Title: Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in the Pediatric Patient
1Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy in the Pediatric
- Steve Piecuch MD, MPH
- Department of Pediatrics
- Lincoln Medical Center
2 3Introduction to the Principles of Fluid and
Electrolyte Therapy
- Important to understand the underlying
physiologic principles of a therapy commonly
employed in pediatrics - Understanding basic principles essential for the
understanding of the management of more complex
disorders such as - Cholera
- Dengue
- Pyloric stenosis
- Hyperosmotic non-ketotic coma
4Crystalloid and Colloid
- Crystalloid Water and electrolyte solution
- Does not remain within the intravascular space
but rather distributes to the entire
extracellular space - Only impacts on the intracellular space if it
causes a change in extracellular osmolarity - E.g. 0.9 NaCl, D5 0.3 NaCl
- Colloid Contains large particles which tend to
remain within the blood vessels - Colloid preferentially expands the intravascular
space because the particles exert oncotic force
which retains water within the intravascular
space - E.g. 5 albumin, blood, dextran solution
5Isotonic Saline Solution
- Isotonic saline solution Solution such as 0.9
NaCl or Ringers lactate with a Na concentration
similar to that of plasma water - Crystalloid distributes throughout the
extracellular space - Infusion of crystalloid will cause a fluid shift
into or out of the intracellular space only if it
creates an osmotic gradient between the
extracellular and intracellular space - Isotonic saline does not change the osmolarity of
the extracellular space - Therefore Isotonic saline solution remains
within and expands the extracellular space and
has minimal effect on the intracellular space
6Maintenance Fluid and Electrolyte Requirements
- Maintenance The replacement of normal ongoing
losses - Normally serum Na concentration is approximately
140 meq/l and serum K concentration is
approximately 4 meq/l - Maintenance solution replaces normal losses
- Maintenance solution does not have an electrolyte
concentration equal to serum because the
electrolyte composition of urine and stool is not
equal to that of serum - Maintenance fluids commonly provided as a 5
dextrose solution - Dextrose provides some energy and prevents
hypoglycemia - Spares protein
- Cannot meet patients nutritional requirements
with 5 (or 10) dextrose
7Maintenance Requirements are a Function of
Caloric Requirements
- 0-10 kg 100 kcal/kg
- 10-20 kg 50 kcal/kg
- gt 20kg 20 kcal/kg
- Examples
- 8 kg 8 kg X 100 kcal/kg 800 kcal.
- 12 kg 10 kg X 100 kcal/kg 2 kg X 50 kcal/kg
1000 kcal 100 kcal 1100 kcal - 20 kg 10 kg X 100 kcal/kg 10 kg X 50 kcal/kg
1000 kcal 500 kcal 1500 kcal - 25 kg 10 kg X 100 kcal/kg 10 kg X 50 kcal/kg
5 kg X 20 kcal/kg 1000 kcal 500 kcal 100
kcal 1600 kcal
8Water and Electrolyte Requirements are Determined
by Caloric Requirements
- Requirements per 100 kcal
- 100 ml water (provided as a 5 dextrose solution)
- 2-4 meq Na
- 2 meq K
- 2 meq Cl
- Plasma Anion is a balance of Cl and base
(bicarbonate) - Maintenance solution Can provide some anion as
Cl and some as base (lactate, citrate, phosphate)
or can provide all of it as Cl - But Providing large volumes of fluid (e.g., in
DKA or hypovolemic shock) with all of the anion
as Cl will promote a hyperchloremic metabolic
9Standard Maintenance Solution
- D5W with 20-40 meq/l Na Cl and 20 meq/l KCl (or
KAcetate or KPhosphate) will work well as a
maintenance solution in most pediatric patients - Can use D5 0.2 (or D5 0.3) NaCl with 20 meq/l
KCl (or KAcetate or KPhosphate) as maintenance
solution - Recent article advocated routine use of isotonic
saline solution for pediatric maintenance
solution - Some disease states Another solution might be
appropriate - E.g. Sickle cell anemia patients may have a
relatively high Na requirement due to high
