Title: Hominid Evolution
1Hominid Evolution
- Physical changes in hominid characteristics and
behavior over time.
2Homo Sapiens Sapiens (modern man, present day)
3Homo Sapiens sapien (modern man, older, found in
czech republic)
4Homo Sapiens sapien (modern man, cro-magnon,
oldest found in France)
5Homo sapiens rhodesiensis
6Homo Sapiens neanderthalensis (Neandertal)
7Homo erectus pekinensis (peking man)
8Homo erectus modjokertensis
9Paranthropus (Australopithicus) boisei
10Homo habilis (handy man)
11Australopithicus africanus (taung child, Mrs.
12Sustralopithecus (Australopithicus) afarensis
13Pan Troglodytes (Chimpanzee)
14Gorilla Gorilla (Gorilla)
15General Trends in Hominid Evolution - Braincase
- Smallest to largest chimp, homo habilis,
gorilla, a. africanus, S. afarensis, H erectus,
neandertal, H.S. rhodesiensis, H. S. sapiens
(cro-magnon to modern) - As hominids evolved, the braincase, in general
got larger.
16General Trends in Hominid Evolution Sagital
- Sagital crest was largest in the gorilla, chimp,
A. boisei, and H. erectus. By the time modern
man evolved the sagital crest had disappeared. - The sagital crest anchors extremely large jaw
muscles and is found in animals that eat very
tough food such as branches, shrubs, tough
leaves, nuts, barks etc.
17General Trends in Hominid Evolution - Prognathism
- In older species the prognathism sticks out
farther, meaning a lesser angle. Chimp, gorilla,
H. habilis, and S. afarensis show the smallest
angle while H. sapiens sapiens has the steepest. - The greater the angle of prognathism, the weaker
the jaw of the organism. This indicates that the
diet of hominids got softer as the species
18General Trends in Hominid Evolution other
- As species evolved, the foramen magnum moved from
the back of the skull to the center. This
indicates that the species went from walking on 4
legs to two over time. - As species evolved, the supraorbital ridge went
from large to small. This structure provides
reinforcement to the skull to account for the
pressure of large jaw/facial muscles flexing. - The similar number of teeth and dental formula
indicate that all members that we looked at
evolved from a common ancestor. The diet did not
change very much over time.
19Big Conclusions
- Species that evolved at an earlier time had a
harder diet than we do today. Older species ate
nuts, bark, branches, and tough, woody stems.
This is shown by larger sagital crest and
supraorbital ridges, and lower prognathism angle.
This indicates that early human ancestors lived
in the forest and gradually migrated to open
20Big Conclusions cont.
- This move from forest to savannah also favors a
more upright posture. In an environment with
tall grasses walking on 2 legs allows you to see
over the grass and look out for predators. - The large canines on the chimp and gorilla are
not for eating meat but rather they are used for
fighting and sexual selection. Large teeth are
more attractive and indicate good genes.