Analysis of data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of data


Analysis of data – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Analysis of data

Analysis of data
What is suggested by the quantitative data?
  • What feature of the quant data is of interest -
    a ecological footprint feature? Or a demographic
    feature? Or both?
  • ecological footprint use the filter to create
    extreme values comparison
  • demographic use the filter to create profile
  • What are the significant correlations?
  • Couples with children fish eaters, better
    housing, rail travellers
  • Sole parents low electricity use, machinery
    operators and drivers, not in the labour force
  • Are they significantly different in their
    consumption of food?

Comparison of couples w/out children and sole
parents on food resource issues
t-Test Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances t-Test Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances t-Test Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
  couples w/out children sole parents
Mean 20.2 17.8
Variance 4.64 25.7
Observations 13 5
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 5
t Stat 1
p(Tltt) one-tail 0.18
t Critical one-tail 2.02
p(Tltt) two-tail 0.36
t Critical two-tail 2.57  
Create a demographic profile 1
Group Couple Without Children One Parent With Child(ren)
Managers 8 0
Professionals 8 0
Technicians and Trades Workers 23 20
Community and Personal Service Workers 8 20
Machinery Operators and Drivers 0 20
Labourers 8 0
Employed Not Elsewhere Included 15 0
Full-time and part-time Tertiary Students 15 0
Not in the Labour Force (house persons, retired, disability) 15 40
Create a demographic profile 2
Group Couple Without Children One Parent With Child(ren)
16-34 years 31 40
35-54 46 20
55-74 15 20
75 and older 8 20

European 54 20
Maori 0 40
Pacific Peoples 31 0
Asian 8 20
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African 8 0
Create a demographic profile 3
Group Couple Without Children One Parent With Child(ren)
men 38 60
women 62 40

No qualification 23 40
Any qualification up to level 6 54 60
Level 7 qualification or higher Degree or Graduate Diploma 23 0
Select the narrative files
  • Use the filter to generate the names for your two
  • Open the narrative data file and cut out all the
    names that arent in your group or groups
  • Read the narratives to locate themes
  • Use the Find function to search for words that
    fit the themes you are interested in

  • My theme is awareness and ignorance around
    resource depletion, climate change and global
    warming. The synonyms are- informed, enlightened,
    learnt, disregard, lack of knowledge, uneducated,
    not aware. I have also added words like shock,
    surprise, shame, disbelief, uncertain and unsure
    as I feel they tie up with the two main
    words. The demographic groups that I will be
    looking at are both male and female in the age
    groups 16-35 and 35- 60.

Finding the Not S forms
Semiotic Square V2
Semiotic Square 1
S1 S2
aware ignorant
not ignorant unaware
not S2 Not S1
Semiotic Square 2
S1 and not S2 S1 S1 and S2 S2 S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 aware self-deceiving ignorant S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 other deceiving confused denying S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 not ignorant denied access unaware S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 not S2 Not S2 and not S1 Not S1 S2 and not S1
Semiotic Square 3
S1 and not S2 S1 S1 and S2 S2 S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 1doing 2confusing thinking with doing 3Not able to know S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 4trying to convey that you are doing 5confused 6denying knowing S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 7knowing that you could be doing more 8receptive but not informed 9Not knowing how to know S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 not S2 Not S2 and not S1 Not S1 S2 and not S1
Semiotic Square 4 Andreas words
S1 and not S2 S1 S1 and S2 S2 S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 Aware enlightened shocked, surprised Ignorant disregard S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 shame uncertain, unsure disbelief S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 Informed. learnt uneducated not aware S2 and not S1
S1 and not S2 not S2 Not S2 and not S1 Not S1 S2 and not S1
The Narratives of Food
  • Many of the issues in the transcripts relate to
    what people do or believe
  • Some search terms may be easy to identify and
    very common - compost, recycling, waste, time,
  • A two stage process find the texts that contain
    the terms food, vege/garden, meat, fish
  • Then apply a semiotic analysis to those texts

Petros semiotic square. Theme different
responses to recycling
Dedicated/committed Enthusiastic Keen passionate. Doing a lot and believing in it   Active (but not fully engaged). Doing a reasonable amount, but more going along with the flow rather than looking for more to do Passive, indifferent, inactive. Completely uninterested - doing nothing, not caring
Motivated actual planning doing something and organising to do more       Erratic sometimes engaged, sometimes not no clear pattern Reluctant some slight unease that they ought to be doing something
 Worried, upset anxious about not doing enough        Erratic sometimes engaged, sometimes not no clear pattern Resistant defensive response to the idea they should be doing something
Not Passive highly concerned Engaged and interested in the ideas of recycling  Contemplating, considering. Exploring the ideas of recycling Not dedicated not enthusiastic. Determined not to engage
Judiths belief/doubt square

Dogmatic Accurate Correct Right Belief Not simplistic Understanding complexity Doubt Dogmatic Inaccurate Incorrect Wrong
Convinced Certain Sure Engaging in Possibility Uncertain Unsure Dubious Mistrust
Trust Accepting Credulous Plausible Questioning Exploring Incredulous Wary Sceptical Suspicious
Confidence Simplistic Not Doubting Not Dogmatic Reasonable Simplistic Disbelief Deep Cynicism
Judiths belief/doubt square
Geoff       Kia ora Geoff
fanatical right/ accurate demogogue wrong/ inaccurate cynical
certain credulous   incredulous disbelief, suspiscious
enthusiast, convinced believer questioning, exploring doubter skeptical
accepting, truthful plausable possible unsure uncertain
not cynical comfortable, assured reasonable uninterested not fanatical
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