urinary Na losses - 0.9 NaCl (without dextrose) in head trauma
patients - K should be used with caution or omitted in
patients with renal insufficiency
10Water and Electrolyte Requirements Based on Weight
- Water
- 0-10 kg 100 ml/kg
- 10-20 kg 1000 ml plus 50 ml/kg
- gt 20 kg 1500 ml plus 20 ml/kg
- Electrolytes
- Na 2-3 meq/kg
- K 1-2 meq/kg
- Water requirement is the same as with the
caloric-based system - Electrolyte requirement is greater than with
caloric-based system Electrolyte requirement is
a direct linear function of weight
11Routine Use of D5 0.45 NaCl as Maintenance
Solution in Older Patients
- Calculate water and electrolyte requirements on a
per 100 kcal basis Relationship between water
and electrolyte requirements is fixed and does
not change as weight increases - But If the water requirement is calculated on a
per 100 kcal basis and the Na requirement is
calculated on a per kg basis, then as the
patients weight increases the Na requirement
will increase at a greater rate than the water
requirement - Heavier children will require a maintenance
solution with a higher Na concentration - Why Because the water requirement does not
increase linearly as weight increases As weight
increases the water requirement as expressed on a
per kg basis decreases
12Routine Use of D5 0.45 NaCl as Maintenance
Solution (Continued)
- Consider Na concentration of maintenance solution
if estimate Na requirement to be 3 meq/kg (not
2-4 meq/100 kcal) - 10 kg 30 meq Na in 1000 ml 30 meq /l
- 20 kg 60 meq Na in 1500 ml 40 meq/l
- 40 kg 120 meq Na in 1900 ml 63 meq/l
- 70 kg 210 meq Na in 2500 ml 84 meq/l
- This explains why commercially available
maintenance solutions exist which are designed
for children below and above a specific weight - Remember discussion about providing some anion as
base This explains why commercial solutions may
contain some anion in the form of lactate or
13 14Dehydration
- Good working definition in pediatrics Loss of
body fluid, usually predominantly from the
extracellular space, due to decreased intake
and/or increased losses - Most common cause is probably acute
gastroenteritis - Failure to replace fluids lost from ostomies and
drains with an appropriate solution may cause
significant electrolyte imbalance and dehydration - Patients with apparently acceptable intake may
develop significant fluid and electrolyte
imbalances - E.g. Infant with a ventricular drain will lose a
significant amount of Na in the ventricular fluid - Such an infant may develop severe hyponatremia if
exclusively fed human milk (low Na)
15Classify Dehydration as to Type
- Isonatremic dehydration Serum Na between 130
meq/l and 150 meq/l - Hyponatremic dehydration Serum Na lt 130 meq/l
- Hypernatremic dehydration Serum Na gt 150 meq/l
- Serum Na and osmolarity
- Hypernatremic patients are always hyperosmolar
- Isonatremic patients are not always isoosmolar
- E.g. Serum Na 140 meq/l and glucose 600 mg/dl
- Hyponatremic patients are not always hypoosmolar
- E.g. Serum Na 129 meq/l and glucose 800 mg/dl
- Note Isonatremic or hypernatremic patient with
normal glucose may be hyperosmolar due to mannitol
16Ongoing Abnormal Losses
- Maintenance solution is designed to replace
ongoing normal losses - Ongoing abnormal losses Diarrhea, ostomy
drainage, chest tube drainage, ventricular fluid
drainage - Possible to measure electrolytes in the fluid but
is usually unnecessary - May be useful if there is a large volume of
drainage accompanied by significant electrolyte
imbalance - Nasogasric drainage 0.45 (or 0.9) NaCl with
20-40 meq/l KCl - Ileostomy drainage 0.9 NaCl with 10-20 meq/l
KCl or KAcetate
17Clinical Findings in Dehydration
- History Refusal to feed, vomiting, diarrhea,
decreased urine output - Increased risk Children with defective thirst
mechanism, DI, impaired access to water - Physical Sunken fontanel, decreased tears,
