Title: Population Ecology
1Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution
III. Population Growth changes in size through
time IV. Species Interactions V. Dynamics of
Consumer-Resource Interactions
2Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution
III. Population Growth changes in size through
time IV. Species Interactions V. Dynamics of
Consumer-Resource Interactions A. Predators can
limit the growth of prey populations
3Population Ecology I. Attributes II.Distribution
III. Population Growth changes in size through
time IV. Species Interactions V. Dynamics of
Consumer-Resource Interactions A. Predators can
limit the growth of prey populations
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6Kelp and Urchins In 1940's
7Kelp and Urchins In 1940's
8Moose and Wolves - Isle Royale
9Moose and Wolves - Isle Royale 1930's - Moose
population about 2400 on Isle Royale
101930's - Moose population about 2400 on Isle
Royale 1949 - Wolves cross on an ice bridge
studied since 1958
111930's - Moose population about 2400 on Isle
Royale 1949 - Wolves cross on an ice bridge
studied since 1958
12V. Dynamics of Consumer-Resource Interactions A.
Predators can limit the growth of prey
populations B. Oscillations are a Common
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