American Revolutionary War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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American Revolutionary War


American Revolutionary War – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: American Revolutionary War

American Revolutionary War
The American Revolution1775-1783
  • The revolutionary war in America is also known as
    the American Revolution. It was fought between
    Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies. The
    result was the formation of a new nation-the
    United States of America.

  • Fighting between British soldiers and the
    American Patriots began April 19,1775, at
    Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. The wars
    last major battle was at Yorktown, Virginia
    during September and October 1781. Britain
    formally recognized America independence with the
    signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3,

Events leading to the American Revolution
  • Britain was deeply in debt following the French
    and Indian war (1754-1763) in which it defended
    against the takeover by France. Once the war was
    won, Britain began passing laws and taxes to
    increase its control over the colonies and regain
    some of the money it had spent.

  • By then, Americans had enjoyed a great Amount of
    freedom. They especially resented new taxes
    without their consent and no representation in
    Britains parliament.

Major issues that angered them were
  • The Proclamation of 1763 Englands King George
    forbid colonist to settle west of the Appalachian
  • The Sugar Act of 1764 placed a
  • 3 cent penny tax on each gallon of molasses
    that entered the colonies from outside the
    British Empire.

  • 3. The Stamp Act of 1765 required colonist to
    pay for tax stamps on newspapers, and various
    legal documents. Parliament abolished the Act in
  • 4. The Townshend Acts of 1767 placed a duty on
    imported goods including glass, lead, paint, and
    paper. Americans responded by not buying British

  • 5. The Tea Act of 1773 To avoid paying the tea
    tax, colonial merchants smuggled tea in from the
    Netherlands. In 1773, Parliament passed the Tea
    Act, which made it possible for the East India
    Company to sell tea below the price of the
    smuggled tea. Britain believed that the
    colonists would buy the English tea since it was

  • On December 16, 1773, Samuel Adams led
    patriots, disguised as Indians, on a raid of
    British ships docked in Bostons harbor. They
    dumped the cargoes of tea overboard. This was
    later called the Boston Tea Party.

  • 6. The Intolerable Acts of 1774 were Britains
    response to the Boston Tea Party. One act closed
    Bostons harbor until the colonists paid for the
    destroyed tea. Another took away nearly all
    power from Massachusetts legislature. Control
    of the colony was given to the newly appointed
    British governor, General Thomas Gage.

The First Continental Congress September 5
October 26, 1774
  • The First Continental Congress was attended by
    representatives from all the colonies except
    Georgia. They met in Carpenters Hall in
    Philadelphia to protest the Intolerable Acts.
    Representatives decided to stop trade with
    Britain unless the Acts were abolished. They
    also advised colonists to prepare for war. They
    agree to meet again in May 1775.

Colonial Militia and Minutemen
  • Britain had large numbers of well trained
    militia. Soldiers uniforms included bright red
    jackets. The colonists called the soldiers

  • The colonies did not have a central government,
    army, or navy. Each colony did have a small
    citizen army called the militia. Some members of
    the militia were ordinary citizens such as
    farmers, craftspeople, and businessmen. They were
    prepared to drop everything and become volunteers
    at a moments notice. They were called minutemen.

Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts 1775
  • Fighting began in April at Lexington and Concord.
    General Gage received secret orders to arrest
    Massachusetts troublemakers. Boston patriots
    learned about the orders. They fled the city.
    Gage found out that Americans had stored arms and
    gun powder in the nearby town of Concord. Joseph
    Warren, a Boston patriot, discovered Gages plan.
    He sent three carriers Paul Revere, William
    Dawes, Samuel Prescott to ride and warn the

  • Nearly 150 years later, an American poet,
    William Wadsworth Longfellow told the story (even
    though incorrect historically) of the famous ride
    referred to as The midnight ride of Paul
    Revere. It was also Samuel Prescott who made the
    famous ride with Paul Revere.

