Chapter 47: The Biosphere - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 47: The Biosphere


Chapter 47: The Biosphere Section 1: Earth: A Living Planet – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 47: The Biosphere

Chapter 47 The Biosphere
  • Section 1
  • Earth A Living Planet

Earth A Living Planet
  • Ecology is the study of the interactions of
    organisms with one another and with their
    physical surroundings
  • Scientists who study ecology are called
  • Earth is a single living system, also known as a
    biosphere, or living globe

A fast-moving stream in Gatlinburg, TN is an
example of how organisms interact with one
another and with their physical surroundings. The
spray from the stream made it possible for mosses
to grow on the surfaces of nearby boulders
Earth A Living Planet
  • The biosphere is that part of the Earth in which
    life exists
  • Includes all areas of land, air, and water on the
    planet, as well as all the life that populates
    these areas
  • Extends from about 8km above Earths surface to
    as far as 8km below the surface of the ocean
  • Organisms are not distributed evenly throughout
    the biosphere

  • Because the biosphere is large, ecologists like
    to work with smaller units called ecosystems
  • An ecosystem consists of a given areas physical
    features (abiotic factors) and living organisms
    (biotic factors)
  • Abiotic factors water, sunlight, soil type,
    rocks, temperature, humidity, elevation, and
  • Biotic factors fish, frogs, insects, snails,
    worms, trees, ferns, lilies
  • The organisms living together in an ecosystem are
    often referred to as a community

Ecological Succession
  • Ecosystems change over time because every
    organism affects environmental conditions around
  • In the process of ecological succession an
    existing community of organisms is replaced by a
    different community over periods of time ranging
    from a few decades to thousands of years

Ecological Succession
  • Sometimes succession occurs in places where no
    living community existed before
  • When a new volcanic island arises from the sea,
    its newly cooled lava contains no life
  • Organisms that colonize such areas are called
    pioneer species
  • Succession can dramatically transform an
  • Over time, a lake or pond may fill up with silt
    and organic matter, turning first into a marsh
    and then into dry land

Ecological Succession
  • As physical factors change, living communities
    also change
  • Succession can also occur in places where natural
    disasters or human activities wipe out existing
  • In much of the United States, for example,
    abandoned farmland is colonized first by grasses,
    then by other weeds, and later by shrubs and
    small trees
  • Succession often leads to a fairly stable
    collection of organisms called a climax community

Ecological Succession
  • An areas climax community is due partly to
  • An ecosystem may eventually return to the way it
    was after trees are cut down, land is dug up for
    mining, or any other kind of environmental damage
  • But, it is also possible that succession will
    take a different path and things will never be
    the same again

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Chapter 47 The Biosphere
  • Section 2
  • Land Biomes

Land Biomes
  • A biome is an environment that has a
    characteristic climax community
  • The Earth is made up of two main types of biomes
    land biomes and aquatic biomes
  • Most land biomes are named for their climax
    community, or the dominant type of plant life

  • Climate cold, long winters and cool, short
    summers, with little precipitation
  • Yearly precipitation 10 inches
  • Covers 1/5 of Earths land surface
  • Annual precipitation is low
  • H2O is unavailable most of the year
  • Ground is permanently frozen
  • Grasses, sedges, dwarf willows, mosses
  • Foxes, reindeer, owls, caribou

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  • Climate cool, short summers and cold, long
  • Yearly precipitation 8 24 inches
  • Ideal conditions for needle-leaved trees
  • One of the largest biomes on Earth
  • Marshes, lakes, and ponds are common
  • Pine trees, fir trees, birch trees
  • Elk, moose, deer, wolves, bears, wolverines

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Temperate Deciduous Forests
  • Climate warms summers and cool to cold winters
  • Yearly precipitation 30 100 inches
  • Trees shed their leaves in the fall
  • Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout
    the year
  • Contains humus ( a layer of decaying leaves and
  • Deer, bears, beavers, raccoons, moose
  • Oak trees, hickory trees, beech trees, shrubs

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  • Climate dry, hot summers and cold winters
  • Yearly precipitation 4 24 inches
  • Agricultural land
  • Populated by herds of grazing mammals
  • Impala, wildebeests, elephants
  • Grasses, trees, shrubs, crops

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Tropical Rain Forests
  • Climate warm and moist, with little variation
    in either rainfall or temperature
  • Yearly precipitation 100 inches
  • Most diverse biome
  • ½ of Earths species are here
  • Most will be gone within 40 years
  • Leads to the extinction of large numbers of
  • Lush plants, trees
  • Butterflies, monkeys, insects

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  • Climate very dry, often hot
  • Yearly precipitation 8 inches
  • Organisms have features that allows them to
    conserve water
  • Vegetation is sparse
  • Less than 5 of North America is desert
  • Creosote brushes, cacti
  • Roadrunners, kangaroo rats, kit foxes

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Chapter 47 The Biosphere
  • Section 3
  • Aquatic Biomes

