt
- Attributes
- ltpara title"first" name"article"
i18nattr"title name"gt - Dates
- lti18ndate-time pattern"MEDIUM"/gt
- Numbers
- lti18nnumber type"percent" src-locale"en"
105Useful stuff CIncludeTransformer
- Dynamically inserts content in XML streams
- Reacts to elements in the http//apache.org/cocoon
/include/1.0 namespace - ltpage xmlnscinclude"http//apache.org/cocoo
n/include/1.0"gt lttitlegtHellolt/titlegt ltcontentgt
ltparagtThis is my first Cocoon
page!lt/paragt ltcincludeinclude
src"include.xml" element"included"/gt lt/content
gtlt/pagegt - Can be cached as well
- ltmaptransform type"cinclude"gt ltmappara
meter name"expires" value"600"/gt - lt/maptransformgt
- ltcincludecached-include src"include.xml"/gt
106Useful stuff SourceWritingTransformer
- Useful to write XML data to (Writeable) Sources
during pipeline execution - e.g., save a file
- Reacts to elements in the http//apache.org/cocoon
/source/1.0 namespace - Typically used with XSLT building the source
stuff - Read the Javadocs for details
- ltpagegt ltsourcewrite create"true
- xmlnssource"http//apache.org/cocoon/sour
ce/1.0"gt ltsourcesourcegtfile//tmp/test.writelt
/sourcesourcegt ltsourcefragmentgt lttitle
gta titlelt/titlegt ltcontentgt ...
lt/contentgt lt/sourcefragmentgt lt/sourcewrite
107Useful stuff XMLSerializer
- Outputs, well, XML.
- Configurable encodings and doctypes
- ltmapserializer logger"sitemap.serializer.xhtml"
- mime-type"application/xhtmlxml" name"xhtml11
- src"org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerialize
r"gtltdoctype-publicgt-//W3C//DTD XHTML
1.1//ENlt/doctype-publicgtltdoctype-systemgt - http//www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd
- lt/doctype-systemgt
- ltencodinggtUTF-8lt/encodinggt
- lt/mapserializergt
108Useful stuff FOPSerializer
- Uses Apache FOP to produce
- PS
- ltmapserializer logger"sitemap.serializer.fo2pdf"
- mime-type"application/pdf" name"fo2pdf"
"gt ltuser-configgtWEB-INF/fop-config.xmllt/user
-configgt ltset-content-lengthgttruelt/set-conte
nt-lengthgt - lt/mapserializergt
- ltmapserializer logger"sitemap.serializer.fo2ps"
- mime-type"application/postscript"
name"fo2ps" src"org.apache.cocoon.serialization.
FOPSerializer"/gt - ltmapserializer logger"sitemap.serializer.fo2pcl"
- mime-type"vnd.hp-PCL" name"fo2pcl"
109Useful stufff SVGSerializer
- Takes SVG as input, produces JPEG/PNG as output
- Uses Apache Batik
- ltmapserializer logger"sitemap.serializer.svg2jpe
g" - mime-type"image/jpeg" name"svg2jpeg"
"gt ltparameter name"quality" type"float"
value"0.9"/gt - lt/mapserializergt
- ltmapserializer logger"sitemap.serializer.svg2png
" - mime-type"image/png" name"svg2png
- src"org.apache.cocoon.serialization.SVGSeriali
110Useful stuff ImageReader
- Will serve images (surprise!)
- The kick performing width, height, ratio
adjustments (great for thumbnails) -
- ltmapmatch pattern"image-size-"gt ltmapread
type"image" src"logo.jpg"gt ltmapparameter
name"width" value"1"/gt ltmapparameter
name"height" value"1"/gt lt/mapreadgt - lt/mapmatchgt
111Sub sitemaps
- Sitemaps could become overpopulated and messy
(the Perl effect) - Solution modularize using sub-sitemaps
- From the main sitemap match the parent path and
mount a sitemap underneath - ltmapmatch pattern"xsp/"gt ltmapmount
uri-prefix"xsp" src"xsp.xmap"
/gt lt/mapmatchgt - Wildcard substitution, of course, works
- ltmapmatch pattern"/"gt
- ltmapmount src"/home/1/public_html/"
uri-prefix"1"/gt lt/mapmatchgt
112Input/Output Modules
- Modules create generic components and plug actual
input/output at runtime - Example grab a request parameter and use it in
the sitemap - ltmapmatch patternwelcome"gt
- ltmapgenerate srclocal-files/request-p
aramfile.xml"/gt - ltmaptransform src"welcome.xslt"/gt
ltmapserialize type"xhtml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt - Again no dynamic routing possible
- Modules are evaluated during the pipeline setup
113Useful modules GlobalInputModule
- Allows to configure global variables in the
sitemap, with runtime substitution - Helps writing maintainable code
- ltmapcomponent-configurationsgt ltglobal-var
iablesgt ltstaginggtwebdav//localhost/webdav/s
tep1/lt/staginggt lt/global-variablesgt lt/mapco
mponent-configurationsgt ltmappipelinegt ltma
pmatch pattern"repo/"gt ltmapgenerate
type"traverse" src"globalstagingrepo/"gt
ltmapparameter name"depth" value"1"/gt lt
/mapgenerategt ltmapserialize
type"xml"/gt lt/mapmatchgt - lt/mappipelinegt
114Useful modules XMLFileInputModule
- Allows XPath queries on external resources
- Helps maintainability configuration will be
outside the sitemap - Configured in cocoon.xconf
- ltcomponent-instance class"org.apache.cocoo
n.components.modules.input.XMLFileModule" logger
"core.modules.xml" namesettings"gt ltfile
xhtml" reloadable"false"
cacheable"true"/gtlt/component-instancegt -
- ltmapgenerate type"traverse"
115When things go wrong error handling
- Error conditions (exception) can be catched in
