Title: Provision C.3. New and Redevelopment Performance Standards
1Provision C.3.New and Redevelopment Performance
- Sue Ma
- Water Quality Control Board
- San Francisco Bay Region
- November 15, 2006
2C.3. New and RedevelopmentControversial Issues
- 5000 ft2 threshold for requiring treatment
- Reporting Databases
- Small projects
- Regulated projects
- OM inspections
3C.3. New and Redevelopment Controversial Issues
- Single-family home requirements
- OM inspections - new treatment systems
- Alternative compliance program
- Impracticability, oversight, current programs
- Lack of LID requirements
- 3rd party certifications of treatment designs
- Infiltration limitations
4Impervious Surface DataProject Categories
- Group 1 Projects gt 1 acre
- Group 2 Projects gt 10,000 ft2 lt 1 acre
- Small Projects lt 10,000 ft2
- Single-Family
- Non Single-Family
5City of FairfieldNew Impervious Surface146.3
AcresFiscal Year 2004 - 2005
0.2 acres
144 acres
2.1 acres
6Suisun CityNew Impervious Surface56.5
AcresFiscal Year 2004 - 2005
54.6 acres
0.5 acres
0.5 acres
1.4 acres
7City of DublinNew/Replaced Impervious
Surface25.5 AcresJanuary December 2005
23.9 acres
0.2 acres
1.4 acres
0.2 acres
8City of LivermoreNew/Replaced Impervious Surface
49.1 AcresJanuary December 2005
0.52 acres
39 acres
1.1 acres
9 acres
0.59 acres
9City of Pleasanton3-Year SummaryNew/Replaced
Impervious Surface88.7 AcresJanuary 2003
November 2005
0.4 acres
69.7 acres
4.0 acres
3.6 acres
15.0 acres
10City of Pleasanton3-Year SummaryNew/Replaced
Impervious SurfaceSmall Projects, 4.0
AcresJanuary 2003 November 2005
78 (3.16 acres) gt 5000 ft2 lt10,000 ft2 (95
single-family res.) 2.99 acres (5 non
single-family res.) 0.17 acres
22 (0.87 acres) lt 5000 ft2 (71 single-family
res.) 0.62 acres (29 non single-family res.)
0.25 acres
11City of Menlo Park5-Year SummaryNew Impervious
Surface14.7 AcresApril 2000 March 2005
10.2 acres
3.1 acres
10.7 acres
0.9 acres
0.5 acres
12City of Menlo Park4-Year SummaryNew Impervious
SurfaceSmall Projects, 10.7 AcresApril 2000
March 2005
7 (0.8 acres) gt 5000 ft2 lt10,000 ft2 (all
single-family res.)
93 (9.9 acres) lt 5000 ft2 (95 single-family
res.) 9.4 acres (5 non single-family res.)
0.5 acres
13City of Palo Alto4-Year SummaryNew/Replaced
Impervious Surface43.3 AcresOctober 2001
December 2005
19.34 acres
13.7 acres
21.5 acres
8.1 acres
2.12 acres
14City of Palo Alto4-Year SummaryNew/Replaced
Impervious SurfaceSmall Projects, 21.5 Acres
October 2001 December 2005
87 (18.8 acres) lt 5000 ft2 (92 single-family
res.) 17.34 acres (8 non single-family res.)
1.42 acres
13 (2.7 acres) gt 5000 ft2 lt10,000 ft2 (74
single-family res.) 2 acres (26 non
single-family res.) 0.7 acres
- Current data represents small percentage of Bay
Area cities - Data illustrates two extremes
- Capturing all impervious surfaces requires
threshold to be lt 1000 ft2 of impervious surface - 5000 ft2 threshold for requiring stormwater
treatment will have small impact - Some site design requirements appropriate for
single-family homes
16MRP Provisions
- Threshold for treatment reduced to gt 5000 ft2
new/replaced impervious surface - Site Design BMPs required for single-family homes
creating/replacing gt 5000 ft2 new/replaced
impervious surface - Implementation in 4th year of MRP adoption
- Required data collection for new/replaced
impervious surface for small projects
17MRP Provisions
- List of BMPs for Single-Family Homes
- Divert roof runoff to vegetated areas before
discharge to storm drain - Direct surface flow to vegetated areas before
discharge to storm drain - Install driveways, patios and walkways with
pervious material such as pervious concrete or
18Alternative Compliance
- Preserves intent in current permits
- Eliminates variability and levels playing field
- Preserves preference for onsite treatment or
compliance at Regional Project - Allows finding of impracticability based only on
cost or inability to meet other federal, state or
local requirements - Maintains reduction in requirements for special
projects (Brownfields, low income, transit
villages, etc.)
19Operation and Maintenance
- Requirements
- Inspect newly installed treatment BMPs
- Inspect minimum percentage
- Coordinate with vector control agencies
- Determine compliance rates
- Regulated Projects Sample reporting tables were
distributed 1½ years ago most data already being
collected and reported - OM More specific data for inspections
(compliance status and enforcement actions)
allows a more quantitative effectiveness
evaluation by programs and Water Board - Small Projects Impervious Data Data serves to
validate MRP thresholds and provide database for
next permit reissuance