Natural Hazards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Natural Hazards


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Title: Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards
Are all natural hazards natural?
Introduction to Natural Hazards
  • What is a Geohazard?
  • Earth processes (involving the lithosphere,
    hydrosphere atmosphere) that, upon interaction
    with human populations, cause loss of life and
  • It is important to understand the human element.
  • Without it, there would be no hazard!
  • Because of it, the science of geohazards becomes
    more important every year
  • Mitigation - reduction/prevention

Hazardousconditionor result
Why is the human element so critical?
  • The Earths population is increasing.
  • More people living in hazard-prone areas.
  • Populations are becoming more concentrated.
  • For example
  • Currently 6 billion people on Earth ( 50 live
    in cities).
  • By 2025, estimated 8 billion people (66 in
  • Of these cities, 40 are coastal locations
  • prone to severe storm and tsunami damage!
  • And many major cities lie in areas subject to
    other geohazards (for example volcanoes and
  • E.g., 12 of Earths population (720 million)
    lives within 100 km of a volcano that has erupted
    in the past 10,000 years.

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Global distribution of population vs location of
Holocene volcanoes
  • We CANNOT stop the geologic processes!
  • We CANNOT stop our population growth
  • Therefore, we must try to mitigate (reduce or
    prevent) the hazards through
  • Scientific study of the geologic processes.
  • Population education initiatives.
  • Improvements in engineering/building practices.
  • Management plans and hazard response scenarios.

Types of Natural Hazards
  • Volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes,
    hurricanes, tsunamis, landslides, forest fires.
  • Can adversely affect human populations.
  • Can occur
  • Without warning (e.g. earthquakes).
  • With warnings (precursors) (e.g. satellite
    monitoring of hurricane tracks, or the presence
    of ground deformation at a volcano before an

  • To help forecast an event and thus mitigate the
    hazard we need to know
  • Frequency vs. Magnitude
  • Frequency (F) how often a given event occurs in
    a certain region.
  • Magnitude (M) how powerful (amount of energy
    released) an event is.
  • For example, high M hazards happen with low F,
    but are much more destructive.
  • Scope
  • Scope (S) area affected by a given hazard.
  • Local - landslides, floods, earthquakes, fire
  • Regional - tsunamis, small volcanic eruptions,
    larger earthquakes, hurricanes
  • Global - large volcanic eruptions, global
    warming, large meteorite impacts

Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Frequency vs Magnitude
Magnitude Earthquake Effects Approx. number each year
lt 2.5 Usually not felt, but recorded 900,000
2.5-5.4 Often felt, only minor damage 30,000
5.5-6.0 Slight damage to buildings and other structures 500
6.1-6.9 May cause a lot of damage in very populated areas 100
7.0-7.9 Major earthquake. Serious damage. 20
gt 8.0 Great earthquake. Can be totally destructive near the epicenter. 1 every 5-10 years
Richter Scale Magnitudes
San Francisco Great 1906 Earthquake
  • Magnitude 7.8 earthquake.
  • Epicenter only 3 km offshore.
  • San Andreas fault ruptured over
  • nearly 500 km.
  • Considered one of the worst natural
  • disasters in U.S. history.

Earthquake Hazards
  • Earthquakes are important hazards to understand
  • The natural hazard that, on average, kills the
    highest number of people per year (gt1 million
    during the past century).
  • Commonly strikes without warning.
  • No time for evacuation.
  • No predictable trend to earthquake numbers,
    magnitude or location.
  • 1000's of earthquakes every year worldwide.
  • 20 are gt M7.0 and these account for 90 of the
    energy released and 80 of all the fatalities.

How do we mitigate the hazard from earthquakes?
  • Reinforce buildings
  • (earthquakes dont kill people buildings
  • Education
  • Disaster plan

Earthquakes and Tsunamis
  • An earthquake on the seafloor has the potential
    to form a tsunami.
  • The earthquake must vertically displace overlying
    water (extensional or compressional faults - not

How does an earthquake form a tsunami?
2004 South Asian Event
  • Biggest earthquake since 1960 event in Chile.
  • Magnitude 9.2
  • 150 km off the west coast of Northern Sumatra
  • Generated a disastrous tsunami that affected 12
    countries around the Indian Ocean.
  • Travel time for the tsunami was 15 minutes to as
    long as 7 hours.
  • So, there is the possibility of warning people
    ahead of time, but not by much!

A village near the coast of Sumatra lays in ruin
after the tsunami.
- Estimated that 1,600 km of faultline slipped
about 15 m (a LOT of rock moved!). - The
earthquake released 20 x 1017 Joules of energy,
which is like setting off 475 million
kilograms of TNT or 23,000 atomic bombs!
How do we mitigate the hazard from tsunamis?
  • Monitoring
  • The process is very technology-intensive
    (satellite monitoring, seismograph arrays,
    computer modeling and tracking of tsunamis).
  • Costs are simply too high for many poorer
  • Often no technology is available to monitor local
  • E.g., Papua New Guinea has no monitoring
  • Reliant on the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (in
  • Tsunami in 1998 was not detected because it
    originated locally.

How do we mitigate the hazard from tsunamis?
  • Establish building restrictions in hazard prone
  • In Hawaii, Hilo harbor and downtown were
    destroyed by the tsunamis of 1946 and 1960.
  • The town is now rebuilt on higher ground and the
    devastated area is a park.

