Title: Efficient Nearest Neighbor Searching for Motion Planning
1Generating Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Using the Hopf Fibration
Anna Yershova1, Steven M. LaValle2,and Julie C.
Mitchell3 1Dept. of Computer Science, Duke
University 2Dept. of Computer Science, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3Dept. of
Mathematics, University of Wisconsin December 8,
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Presentation Overview
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Problem Formulation
- Properties and Representations of the space of
rotations, SO(3) - Literature Overview
- Method Presentation
- Conclusions and Discussion
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Sampling SO(3) Occurs in
- Automotive Assembly
- Computational Chemistryand Biology
- Manipulation Planning
- Medical applications
- Computer Graphics(motions for digital actors)
- Autonomous vehicles andspacecrafts
Courtesy of Kineo CAM
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Our Main Motivation Motion Planning
The graph over C-space should capture the path
connectivity of the space
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Our Main Motivation Motion Planning
- The quality of the undelying samples affect the
quality of the graph - SO(3) is often the C-space
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Problem Formulation
Problem Formulation
Desirable properties of samples over the SO(3)
- uniform
- deterministic
- incremental
- grid structure
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Problem Formulation
Problem Formulation
Desirable properties of samples over the SO(3)
- uniform
- deterministic
- incremental
- grid structure
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Problem Formulation
Problem Formulation
Desirable properties of samples over the SO(3)
- uniform
- deterministic
- incremental
- grid structure
Deterministic The uniformity measures can be
deterministically computed Reason resolution
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Problem Formulation
Problem Formulation
Desirable properties of samples over the SO(3)
- uniform
- deterministic
- incremental
- grid structure
Incremental The uniformity measures are
optimized with every new point Reason it is
unknown how many points are needed to solve the
problem in advance
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Problem Formulation
Problem Formulation
Desirable properties of samples over the SO(3)
- uniform
- deterministic
- incremental
- grid structure
Grid Reason Trivializes nearest neighbor
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
11SO(3) Properties
SO(3) Topology, Manifold Structure
- SO(3) is a Lie group
- SO(3) is diffeomorphic to S3 with antipodal
points identified - Haar measure on SO(3) corresponds to the surface
measure on S3 - SO(3) has a fiber bundle structure
- Fibers represent SO(3) as a product of S1 and S2.
Locally it is a Cartesian product - Remark sampling on spheres and SO(3) are related
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
12SO(3) Properties
SO(3) Parameterizations and Coordinates
- Euler angles
- Axis angle representation (topology)
- Spherical coordinates (topology, Haar measure)
- Quaternions (topology, Haar measure, group
operation) - Hopf coordinates (topology, Haar measure, Hopf
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
13Literature Overview
Literature overview
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
14Literature Overview
Euclidean Spaces, 0,1d
uniform deterministic incremental - grid
uniform deterministic incremental - grid
uniform - deterministic incremental - grid
Halton points
Hammersley points
Random sequence
uniform deterministic - incremental grid
uniform deterministic - incremental grid
Sukharev grid
A lattice
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
15Literature Overview
Euclidean Spaces, 0,1d
- Layered Sukharev Grid Sequence
- Lindemann, LaValle 2003
uniform deterministic incremental grid
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
16Literature Overview
Spheres, Sd, and SO(3)
- Random sequences
- subgroup method for random sequences SO(3)
- almost optimal discrepancy random sequences for
spheres - Beck, 84 Diaconis, Shahshahani 87 Wagner,
93 Bourgain, Linderstrauss 93 - Deterministic point sets
- optimal discrepancy point sets for Sd, SO(3)
- uniform deterministic point sets for SO(3)
- Lubotzky, Phillips, Sarnak 86 Mitchell 07
- No deterministic sequences to our knowledge
uniform - deterministic incremental - grid
uniform deterministic - incremental - grid
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
17Literature Overview
Our previous approach Spheres
uniform deterministic incremental grid
- Make a Layered Sukharev Grid sequence inside each
face - Define the ordering across faces
- Combine these two into a sequence on the cube
- Project the faces of the cube outwards to form
spherical tiling - Use barycentric coordinates to define the
sequence on the sphere - Yershova, LaValle, ICRA 2004
Ordering on faces Ordering inside faces
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
18Literature Overview
Our previous approach Cartesian Products
- Make grid cells inside X and Y
- Naturally extend the grid structure to X ? Y
- Define the cell ordering and the ordering inside
each cell
Lindemann, Yershova, LaValle, WAFR 2004
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
19Method Presentation
Our approach SO(3)
- Hopf coordinates preserve the fiber bundle
structure of R P3 - Locally, R P3 is a product of S1 and S2
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
20Method Presentation
Our approach SO(3)
- The method for Cartesian products can then be
extended to R P3 - Need two grids, for S1 and S2
Grid on S2
Grid on S1
Healpix, Gorski,05
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
21Method Presentation
Our approach SO(3)
- The method for Cartesian products can then be
extended to R P3 - Need two grids, for S1 and S2
Grid on S1
Grid on S2
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
22Method Presentation
Our approach SO(3)
- The method for Cartesian products can then be
extended to R P3 - Need two grids, for S1 and S2
- Ordering on cells, ordering on 0,13
uniform deterministic incremental grid
Grid on S1
Grid on S2
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
23Method Presentation
- The dispersion of the sequence T on SO(3) at the
resolution level l is -
- in which is the dispersion of the
sequence over S2. - Note The best bound so far to our knowledge.
- The sequence T has the following properties
- The position of the i-th sample in the sequence T
can be generated in O(log i) time. - For any i-th sample any of the 2d nearest grid
neighbors from the same layer can be found in
O((log i)/d) time.
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
24Method Presentation
Illustration on Motion Planning
- Configuration space SO(3)
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
1. We have designed a sequence of samples over
the SO(3) which are
- uniform
- deterministic
- incremental
- grid structure
2. Main point Hopf coordinates naturally
preserve the grid structure on SO(3). (Subgroup
aglorithm by Shoemake implicitly utilizes them)
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)
Thank you!
Anna Yershova, et. al.
Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3)