Title: Wounds
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- Definition
- Classification of wounds
- Anatomical
- Legal classification
- Medico- legal classification
5Anatomical classification
- Skin
- bone
- Muscle
- Mucous membrane
- Hollow organ
6Legal classification
- Simple wound
- Dangerous wound
- Fatal wound
73-Medico- legal classification
- Sharp
- Blunt
- Firearm.
- Physical injuries.
8A-Wounds caused by sharp instruments
- Incised (Cut) wounds.
- Stab wounds.
- Stab penetrating wounds.
- NB
- Transfixing wounds.
- Defense wounds
9I-Incised (cut) wound
- Definition
- Characters
- 1- The edges
- 2- The length
- 3- Gaping of the edges
- 4- Bleeding
- 5- Liability to sepsis
- 6- Healing
10Its age can be determined to know the time of its
infliction by histological examination
- 30 minutes 4 hours
- Margination of polymorph nuclear leucocytes
- 48 hours
- Pus may be present if sepsis occurs.
- 10-15 days
- Complete healing by primary intention if no
11Its age can be determined to know the time of its
infliction by histological examination
- 3 weeks Red scar .
- 3 months Scar becomes coppery.
- 6 months Scar is thin and pale,
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14II- Stab wound
- Definition
- Unibladed knife or Bibladed knife
- Characters
- More deep than long
- The edges
- The shape of the wound may be changed if
- They are very dangerous
- A broken tip of the weapon may be found in the
wound .
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16Different Blades
17Types of stab wounds
- Ordinary stab wounds.
- Punctured wounds.
- Penetrating wounds (3PMS) .
- Transfixing wounds .
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22Fabricated wound
- Definition
- Characters
- Aims
23Defense wounds
- Definition
- 1- Injuries sustained by grasping the weapon
- 2- Injuries sustained during raising the hand
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25Defense wounds
262- Wounds caused by blunt instruments
- Abrasions.
- Bruises (contusion).
- Lacerations.
- Definition
- Causative instrument
- Types
- linear
- Sliding
- Pressure
- Impact
- Bite
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30ML importance of abrasions
- Violence
- Its shape
- Its site
- Its age
- Cut and contused wounds
312- Contusions
- Definition
- Types ecchymosis bruise-contusion -
32Factor affecting size of contusion
- Age
- Sex
- Color of the skin.
- Gravity.
- Blood Diseases
- Force
- Onset of death
- ML importance
33Age of contusion
- 1st day red in color (oxy HB)
- After 1-3 days blue ( reduced Hb).
- After 2-5 days green ( biliverdin)
- After 5-8 days yellow (bilirubin)
- Bruises fade away ( heal) in 2-3 weeks.
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36Color changes
37 Bruises may be dangerous if
- They occur in a trigger zone.
- They are extensive.
- They become infected
- They hide a more serious injury e.g. rupture
383-Contused wounds
- Definition
- Characters simulate cut wounds
39Deference between cut and contused W
- The edges
- Instruments
- Hair
- Bleeding
- Liability to sepsis
- Abrasion contusion.
- Healing
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43 Complications of wounds
- 1- Neurogenic or primary shock.
- 2- Traumatic shock (secondary shock).
- 3- Hemorrhage.
- 4- Embolism
- 5- Infection.
- 6- Crush syndrome.
441- Neurogenic or primary shock.
- A- Parasympathetic inhibition of the circulation
(vagal inhibition). Or - B- Sympathetico-adrinal stimulation of the
452- Traumatic shock (secondary shock).
- It occurs due to
- release of histamine like substance from the
severely lacerated tissues that causes - increase in the capillary permeability
- and loss of capillary tone
463- Hemorrhage (oligaemic shock)
- Factors affecting the gravity of hemorrhage
- a- Amount of blood lost
- b- Rate of hemorrhage
- c-site of hemorrhage
- d- General condition of the patient
- e- sex
47Types of hemorrhage
- 1- Primary hemorrhage
- It is directly due to the wound, it is either
internal or external. - 2- Secondary hemorrhage
- 3-Reactionary hemorrhage
484- Embolism
- 1- Air embolism
- a- venous air embolism
- b- arterial air embolism
- 2- Thromboembolism
- 3- Fat embolism
495- Infection.
- Contused and lacerated wounds are the most liable
to severe infection particularly, - tetanus and
- Gangrene
- due to devitalized tissue of the wounds.
506- Crush syndrome
- Severe crushing of muscles ? liberation of
myoglobin? blocking of renal tubules? acute renal
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52Thank you