the pipeline - Each pipeline can have a handle-errors section
- Error handling is inherited
- NotifyingGenerator provides errors in XML format
- ExceptionSelector allows branching according to
the exception
116Error handling explained
- ltmapselector logger"sitemap.selector.exception"
name"exception" - src"org.apache.cocoon.selection.ExceptionSele
ctor"gt - ltexception class"o.a.c.ResourceNotFoundExcept
ion" name"not-found"/gt - ltexception class"o.a.c.c.flow.InvalidContinuat
ionException" - name"invalid-continuation"/gt
- lt/mapselectorgt
- ltmaphandle-errorsgt
- ltmapselect type"exception"gt ltmapwhen
test"not-found"gt ltmapgenerate
type"notifying"/gt ltmaptransform
src"stylesheets/system/error2html.xslt/gt ltm
apserialize status-code"404"/gt lt/mapwhengt
ltmapwhen test"invalid-continuation"gt ltmap
generate type"notifying"/gt ltmaptransform
src"stylesheets/system/error2html.xslt"gt ltm
apserialize status-code"404"/gt lt/mapwhengt
ltmapotherwisegt ltmapgenerate
type"notifying"/gt ltmaptransform
src"stylesheets/system/error2html.xslt"gt ltm
apserialize status-code"500"/gt lt/mapotherwise
gtlt/mapselectgt - lt/maphandle-errorsgt
- The magic of web continuations
- Introduction
- JavaScript features
- View layer
- Putting it all together
- Session variables
- Managing continuations
- Need for flow control
- What is "flow control" ?
- Control of transition between pages
- Driven by application logic
- Aren't actions enough ?
- Yes, but they require state management
- Quickly becomes complex, hard to understand and
to maintain
- Flow script what is it ?
- Simple and effective way to glue together
business logic, presentation and page flow - Uses scripts written in JavaScript (server-side)
- a simple scripting language
- can implement the most complex use cases
- Why JavaScript ?
- Simpler than Java, although powerful
- Integrates well with Java
- Well-known in the web world
- Allows faster roundtrips (save and reload)
- Supports continuations
var cart var user function checkout()
while(user null) cocoon.sendPageAndWait("
login.html") user UserRegistry.getUser(coc
who user) var address cocoon.request.get(
"address") cocoon.sendPageAndWait("creditCard.h
tml") var creditCard cocoon.request.get("cre
ditCard") cocoon.sendPageAndWait("confirmOrder.
html") EnterpriseSystem.placeOrder(user,
cart, address, creditCard) cocoon.sendPage("ord
- JavaScript vs. Java detour
- If you know Java, you already know JavaScript
!Well, mostly. - JavaScript is dynamically typed (variables dont
have types, values do) - Prototype-based inheritance as opposed to
class-based inheritance - Objects are extensible at runtime add or remove
properties and methods
123Calling the view
- cocoon.sendPage()
- cocoon.sendPage invokes the output page (view)
with two arguments - The view URL, relative to current sitemap
- A context Map made available to the view
- ? Can contain Java or JavaScript objects
- cocoon.sendPage("view.html") is like redirecting
to "cocoon/view.html" - Control then comes back to the script
- ? Should normally terminate
cocoon.sendPage("checkout.html", user
loggedUser, email address)
124Calling the view
- cocoon.sendPageAndWait()
- Similar to cocoon.sendPage
- Invoke the view with a context object
- The script is suspended after the view is
generated - ? the whole execution stack saved in a
continuation object - Flow between pages becomes sequential code
- ? No more complicated state automata
- What is it ?
- Contents of a continuation
- Stack of function calls
- Value of local variables
- ? Most often a lightweight object
- ? Creating a continuation does not halt a thread
!! - A continuation object is associated with a unique
identifier available to the view - ? Later used to "resurrect" it
- Sample flow script revisited
var cart var user function checkout()
while(user null) cocoon.sendPageAndWait("
login.html") user UserRegistry.getUser(coc
who user) var address cocoon.request.get(
"address") cocoon.sendPageAndWait("creditCard.h
tml") var creditCard cocoon.request.get("cre
ditCard") cocoon.sendPageAndWait("confirmOrder.
html") EnterpriseSystem.placeOrder(user,
cart, address, creditCard) cocoon.sendPage("ord
127View layer JXTemplate
- What is JXTemplate ?
- An XML template language inspired by JSTL
- Doesn't allow code, but only access to context
variables - ? More simple, more secure
- Flow values are provided as variables
- 2 expression languages Jexl and JXPath
ltjxforEach var"item" items"cart.items"gt
ltpgtName ltjxout value"item.name"/gtlt/pgt lt/jxf
lta href"kont/continuation.id"gtContinuelt/agt
128View layer JXTemplate
- Jexl
- JSTL Velocity's expression language
- JavaBean property navigation language
- ? Property navigation using "."
- Expressions enclosed in
- ? More suited to Java objects
You are calling from request.remoteHost
129View layer JXTemplate
- JXPath
- XPath on abitrary object graphs
- XML documents, but also JavaBeans
- Expressions enclosed in