Supplementing gestation diets with omega-3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Supplementing gestation diets with omega-3


Supplementing gestation diets with omega-3 Research Outcomes * * Omega 3 PUFA for gilts and sows How Omega-3 s affect reproduction Outcomes from lactating sows ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Supplementing gestation diets with omega-3

Supplementing gestation diets with omega-3
  • Research Outcomes

Omega 3 PUFA for gilts and sows
  • How Omega-3s affect reproduction
  • Outcomes from lactating sows
  • Outcomes in gilts
  • Outcomes from studies on lameness and sow
  • Recommendations

Omega 3 fatty acids why are they important?
  • All animals require some intake of fats for
    cellular function
  • Fats used for
  • Energy
  • Fat soluble vitamin source (Vit. A and E),
    sources of retinol, B-carotene and ?-tocopherol
  • Cell membrane component
  • Synthesis of prostaglandins and a reproductive
  • Formation of compounds associated with
    inflammatory responses, immune function and
    general health

Omega-3 in gilts and sows
  • Palmer (1970) reported increase in litter size in
    first and second litter size by feeding sows
  • Following studies using fish oil showed
    supporting evidence (Perez-Rigau et al, 1995
    Webel et al, 2004 Spencer et al 2004) while
    others found no response (Rooke et al, 2001
    Estienne et al 2006) in reproductive performance
  • Embryos and endometrium develop with high levels
    of EPA and DHA by day 19 when gilts fed dietary
    omega 3 PUFAs (Brazle et al 2009)
  • The pig oocyte and follicular fluid contains
    relatively high levels of long chain PUFAs
    compared to other mammals (Homa et al, 1986
    Khandoker et al, 1997)

  • Litter size improved by higher embryo survival
  • Ovulation rate unaffected
  • Increases follicle size and oocyte developmental
    competence (better quality oocyte for
  • May affect the prostaglandins that support
    maternal recognition and implantation (PGE -
    luteotrophic) and reduce those that try and stop
    pregnancy (PGF - luteolytic).
  • Acts in an anti-inflammatory capacity to reduce
    symptoms of lameness

Evidence from commercial studies
Methodology Mixed parity 2-9 Fed during
lactation (18d to weaning) Smits et al, (2011)
Evidence from commercial studies
Methodology Mixed parity 5-8 Fed during
lactation (27 d) and through to mating Smits et
al, (unpublished)
Embryo 13.6 v 15.5, P lt 0.06 Ovulation rate,
NS ES 61.5 v 70.0, P lt 0.06
Combining lactation and early gestation omega-3
Methodology Commercial piggery , parity 1-7
sows, 850 sows
Mixed parity lactation vs early gestation
Total born omega-3 effect P 0.041 Live born
omega-3 effect P 0.100
Smits et al. 2011
Treatment x parity
Improvements in older parities
Smits et al. 2011
PUFA plasma 12d gestation
Farrowing rate
Treatment effect NS
Omega-3 in gilts
  • Studies evaluated response to feeding
    supplemented gilt developer diets
  • Feeding for 3 or 6 weeks before mating on litter
    size and farrowing rate
  • Second study fed supplemented diets before mating
    and early (4 weeks) pregnancy
  • Dose response 0, 3 and 10 g fish oil/kg

Gilt studies
Treatment response NS
Smits et al. 2012
Gilt studies
Treatment response P lt0.100 0 vs 3 g/kg P lt0.05
Smits et al. 2012
Summary of omega-3 for improved fertility
  • Sows
  • Feeding supplemented diets during lactation and
    up to mating
  • Increased litter size in older parities, no
    effect on farrowing rate
  • Feeding supplemented diets during early pregnancy
  • Increased litter size in older parities, no
    effect on farrowing rate
  • Feeding both in lactation and early pregnancy
  • Increased litter size overall (0.5 BA), no
    effect on farrowing rate
  • Replacing tallow with 3 g/kg (0.3) fish oil
    increased EPA and DHA by 6-7-fold
  • Reducing n-6n-3 ratio from 12.5 to 7.5 improved
    litter size and ES

Summary of omega-3 for improved fertility
  • Feeding supplemented diets during puberty up to
  • no significant benefit on litter size or
    farrowing rate
  • Feeding supplemented diets during puberty and
    early pregnancy
  • increase in embryo survival
  • Feeding 3 g/kg v 10 g/kg fish oil during puberty
    and early pregnancy
  • Maximal response at 3 g/kg
  • No treatment effect on farrowing rate
  • Small increase age at mating
  • 217 d (Omega-3) v 213 d Control

Smits et al. 2012
Supplementing gestation diets with omega-3 to
reduce lameness
  • Experimental design

2,000 mated gilts Day 2
Omega-3 diet 6 g/kg fish oil 15 g fish oil/d
Gilt gestation
Control diet 0 g/kg fish oil
Omega-3 diet 3 g/kg fish oil 18 g fish oil/d
Gilt lactation
Control diet 0 g/kg fish oil
Control diet 0 g/kg fish oil
Parity 1 gestation
Omega-3 diet 6 g/kg fish oil 15 g fish oil/d
Parity 1 lactation
Assessment of sow retention
Results - Reproductive
Treatment Gilt farrow rate () Gilt live born Parity 1 farrow rate () Parity 1 subs live born Retention over two parities ( of mated gilts)
Control 90.8 10.8 84.0 12.1 72.6
Fish oil - 3g/kg 91.6 10.8 84.4 12.2 75.8
Significance NS NS NS NS P0.137
Results Sow removal
Treatment Re-bred after parity 1 weaning () Mortality () Locomotion culls () All Physical removal ()
Control 91.3 1.2 5.2 6.2
Fish oil - 3g/kg 93.1 0.4 2.8 3.3
Significance NS P0.09 P 0.011 P 0.004
Omega-3 and sow retention
  • Omega-3 supplements reduced sow wastage due to
    lower destructions and culling for lameness
  • No effect on parity 1 (gilt) litter size when
    fed from d 2 post-mating
  • No increase in parity 2 litter size , though high
    baseline due to parity 1 skip-a-heat)

Take-Home recommendations
  • Supplementing diets with low levels of fish oil
    can increase litter size
  • Evidence of improved physical fitness with
    prolonged supplementation
  • Aim for dietary n-6n-3 ratio of lt 9 in lactation
    and (early) gestation diets
  • Recommended intake of DHA (226) EPA (205) of
    2.9 g/day
  • Sourcing quality fish oil or other sources of
    long-chain omega-3 important, as is suitable
    antioxidants and vit E in feed preparation

Thank you to the Pork CRC and Rivalea for funding
and support during the project and my PhD
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