decreased skin turgor, tachycardia, weak pulses,
cool extremities - Hypotension is a late finding which occurs only
after compensatory mechanisms have failed - Laboratory Metabolic acidosis, increased BUN,
increased creatinine, increased urine specific
18Classify Dehydration as to Severity
- Mild Earliest signs of dehydration
- 30-50 ml/kg deficit (3-5 dehydration)
- Moderate Signs of dehydration more pronounced
- 60-100 ml/kg deficit (6-10)
- Severe Impending or actual circulatory failure
- 90-150 ml/kg deficit (9-15)
- Smaller children (e.g., lt 2 years old) use
5-10-15 dehydration - In larger children (e.g., gt 2 years old) use
3-6-9 rather than 5-10-15 to avoid
providing excessive volumes of fluid - Alternative approach IV rate of one and a half
maintenance for mild to moderate dehydration and
twice maintenance for moderate to severe
19Severity (Continued)
- Can use weight change to estimate the volume of
the deficit if the change is recent (i.e., over
24 hours) and you are confident that the weights
are reliable - Recent weight loss implies predominantly a water
loss - Degree of dehydration is an estimate, not precise
(analogous to a visual estimate of serum
bilirubin) - Initially underestimating the degree of
dehydration is not harmful so long as any
existing or impending circulatory failure is
recognized and treated appropriately - Initially overestimating the degree of
dehydration is not harmful so long as the
overestimate is recognized and the fluid regimen
is appropriately adjusted
20 21Traditional Management of Isonatremic Dehydration
- 24 hour repair Provide the deficit and one days
maintenance over a 24 hour period - Give half the total in the first 8 hours
- Volume of fluid given during an emergency phase
(i.e., bolus) is included as part of the first 8
hours fluids - The second half is given over the remaining 16
hours - Emergency phase One or more 20 ml/kg boluses of
0.9 NaCl in moderate to severe dehydration - Repair solution Maintenance and deficit
requirements combined - In isonatremic dehydration can use D5 0.45 (or
0.3) NaCl with 20 meq/l KCl (or KAcetate)
22Repair of Isonatremic Dehydration (Example)
- 21 kg patient with 10 dehydration
- Total 24 hour requirement 3620 ml
- Maintenance 1520 ml
- Deficit 2100 ml
- 1810 ml in first 8 hour and 1810 ml in next 16
hours - Emergency phase 2 isotonic saline boluses for a
total of 40 ml/kg (840 ml) over 1 hour - Repair solution D5 0.45 NaCl with 20 meq/l KCl
- 1810 ml 840 ml 970 ml over next 7 hours 139
ml/hr - 1810 ml in next 16 hours 113 ml/hr
23Repair Solution in Isonatremic Dehydration
- Deficit is primarily from the extracellular space
- Serum Na concentration unchanged
- Therefore the deficit must have Na concentration
approximately equal to that of plasma water 150
meq/l - Na concentration of plasma water is higher than
that of serum because serum contains solids such
as albumin which reduce the Na concentration - Ignore component of the deficit which consists of
intracellular fluid with a low Na and a high K
concentration - Ignore maintenance electrolyte requirements
because they are relatively insignificant
compared with the deficit electrolyte
requirements - Some authorities include the maintenance
electrolytes in their calculations
24Repair Solution in Isonatremic Dehydration
- 10 kg patient with 5 dehydration
- Maintenance 1000 ml water
- Deficit 500 ml water and 75 meq Na
- 1500 ml water and 75 meq Na 0.3 NaCl
- 10 kg patient with 10 dehydration
- Maintenance 1000 ml water
- Deficit 1000 ml water and 150 meq Na
- 2000 ml water and 150 meq Na 0.45 NaCl
- Remember Na deficit exists and must be replaced
in isonatremic dehydration even though serum Na
is normal - Na deficit Na component of the isotonic volume
25Repair Solution in Isonatremic Dehydration
- D5 0.45 (or D5 0.3) NaCl with 20 meq/l KCl or
