Title: Futuro Perfecto:
1UIE2 El Futuro/Condicional Perfecto
- Futuro Perfecto
- Por qué se usa?
- Cómo se usa?
- Ejemplo
to talk about actions that will have happened
habré I will have
habremos we will have
habrás you will have
habrán they, you all will
habrá - he, she will have
habremos hablado
(we will have spoken)
habré hablado
(I will have spoken)
habrás hablado
(you will have spoken)
habrán hablado
habrá hablado
(they, you all will have spoken)
(he,she will have spoken)
2- Condicional
- Perfecto
- Por qué se usa?
- Cómo se usa?
- Ejemplo
to talk about actions that would have happened
habría I would have
habríamos we would
habrías you would have
habrían they, you all
would have
habría - he, she would have
habríamos hablado
(we would have spoken)
habría hablado
(I would have spoken)
habrías hablado
(you would have spoken)
habrían hablado
habría hablado
(they, you all would have spoken)
(he,she would have spoken)
3- Irregulares
- (the following verbs do NOT use the ado/-ido
abrir escribir poner ver decir morir v
olver ir hacer romper
abierto (opened)
escrito (written)
puesto (put)
visto (seen)
dicho (said)
muerto (died)
vuelto (returned)
ido (gone)
hecho (done, made)
roto (broken)
- You will not have gone to the movies.
- We would have opened the window.
- They will have done the homework.
- I would have gone to bed.
Sumario (50 palabras)