How do we mitigate the hazard from tsunamis?
  • Construction of seawalls.
  • Cause early wave breaking away from populations.
  • Thus prevent wave run up into urban areas.

How do we mitigate the hazard from tsunamis?
  • Public education
  • Warning systems.
  • Evacuation plans.
  • Promote a general understanding of the hazards

Punishment From God 45
Natural event 35
Bomb 20
Population reaction Papua New Guinea (1998)
Tropical Storms
  • Atlantic and eastern Pacific Oceans Hurricanes
  • - average 10 named storms/year, 6 become
  • Western Pacific Ocean Typhoons
  • - average 16 named storms/year, 9 become
  • Indian Ocean Cyclones (best term to describe
    these storms)
  • Coriolis effect causes storms to circulate
    counterclockwise (northern hemisphere) or
    clockwise (southern hemisphere)
  • Western Pacific warm waters, few land masses,
    major storms

Hurricane Katrina (August 2005, Category 3) had
gale force winds extending 120 miles (190 km)
from the storm center (eye of the storm)
since these are circular storms this one was
approximately 240 miles (380 km) from one side to
the other and they can get much larger.
Hurricane Ike (category 4) photo taken from 220
miles altitude in the space station. This
hurricane was 600 miles in diameter the largest
ever recorded.
How do cyclones form?
  • Tropical cyclones form only over warm ocean
    waters near the equator.
  • Warm, moist air rises upward from the surface. As
    this air moves up it leaves less air near the
    surface. This causes an area of lower air
    pressure below.
  • Air from surrounding areas with higher air
    pressure moves in to the low pressure area. Then
    this new cool air becomes warm and moist and
    rises, also. The cyclone is beginning to build
  • As the warmed, moist air rises and cools the
    water in the air forms clouds. The whole system
    of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the
    oceans heat and water evaporating from the ocean
  • As the storm system rotates faster and faster, an
    eye forms in the center. It is very calm and
    clear in the eye, with very low air pressure.
    Higher pressure air from above flows down into
    the eye.
  • When the winds in the rotating storm reach 39 mph
    (63 kmph), the storm is called a tropical
  • When the wind speeds reach 74 mph (119 kmph), the
    storm is officially a tropical cyclone (or
    hurricane or typhoon).
  • Tropical cyclones weaken and eventually die out
    when they hit land, because they are no longer
    being fed by the energy from the warm ocean

How do cyclones form?
This figure shows the motions of air within
cyclones. The green arrows show where warm air is
rising. The red arrows indicate where cool air is
Classification of Cyclones
Category Wind Speed (mph) Damage at Landfall Storm Surge (feet)
1 74-95 Minimal 4-5
2 96-110 Moderate 6-8
3 111-130 Extensive 9-12
4 131-155 Extreme 13-18
5 gt 155 Catastrophic 19
The Saffir-Simpson Scale
Hurricanes Typhoons - Cyclones
  • The most widespread and destructive weather
    hazard that we face.
  • - Example Hurricane Floyd (1999)
  • Was only a moderate level hurricane (category 3
    at landfall).
  • But, it caused 5.6 billion in damage in the
    Bahamas and North Carolina and 57 fatalities.
  • 2.6 million coastal residents had to evacuate.
  • Most rivers in Florida reached high-water levels
    equivalent to a 500-year flood.

Hurricane Floyd just before landfall.
Cyclone Gorky - 1991
  • Struck coast of Bangladesh.
  • Wind speeds 250 km/hr (156 mph a category 5
  • A 6 meter (20 ft.) storm surge wave traveled
    several kms inland.
  • Estimated 138,000 killed, and 10 million
  • 2 billion dollars (2007) damage.

Children attend class in what remains of their
Homes in rural areas of poor countries are not
built to withstand 156 mph winds
Hurricane Katrina - 2005
  • Hurricane Katrina was the most costly and most
    deadly hurricane in the history of the USA.
  • Category 5
  • At least 1,836 fatalities.
  • Damage estimated at 81.2 billion.

Hurricane Katrina
Collapsed bridge in New Orleans
Suburbs in New Orleans
Boats washed onshore by the storm surge
What type of damage is produced?
  • Storm Surge
  • Water that is pushed onshore by the force of the
    cyclone winds.

What type of damage is produced?
  • Wind of course.
  • Responsible for the loss of power and utilities.
  • Wind damage affects much larger areas than surge.
  • Flying debris is a serious hazard.

What type of damage is produced?
  • Flying debris
  • Can be propelled at very high speeds

How do we mitigate the hazard from a cyclone?
  • Monitoring
  • Early warning systems.
  • Infrastructure
  • Cyclone walls.
  • Communal shelters.
  • Building codes.
  • Education and planning

Natural Hazards Summary
Graph showing the number of deaths per year due
to natural hazard events
Economic losses due to major disasters are
increasing due to population growth and land-use
Number of major catastrophes are increasing due
to population growth and land-use changes are
there other reasons?
  • Apparent exponential
  • increase Why?
  • Improved information
  • transfer worldwide.
  • Population growth.
  • No change in number
  • of volcanic eruptions,
  • earthquakes, etc
  • However, a statistically significant increase in
    cyclones and floods.
  • Global warming???

Population Growth and Natural Hazards?

Almost certain Population growth is a cause for increase in natural disasters. Under debate Population growth is an indirect trigger for some natural disasters, e.g., floods, cyclones (via global warming). We hope Better prediction and even artificially controlling some natural hazards.
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