Aquatic Biomes
  • Water ecosystems
  • Includes freshwater, marine, and estuaries
  • These biomes support more organisms than do the
    land biomes
  • Some of the abiotic factors that affect the kinds
    of organisms found in the aquatic biomes are
    light intensity, amounts of oxygen and carbon
    dioxide dissolved in the water, and the
    availability of organic and inorganic nutrients

Freshwater Biomes
  • Rivers, streams, and lakes are considered the
    freshwater biomes of the Earth
  • They provide much of our drinking water and are
    an important source of food
  • Tiny floating plants and animals drift and swim
    through the water
  • These organisms are eaten by fish and amphibians,
    which also eat the vegetation and insects that
    fall into the water from overhanging trees

Freshwater Biomes
  • Contains insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and
  • Unfortunately, people all over the world are
    using rivers and lakes as dumping grounds for
  • The results of this carelessness are beginning to
    catch up with us

In swift-moving rivers, most organisms live in
the shallows, where algae and mosses cling to the
surfaces of rocks.
Marine Biomes
  • The vast habitats of the ocean, or the marine
    biomes, cover most of the surface of Earth
  • Photosynthesis can only take place in the
    uppermost region of a marine biome
  • This region is called the photic zone
  • May be as shallow as 30m or as deep as 200m
  • Phytoplankton and algae grow here

Marine Biomes
  • Oceanographers have divided marine biomes into
    distinct zones based on their depth and distance
    from the shore
  • Each of these zones contains organisms that are
    adapted to the conditions there

Intertidal Zone
  • Most difficult zone for organisms to live in
  • Must tolerate radical changes in their
  • Once or twice a day they are submerged in ocean
  • The remainder of the time they are exposed to air
    and sunlight
  • Organisms here have adapted in some way to the
    pounding and crashing of waves
  • Some organisms burrow into the sand to keep from
    being washed out to sea
  • Others attach themselves to rocks

The intertidal zone is characterized by organisms
such as barnacles and starfish.
Neritic Zone
  • Extends from the low-tide line to the edge of the
    open sea
  • Large seaweed are abundant here because this part
    of the ocean is the photic zone
  • In shallow areas of tropical waters, meadows of
    turtle grass provide food for fish,
    invertebrates, and turtles
  • Along the ocean floor, lobsters and crabs crawl
    while flounder and rays swim above them

The neritic zone provides a home to brilliantly
colored coral-reef fishes.
Open-Sea Zone
  • Phytoplankton are responsible for 80-90 of the
    Earths photosynthetic activity
  • Phytoplankton are eaten by larger animals
  • Thus the chain of life in the sea begins with
    these tiny organisms
  • Swimming rapidly through the open-sea zone are
    fish of all shapes and sizes and mammals such as
    dolphins and whales

Open-Sea Zone
  • Because nutrients are scarce in most of the open
    sea, the growth of phytoplankton is relatively
  • This limits the number of animals that can live
  • Closer to the shore, however, nutrients are more
    abundant, and countless fish swim there to feed
    and reproduce
  • Unfortunately, these rich fishing areas are much
    more susceptible to pollution than is the open sea

Deep-Sea Zone
  • Area of high pressure, cold temperature, and
    total darkness
  • This area is home to some of Earths strangest
  • Here, zooplankton wait for night in order to
    migrate to the oceans surface and feed on
  • Herds of bottom dwellers crawl along on the ocean

The deep-sea zone is home to some of the Earths
most bizarre creatures. The tube worms belong to
an ecological community whose ultimate source of
energy is chemicals from volcanic vents.
  • Estuaries are found at the boundary between fresh
    water and salt water
  • Salt marshes, mangrove swamps, lagoons, and the
    mouths of rivers that empty into the ocean are
    examples of estuaries
  • Estuaries support a variety of life forms
  • Because estuaries are usually shallow, sunlight
    is able to penetrate the water completely

  • Photosynthesis occurs at all levels, making
    estuaries a suitable environment for aquatic
  • The abundance of such plants, in turn, supports
    many types of fish, shrimp, and crabs
  • In fact, many fish and invertebrates spawn,
    hatch, and nurse their young in estuaries
  • As the young mature, they head for open sea, then
    return to the estuaries to reproduce
  • Several species of birds use estuaries for
    nesting, feeding, and resting

Estuaries are areas where fresh water and salt
water meet. This salt marsh in Long Island, New
York and the mangrove swamp in Florida are
examples of estuaries.
Chapter 47 The Biosphere
  • Section 4
  • Energy and Nutrients Building the Web of Life

Energy and Nutrients Building the Web of Life
  • One of the most important factors in any
    ecosystem is the flow of energy through the
  • Approximately ½ of the energy plants absorb from
    the sun is used immediately
  • The rest is stored in plant tissues in the form
    of carbohydrates
  • Animals that eat the plants obtain this energy

Energy and Nutrients Building the Web of Life
  • Energy cannot be recycled, or used again
  • Thus energy in an ecosystem is referred to as a
    flow rather than a cycle
  • Nutrients are generally recycled through an
  • When an animal dies, its matter does not
  • Rather, it decomposes and eventually gets used by
    another organism