  • When the redcoats reached Lexington, seventy
    minutemen were waiting. It is not known who fired
    first, But eight minutemen were killed and ten
    were wounded. Only one British soldier was
    injured. The British continued toward Concorde.
    Again minutemen met them. Three redcoats and two
    patriots were killed. When the British began to
    march back to Boston, minutemen fired at the from
    behind trees and bushes. About 250 British were
    wounded. American losses numbered ninety.

Fort Ticonderoga, New York 1775
  • In May 1775, patriots Ethan Allen along with
    his militia Green Mountain Boys and Benedict
    Arnold led the siege of Fort Ticonderoga, a
    British post in New York. They also captured
    nearby Crown Point. These two victories supplied
    Americans with much needed artillery.

  • After the ______ and _______ War, Britain was in
    great debt. It began passing Laws and taxes to
  • control the ________.
  • List six taxes and laws that put more control on
    the colonies.
  • The colonists response to the Intolerable Acts
    of 1774 was a dump English ______ into Bostons
    Harbor. This event is called the _______ _______

  1. The Second Continental Congress met in ________
    in ________. Congress agreed to _______ with
    Britain until the ________ were abolished.
  2. The Colonists did not have a central ________.
  3. Citizens, who were ready to bear arms at a
    moments notice were called ________.

  • These volunteer soldiers had their first
    encounter with the British on ______ at ________
    and _______, Massachusetts.
  • Townspeople were warned that the British were
    coming by ______,_______, and _________.
  • This famous story has been told in a poem by
  • The Americans had another early victory when they
    captured the English Post
  • Fort __________.

The Second Continental Congress May 1775
  • At first, few delegates wanted to break ties with
    Britain. However, King George continued to
    ignore the colonists petitions. He closed all
    American ports to overseas trade. Support for
    American independence continued to grow. Even
    so, it is important to note that 20 to as many
    as one-third of the colonists remained loyal to

  • They called themselves Loyalists. The patriots
    called them Tories. More than one-third of the
    colonists didnt care one way or the other. The
    war depended upon the patriots who numbered less
    than one-third of the population.
  • In Philadelphia, on June 14, 1775, Congress
    established the Continental Army. On June 15,
    Virginias George Washington was made the armys
    Commander in Chief.

  • Congress soon appointed 13 additional
    generals. Fighting continued while Congress
    faced the major tasks of recruiting troops and
    paying for a war. It had no power to tax. It
    soon began to issue currency called Continental
    Dollars. They became nearly worthless. Congress
    received loans and gifts from wealthy citizens
    and from other nations, especially France, the
    Netherlands, and Spain. Benjamin Franklin
    represented America in France. He played an
    important role in obtaining French troops and

  • The Second Continental Congress met in ____ on
  • In June of that year they established the _______
  • George Washington was made _______ of the army.
  • Congress had little _______to finance its
    fighting against the British.
  • Colonists who wanted freedom were called

  1. Colonists who wanted to remain as British
    citizens were called ________.
  2. The colonists decided to declare their
    independence from the King of ______.
  3. The ______ War is the name given to the fighting
    between the Americans and the _________.
  4. During the war who was the King of England?

The Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
  • Both the British and the Americans wanted to
    occupy hills overlooking Boston. Americans
    fortified Breeds Hill. On July 17, 1775,
    British troops, under General Howe, attacked. So
    as not to waste powder and shot, Colonial
    Prescott ordered Americans not to fire until they
    saw the whites of the enemies eyes! Patriots
    fought until they ran out of ammunition and had
    to flee. This battle is known as the Battle of
    Bunker Hill.

American Expedition to Canada 1775
  • Britain had two colonies in Canada that
    remained loyal. In fall 1775, Congress ordered
    troops to march into Canada to keep British
    forces from invading New York. Benedict Arnold
    led a force toward Quebec, and Richard Montgomery
    led troops toward Montreal. Montgomery was
    killed and Arnold wounded. American forces were
    forced to retreat in spring of 1776.

