Title: Dirty Saints
1Dirty Saints
3Theology of Dirt
4Day 3
5Jesus formed Adam from dirt
6Walk on Dirt
7Dirt for Play
8Slide in Dirt
9Roman Bath
1012 Who Followed Jesus
11Dirty Feet
12Why get dirty for others?
3 reasons
13I. Getting dirty shows your love.
14Love Exemplified
... He showed them the full extent of his love
15You show your love for others by doing
undesirable tasks too!
16I. Getting dirty shows your love.
17II. Getting dirty shows your humility.
18Jesus showed humility
19Jesus washed the feet of Judas too!
20Jesus retained his authority but took on a
servants role
21Lord, are you going to wash my feet? (136)
Unless I wash you, have no part with me (138)
22Then wash my hands and head as well, not just my
feet! (139)
Two washings
Body salvation (once)
Feet confession (repeated)
23Humble service curbs pride
1. Voluntary
2. No complaining
3. Unconventional
24Sweeping the Floor
25When a man forgets himself, he usually does
something everybody else remembers.
26I. Getting dirty shows your love.
27II. Getting dirty shows your humility.
28III. Getting dirty shows you imitate Christ.
29I have given you an example to follow. Do as I
have done to you (John 1315)
30Main Idea
When you love people like Jesus, you dont mind
31Why Get Dirty?
1. To show love
2. To show humility
3. To imitate Jesus
32Dirty Feet at Crossroads
- Website
- Bulletins
- Finances
- PowerPoint
- CSB setup
- Greeting
- Service trash
Jerome Carol Evan Alisa Leo Désirée Susan
Tech? Folding? Assistant? Events? Wrap-up? Outside
? Clean-up?