KAcetate works well as a repair solution - The Na requirement is determined by the deficit
- The greater the deficit relative to the
maintenance requirements, the greater the Na
concentration needs to be - Moderate to severe dehydration D5 0.45 NaCl
preferred over D5 0.3 NaCl - Chronic dehydration associated with a significant
intracellular loss Some patients may develop
hypokalemia and require 30-40 meq/l of K in the
repair solution
26Actual Calculations Modified Finberg Technique
- Example 12 kg patient with 10 isonatremic
dehydration - Maintenance volume 1100 ml
- Deficit volume 1200 ml
- Deficit Na 1.2 liters X 150 meq/l 180 meq
- Repair the dehydration Give 2300 ml of water and
180 meq of Na over a 24 hour period - Technique Give half over first 8 hours and the
remainder over the next 16 hours - Give 20 ml/kg isotonic saline bolus if have
deficit gt 10
27Modified Finberg Technique (Continued)
- 12 kg patient with 10 dehydration Require 2300
ml of water and 180 meq of Na over a 24 hour
period - Emergency phase 20 ml/kg X 12 kg 240 ml of
0.9 NaCl - 240 ml of water
- 37 meq of Na
- Repair solution
- Water 2300 ml - 240 ml 2060 ml
- Na 180 meq - 37 meq 143 meq
- 2060 ml of water with 143 meq of Na
- 5 dextrose solution with 69 meq/l of Na
- Give 1150 ml over first 8 hours and 1150 ml over
following 16 hours - 1150 ml 240 ml (bolus) 910 ml
- 910 ml/8 hr 113.8 ml/hr
- 1150 ml/16 hr 71.8 ml/hr
28Summarize 12 kg patient with 10 Isonatremic
- Emergency phase 20 ml/kg of isotonic saline
- 240 ml of 0.9 NaCl
- Dextrose free fluid bolus Correct hypoglycemia
separately if necessary - Repair solution 5 dextrose solution with 69
meq/l of Na - D5 0.45 NaCl close enough (77 meq/l Na)
- Repair solution should include 20-40 meq/l of K
to meet K needs and to replace any intracellular
deficit - First 8 hours 2300 ml/2 1150 ml - 240 ml 910
ml/8 hr 114 ml/hr - Subsequent 18 hours 1150 ml/16 hours 72 ml/hr
29Alternative Approaches to the Repair of
Isonatremic Dehydration
- Give maintenance evenly over 24 hours but give
half the deficit over the first 8 hours and the
rest of the deficit over the next 16 hours - Complicated Either use different IV bags for the
maintenance and deficit fluids or change the
electrolyte composition of the repair solution
after the first 8 hours - Estimating relative contributions of the
extracellular and intracellular fluid to the
overall deficit - Extracellular fluid Na concentration of 150
meq/l - Intracellular fluid K concentration of 150 meq/l
- Unnecessary if K is provided in repair solution
and is increased if hypokalemia develops during
the repair
30Alternative Approaches to the Repair of
Isonatremic Dehydration (Continued)
- Give one or more 20 ml/kg boluses of isotonic
saline as needed and then run D5 0.45 (or 0.3)
NaCl at 1.5 or 2 times maintenance - Commonly done, not an unreasonable approach
- Remember Na concentration of D5 0.45 and D5
0.3 NaCl is significantly greater than
maintenance requirements - True maintenance solution contains inadequate Na
to effectively correct significant isonatremic
dehydration - Rapid correction of the deficit over less than 24
hours - E.g. Give 100 ml/kg of isotonic saline solution
over 3-6 hours to replace the deficit - Provide maintenance separately or by the oral
route - May avoid hospitalization or shorten hospital stay
31Correction of Abnormal Osmolarity
- So long as actual or impending circulatory
failure is treated appropriately with isotonic
saline solution, the kidney will usually
compensate if the degree of the water or Na
deficit is underestimated or overestimated - Excessive urine output May be a protective
measure in a patient who is being rehydrated at
an excessive rate - Rapid correction of abnormal osmolarity
- Potentially harmful
- Hyponatremia Central pontine myelinolysis
- Hypernatremia Seizures
- DKA Cerebral edema
- Kidney will not protect against this