Title: Nonfiction is prose that
1Nonfiction is prose that
- explains ideas, or
- tells about real people
- is based on fact
- can be verified
2Fact vs. Truth
- Although nonfiction is based on fact, it is false
to assume that fact and truth are the same
3The Truth
- It is impossible to tell the whole truth
about any experience. - Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth?
- The very act of putting something into words
changes it.
5Diction authors choice of words
- The particular words we choose tell something
about - our actual experience
- our personality
- our personal beliefs or prejudices
- our background
- our purpose as the writer ()
6Purpose authors intention or reason
- Every good writer of nonfiction has a purpose
when he or she writes.
- The purpose may be
- to explain or inform
- to create a mood or emotion
- to tell about a series of events
- to persuade the reader to believe something or to
do something.
8 Forms of Nonfiction
- Reports
- Factual accounts of places or events
9 Forms of Nonfiction
- Essay
- - Short work about particular subject
- - Reveals much about the writer
- - Tone conversational, sometimes humorous
- - May be no attempt to be objective
- - Focus writers feelings and responses
- to an experience
10 Forms of Nonfiction
- Biography life story of
- another person
- Autobiography writer tells own life story
11 Forms of Nonfiction
- Memoir
- -Form of autobiography
- -Record of facts and events
- -Covers particular incident or time period
- -Usually writers personal knowledge,
- experiences, and observations
- All types of nonfiction
- include literary methods and devices.
- Four major methods
- used in nonfiction
- Description
- Narration
- Exposition
- Persuasion
14Methods used in Nonfiction
- Description
- Portrait or impression of person, place, or
object - Uses images words that appeal to our senses
- (see, hear, smell, taste, or touch
15Methods used in Nonfiction
- Narration
- - tells a true story
- - a series of events
- - usually chronological order
- - e.g. news stories, biographies
16Methods used in Nonfiction
- Exposition purpose
- - to explain or inform
- - to define or discuss
- - to clarify an idea
17Methods used in Nonfiction
- Persuasion purpose
- to convince the reader to do something
- to convince the reader to accept the writers
18All essay forms answer questions
- Exposition answers
- What is it? How does it work?
- Description answers
- What does it look, sound, smell,
- feel and/or taste like?
19All essay forms answer questions
- Narration answers
- What happened?
- Persuasion answers
- How should I feel? What should I do?
20Nonfiction purpose
- The writer tries to interest us
- with the purpose of the piece.
21Nonfiction elements
- To interest us, he uses many elements also
found in fiction - Conflict Suspense
- Characters Dialogue
- Irony Comedy
- Figures of speech
22Other terms to learn in this unit
Authors argument Evidence Cause and
effect Fact vs. Truth Chronological
order Focus Connotation Hyperbole Denotatio
23Other terms to learn in this unit
- Inference Opinion
- Informational text Propaganda
- Journals Subjective
- Literal language Tone
- Objective
24Authors argument
- The point the author tries to make
25Cause and effect
- Linking two related ideas
- Used in persuasion
26Chronological order
- Time order in writing
- E.g. how-to instructions
- Ideas associated with the meaning of a word
- Dictionary definition of a word
- Facts used to support or prove an argument
- E.g. an analogy or an anecdote
30Fact vs. truth
- Something known to exist or to have happened
- VS.
- Personal truth
- Idea on which writing is centered
- Exaggeration or overstatement, often comic
- Educated guess
- Conclusion or judgment
- From evidence
34Informational text
- Writing that provides knowledge
- Guides and educates
- E.g. magazines, newspapers, instruction manuals,
textbooks, web sites, atlases, journals
- Opinions, comments, and thoughts of people
- Usually from another time
36literal language
- Uses ordinary (non-figurative) meaning of words
- Unbiased, impartial, impersonal
- Based on facts, not subjective
- Personal attitude, belief, or judgment
- Info or ideas spread to promote or injure a
cause, group, or country
- Personal or individual opinion
- Not objective
- Writers attitude to audience and/or subject