Siege of Boston British Retreat from Boston 1776
  • General Washington knew that by fortifying the
    high ground around Boston, he could drive the
    British from that city. A plan was made to move
    the captured Fort Ticonderoga cannons across the
    snow-covered Bershire Mountains to Dorchester

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  • This began in January and was accomplished by
    March 4, 1776.
  • With cannons looking down on them, General
    Howe and his troops left Boston. Nine thousand
    British soldiers sailed to Halifax, Canada.
    Washington then sent his troops south of New York.

The Declaration of Independence 1776
  • All the events and battles we have read about so
    far occurred before the colonies declared their
    independence from England. By the summer of
    1776, it was clear that there could be no turning
    back. The Second Continental Congress appointed
    a committee to draft a document declaring the
    colonies to be free and independent states.

  • Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of
    Independence and it is one of the best political
    documents ever written. On July 4, 1776,
    Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.

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  1. June 1776, Congress called for the colonies to
    become _______ states.
  2. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on
  3. The main author of the Declaration of
    Independence was ________________.

Howes Return from Canada
  • Just days before the signing of the Declaration
    of Independence, Howe returned from Halifax.
    With new reinforcements, he quickly drove
    patriots out of Brooklyn heights and New York
    City. Nathan Hale, a patriot and young
    Connecticut schoolteacher, was spying behind
    enemy lines. He was caught and hanged. He is
    last words were, I regret I have but one life to
    lose for my country.

Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey 1776
  • After losing New York City, in the Siege of Long
    Island, Washingtons troops withdrew to New
    Jersey. General Cornwallis attacked them. They
    escaped across the Delaware River to Pennsylvania
    on December 7, 1776. Trenton, New Jersey also
    located across the river was occupied by German
    Hessian soldiers whom the British had hired.

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  • Washington quietly crossed the Delaware on
    Christmas night. Early on December 26 he
    attacked the sleeping Hessians, and took 900
    prisoners at Trenton
  • Cornwallis marched toward Trenton. Washingtons
    troops secretly slipped past the British and
    attacked on January 3 at Princeton. The
    Americans were victorious. Washington then
    moved his troops to winter headquarters in
    Morristown, New York.

  1. After losing New York in the Siege of Long
    Island, Washington withdrew to ____________.
  2. General __________ attacked the Americans, and
    they escaped across the ___________River to
    _____________ on December 7, 1776.
  3. On Christmas night, Washington secretly crossed
    the ________ and attacked the soldiers early
    December 26.
  4. On January 3, 1777 Washington was victorious at

Brandywine Creek and Germantown, Pennsylvania
  • The two armies clashed again on September 11,
    1777, at Brandywine Creek in southern
    Pennsylvania. British forces were victorious and
    occupied Philadelphia. The Continental Congress
    fled to Baltimore. On October 4, 1777,
    Washington struck back at Germantown. Again the
    Americans had to retreat.

Saratoga, New York 1777
  • In July 1777, British General John Borgoyne led
    troops toward New York from Canada. As Burgoyne
    moved south, patriots destroyed bridges, and cut
    down trees to block his advance. From behind
    trees and bushes, riflemen shot the redcoats.
    Burgoyne made one last attempt to break through
    American lines but it was to late.

  • The patriots surrounded him at Saratoga. On
    October 17, he surrended to the American Army.
    The Battle of Saratoga, New York, was the turning
    point of the war. The Americans captured the
    whole army of General Burgoyne. The Americans
    took supplies, arms, and nearly 6,000 prisoners.
    After the great victory at Saratoga, France
    decided to enter the war on the side of the
    Americans to fight against the British.

Saratoga, New York 1777
  1. The turning point of the war was at the Battle of
    __________ in New York on ________.
  2. This American victory convinced __________ to
    enter the war on the side of the Americans.
  3. Name the British General who lost the Battle of
    Saratoga. _______________

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 1777-1778
  • Washington and his army of 10,000 soldiers camped
    for the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge,
    Pennsylvania. They had very little food,
    clothing, or supplies. Nearly one-fourth had
    died by spring. Many deserted. A German
    soldier, Baron Von Steuben, arrived in February.
    He and The Marquis de Lafayette, a French
    nobleman soldier, helped to further train the
    American troops.

