Title: Maximising In-country Experiences
1Maximising In-country Experiences
2Asia Literate Rubric an effective tool for
school self assessment
Maximising In-country Experiences
3Imperatives Moral Economic Professional
Maximising In-country Experiences
4Australian Curriculum
General Capabilities
Cross Curriculum Priorities
- Indigenous
- Asia
- Sustainability
Maximising In-country Experiences
5- Organising Ideas
- Asia and its diversity
- Achievements and contributions of the peoples of
Asia - Asia-Australia engagement
Maximising In-country Experiences
6 Asia literacy foundational and deep
knowledge, skills and understandings about
the histories, geographies, societies, cultures,
literatures and languages of the diverse
countries that make up our part of the world
Maximising In-country Experiences
7Maximising In-country Experiences
8- Where are we?
- Base line data
- Common terminology
- What does Asia literacy and intercultural
understanding look like? - Helps consolidate plans and possible directions
and areas of emphasis
Maximising In-country Experiences
9Maximising In-country Experiences
10- In your school group
- map your own school on the rubric
- Discuss how the overseas experience (OSE) could
impact on their Asia literacy and/or
Intercultural Understanding - Report back to the regional group with
- Where you are
- How the OSE could be used with the rubric
- Your priority for action from the rubric
Maximising In-country Experiences
11Studies of Asia wikispace https//studiesofasia.wi
Maximising In-country Experiences