Chapter 12: The School Years Cognitive Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 12: The School Years Cognitive Development


Chapter 12: The School Years Cognitive Development Dr. M. Davis-Brantley Concrete Operational Thought Concrete Operational Thought Piaget s term for the ability ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 12: The School Years Cognitive Development

Chapter 12 The School YearsCognitive Development
  • Dr. M. Davis-Brantley

Concrete Operational Thought
  • Concrete Operational ThoughtPiagets term for
    the ability to reason logically about the things
    and events one perceives
  • During this time (7 to 11) the child develops
    Logical Principles
  • ClassificationThe logical principle by which
    things are organized into groups (or categories
    or classes) according to some property they have
    in common
  • IdentityThe logical principle that certain
    characteristics of an object remain the same even
    if other characteristics change
  • ReversibilityThe logical principle that
    sometimes a thing has been changed can be
    returned to its original state by reversing the
    process by which it was changed
  • ReciprocityThe logical principle that two things
    may change in opposite ways in order to balance
    each other out

Moral Development and Kohlbergs Stages
  • Level 1 Preconventional Moral Reasoning
  • Emphasis is placed on getting rewards and
    avoiding punishments this is a self-centered
  • Stage 1 Might makes right (a punishment and
    obedience orientation). The most important value
    is obedience to authority, so as to avoid
    punishment while still advancing self-interest
  • Stage 2 Look out for me (an instrumental and
    relativist orientation). Each person tries to
    take care of his or her own needs. The reason to
    be nice to other people is so that they will be
    nice to you.
  • Level 2 Conventional Moral Reasoning
  • Emphasis is placed on social rules this is a
    community-centered level
  • Stage 3 Good girl, nice boy. Proper behavior
    is behavior that pleases other people. Social
    approval is more important than any specific
  • Stage 4 Law and order. Proper behavior means
    being a dutiful citizen and obeying the laws set
    down by society.
  • Level 3 Postconventional Moral Reasoning
  • Emphasis is placed on moral principles this
    level is centered on ideals
  • Stage 5 Social contract. One should obey social
    rules because they benefit everyone and are
    established by mutual agreement.
  • Stage 6 Universal ethical principles. General
    universal principles, not individual situations
    or community practices, determine right and

Kohlberg Contd
  • Kohlberg asserts its not how people reason,
    rather than what specific moral conclusion they
    reach, which determines their stage of moral
  • During middle childhood the child responds to the
    first 2 levels
  • 7 and 8 year olds Primarily Preconventional
  • 9 to 11 year olds If they have been exposed to
    or have had the opportunity to discuss moral
    issues can respond in Conventional ways
  • During middle childhood there is a significant
    shift from egocentric preoperational thinking to
    more concrete operational logic

Control Processes
  • Control ProcessesThe mechanism (which involves
    selective attention, metacognition, and emotional
    regulation) that puts memory, processing speed,
    and knowledge together in order to regulate the
    analysis and flow of information within the
    information processing system
  • Selective AttentionThe ability to screen out
    distractions and to focus on the details that
    will help in later recall of information
  • MetacognitionThinking about thinking or the
    ability to evaluate a cognitive task to determine
    how best to accomplish it, and then to monitor
    and adjust ones performance on that task
  • By ages 8 or 9, children can evaluate the
    difficulty of a task. Thus, these children
    approach tasks in a more strategic way
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