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  1. Washingtons Army spend the winter of 1777-1778
    at ___________, Pennsylvania.
  2. Soldiers had very little ______or _____.
  3. Because of the bad winter many ______, and many
  4. French officer __________, and a German officer
    ____________ the Americans retrained the
    remaining troops.

Monmouth, New JerseyJune 1778
  • British General Clinton left Philadelphia on June
    18, 1778 to march across New Jersey to New York.
    He was met by the Continental Army near Monmouth
    Court house on June 28. The encounter ended in a
    draw. Clinton continued to New York this was the
    last major Revolutionary War battle in the north.

Fighting At Sea
  • Americans had almost no Navy, but in 1778, John
    Paul Jones on board his ship, The Bonhomme
    Richard, managed to overtake the British ship

  1. Americans had almost no navy. One of its ships
    was the _____________.
  2. ______________ defeated the British ship
    _______________ off the coast of England in 1778.

Fighting In the West
  • Colonists who crossed the Appalachian Mountains
    to settle new lands found themselves fighting
    against the British, as well as Indians whom the
    British encouraged to fight the colonists. Lt.
    Col. George Rogers Clark was sent to strike back.
    He seized British forts along the frontier.

  1. On the western front Lt. Col. Clark captured a
    British Fort on the western side of the
    ____________ Mountains.
  2. The Americans during the American Revolutionary
    War fought the British and the __________ on the
    western front.

Fighting In the South
  • After France entered the war, Britain
    concentrated on conquering southern colonies. In
    1778 the British easily captured the port of
    Savannah, Georgia. Within months Britain
    controlled all of Georgia. They moved on to take
    Charleston, South Carolina, in 1780.

Yorktown, VirginiaSept. Oct. 1781
  • The last major battle of the war was fought at
    Yorktown. French and American forces caused
    Cornwallis a major defeat. Eight thousand
    British soldiers surrendered on October 16, 1781.
    Fighting dragged on in some areas for two more
    years. Britain suffered great financial losses,
    and was afraid of losing other parts of its
    empire. It began peace talks in 1782.

  1. The last major battle of the war was at
  2. Together the _________ and the ________ troops
    caused the British a defeat.
  3. Who was in command of the British forces at the
    battle of Yorktown?_____
  4. On what date did the British surrender to the
    Americans? ________
  5. Who was in command of the American forces at the
    end of the war? ________

The Treaty of Paris 1783
  • Peace talks began in Paris in 1782. Richard
    Oswald, a wealthy British merchant, represented
    Britain. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John
    Jay represented the new United States. A treaty
    was agreed upon on November 30, 1783. The Treaty
    recognized the independence of the new nation and
    established its borders from the Atlantic Ocean
    to the Mississippi River north to Canada and
    south to Florida

Benjamin Franklin and John Adams
  • Americans also gained fishing rights off the
    coast of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Britain
    gave Florida to Spain in the Treaty of
  • Nearly 26,000 Americans lost their lives from
    battle and disease in the American Revolution.
    British loses totaled about 10,000.

  1. Where did the peace talks take place at the end
    of the war? ___________
  2. What was the name of the Treaty that ended the
    Revolutionary War? __________________
  3. After the Revolutionary War the 13 Colonies
    became known as the _________________.
  4. When was the Peace Treaty signed?

  • 5. The Revolutionary War lasted from _________
    to ____________.
  • The colonist won their freedom from _______ at
    the end of the Revolutionary War.
  • Name the new borders of the united States because
    of the Peace Treaty in 1783. _______________
  • What other Country got land from the Peace Treaty
    of 1783? _________

  • Put these sentences in the correct order.
  • English colonists settled in Jamestown.
  • European explore the Americas.
  • The French and Indian War ends.
  • The colonies become a free country.
  • The Revolutionary War begins.
  • Only Indians live in North America.
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