Organisms are classified as producers, consumers,
or decomposers, depending on how they get their
food. Because spruce budworms feed directly on
the jack pine, which is a producer, they are
called primary consumers. Robins, which feed on
worms, are called secondary consumers.
Decomposers, such as mushrooms, get their food
from the remains of dead organisms.
The Flow of Energy
  • The sun is the ultimate source of energy for all
    living things
  • Because photosynthetic organisms are able to make
    their own food from inorganic substances, they
    are called producers
  • Animals, on the other hand, are consumers
  • Consumers get their energy either directly or
    indirectly from producers

The Flow of Energy
  • Consumers that feed directly on producers are
    called primary consumers
  • Herbivores
  • Consumers that feed on primary consumers are
    called secondary consumers
  • Carnivores
  • Energy flows through an ecosystem from the sun to
    producers and then to consumers

The Flow of Energy
  • When plants and animals in an ecosystem die,
    their remains do not build up because of the
    presence of decomposers
  • Decomposers are organisms that obtain their
    energy from nonliving organic matter
  • Each step in this series of organisms eating
    other organisms is called a trophic, or feeding,

The Flow of Energy
  • At each higher trophic level, less and less of
    the energy originally captured by the producers
    is available
  • Approximately 10 of the energy at one trophic
    level can be used by animals at the next trophic
  • At each successive trophic level, less energy is
    available to an organism

Ecological Pyramids
  • Ecologists use ecological pyramids to represent
    the energy relationships among trophic levels
  • There are three types of ecological pyramids
  • Pyramid of energy
  • Pyramid of biomass
  • Pyramid of numbers

Pyramid of Energy
  • A pyramid of energy shows the total amount of
    incoming energy at each successive level

Pyramid of Biomass
  • The trophic levels of an ecosystem can also be
    represented by a pyramid of biomass, which shows
    the total mass of living tissue at each level

Pyramid of Numbers
  • Relationships among trophic levels may also be
    represented by a pyramid of numbers
  • A pyramid of numbers illustrates the total number
    of organisms at each level

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Although energy moves in a one-way direction
    through an ecosystem, nutrients are recycled
  • All organisms require certain essential nutrients
    in order to grow
  • As members of each trophic level eat members of
    the level beneath them, they acquire the complex
    organic molecules and elements they need in
    addition to energy
  • Nutrients move through the biosphere in a series
    of physical and biological processes called
    biogeochemical, or nutrient, cycles

The Water Cycle
  • The movement of water from the atmosphere to the
    Earth and back to the atmosphere is called the
    water cycle
  • The water cycle consists of an alternation of
    evaporation and condensation
  • Water molecules enter the air by evaporation from
    the ocean and other bodies of water
  • In the air, water molecules condense and then
    return to the Earth in the form of precipitation

The Water Cycle
  • On land, most of the rainwater runs along the
    surface of the ground until it enters a river or
    stream that carries it to a larger body of water
  • Some water sinks into the ground and is called
  • The upper surface of groundwater is known as the
    water table

The Water Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
  • All organisms require nitrogen to build proteins
  • The movement of nitrogen through the biosphere is
    called the nitrogen cycle
  • However, most of the nitrogen cannot be directly
    used by living things
  • It must be converted into other forms

The Nitrogen Cycle
  • Certain bacteria that live on roots of plants
    change free nitrogen in the atmosphere into
    nitrogen compounds that can be used by living
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Once the nitrogen compounds are available, plants
    use them to make plant proteins
  • Animals then eat the plants and use the proteins
    to make animal proteins
  • When the plants and animals die, the nitrogen
    compounds return to the soil

The Nitrogen Cycle
  • Eventually other bacteria in the soil break down
    these nitrogen compounds into free nitrogen in a
    process called denitrification
  • These bacteria are called denitrifying bacteria
  • Through the process of denitrification, free
    nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere

The Nitrogen Cycle
The Carbon and Oxygen Cycles
  • The process by which carbon is moved through the
    environment is called the carbon cycle
  • During photosynthesis, green plants and algae use
    carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to form
  • Consumers and decomposers use glucose in
    respiration, during which they produce carbon
  • Carbon dioxide is then released into the
    atmosphere, completing the carbon cycle

The Carbon and Oxygen Cycles
  • The movement of oxygen through the environment is
    called the oxygen cycle
  • During photosynthesis, water molecules are split,
    releasing oxygen into the atmosphere
  • The oxygen is used by most organisms for
  • During respiration, water is released
  • The water is absorbed by plants, and the cycle
    begins again

The Carbon Cycle
The Oxygen Cycle
Nutrient Limitation
  • The rate at which producers can capture energy
    and use it to produce living tissue is controlled
    be several factors, one of which is the amount of
    available nutrients
  • If a nutrient is in short supply thus limiting
    an organisms growth it is called a limiting

Feeding Relationships
  • The simplest feeding relationship is a food chain
  • In one food chain, a big fish eats little fish
    that eat tiny fish that eat plankton
  • Nature is almost never that simple
  • Instead of using a food chain, which only shows
    one feeding level, ecologists use food webs
  • Food webs have many crisscrossing strands

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