Title: Open Source Answer to Critical Infrastructure Security Challenges
1Open Source Answer to Critical Infrastructure
Security Challenges
- Vadim Shchepinov, Chief Executive OfficerRED
- What is Open Source- New way for Software to be
developed and utilized- Open Source Paradigm
Timeline - Security Requirements and Challenges
- Open Source answer to the security challenges
- Database Management System is the key element of
Information System Security - - Open Source RDBMS positioning within global
IT - Red Soft- Strategy Products Services-
Offer to European partners and clients
31.1 What is Open Source Free software
- Open source is a model to develop, distribute and
use software
Closed source proprietary model
Open Source
- Consumer pays and gets software binaries for
use not source code. - Traditional Licence allows to consume,
participate, contribute (report, suggest)
- Consumer gets software and source code without
paying - Open source Licence allows to consume,
participate, contribute (modify, distribute)
patches support
patches support
read source modify
read source modify
Software Binary source
Software Binary
feedback bug reports fixes code feedback
support requests and resolution feedback
feature implementation code
feedback bug reports feedback support
requests feedback features requests
Source Accenture Open Source Business Models 2007
41.2 What is Open Source Paradigm Timeline
- Open source model matured into the viable and
accepted way to produce and use software
efficiently, quickly and cheaply while being not
locked-in by a specific vendor
Pioneer Age
GNU ProjectGNU General Public License
GNU/Linux V1.0
Linux V2.0
Free and Community Age
Free SoftwareFoundation
Open SourceTerm defined
ApacheWeb Server V1.0
Adoption by (Enterprise) Developers
IBM commits to Linux
IBM Linux business gt 2 bln
Open Source Based Business Models
Red Hat1 blnin revenue?
Red Hatfounded
Red Hatgoes public
Red Hatacquires JBoss
Commercial Open Source
Borlandopens InterbaseFirebird Project
SUNopens Open Office
Adoption by the Enterprise
ApacheWeb Server V2.2 gt50 of Internet
Open Source enabled Business
Sources Optaros Open Source Catalogue 2007 Red
52. Security requirements and challenges
Information Systems (IS) are defined as key
components of Critical Infrastructure by European
Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection
(EPCIP) The security of information systems is
very important and they are placed on the 3d
position in the priority list of EPCIP after
energy and nuclear industriesInformation
systems security challenges are
- IS may contain undeclared software functionality
that might breach user security - IS require security mechanisms and tools to be
build in - IS require a lot of effort and complex procedures
to manage updates for security certified software - IS require visibility and transparency for
developers and IT teams to allow efficient
development and support with high degree of
security requirements fulfillment
63. Open Source answer to Security challenges
By the very nature of being open Open Source
model and respective products allow to build and
use more secure Information Systems
Closed source proprietary model
Open Source
- Very difficult to trace undeclared software
functionality that might breach user security - Difficult to build in the required security
mechanisms and tools - Management of updates for security proprietary
software is very complex and effort intensive - Low level of visibility, transparency and access
to necessary info support required by
developers and IT teams
- Almost impossible to introduce undeclared
software functionality - Direct access to code and more effective
influence on the development road map to take
into account forthcoming new security
requirements - Smooth and straightforward algorithm for security
recertification of updated software - Transparent and open solution
74. Database Management System is the key element
of Information System security
- Database contains all the information in the
information system- one source and storage place
for all info - Undeclared software functionality kills
effectiveness of all the security mechanisms
built into the other layers of information
systems - Database holds data and links between the data
entities which allows structured security
protection on different levels
84.1 Positioning of Open Source RDBMS within
global IT
- Approx. 44 of developers is using Open Source
RDBMS for development purposes - Popularity and number of users grows some
25/year. As of now it is close to the the level
of commercial, enterprise RDBMS - The level of discovered, security related errors
in Closed Code is at least twice higher. Data
about Undiscovered errors in Closed Code are not
available. - Source Evans, IDC
95. Red Soft Strategy and Products
Red Soft strategy is to be the Red Hat of global
open source DBMS market
- Red Soft Corporation is the preferred vendor of
the secure database technology based on the Open
Source model - Red Data Base from Red Soft is secure Relational
Database Management System (RDBMS) based on
Firebird 2.0 - one of the best established,
well-known and globally widespread open source
DBMS kernels in the world
- Red Database is in process of certification of
security functionality for compliance with
ISO/IEC 177992005
105. Red Soft Offer to European Partners and
Red Soft is offering its software products,
services and software assembly/production
facilities to companies and partners in Europe
- All the Open Source product range starting with
Red Data Base delivered and supported by European
partners - Off-shore programming work based on Red Soft tech
stack at production facilities the Russia - Support and SW development servicesprovided to
the clients directly and/or via partners
116. Questions and Contacts
- www.red-soft.biz
- Vadim Shchepinov, Chief Executive Officer
- vadim.shchepinov_at_red-soft.biz
- Office Phone 7 495 721 35 37