Title: The Headlines
1The Headlines
- All subjects remain
- Core subjects very detailed
- Foundation subjects lighter touch
- Focus on core knowledge phonics, SPAG, written
algorithms - ICT now computing greater emphasis on
programming - Languages statutory in KS2.
2School Curriculum
Sex education
Global citizenship
Extra curricular activities
National Curriculum
Core Subjects
Community links
Religious Education
Local context
Foundation Subjects
Spiritual, moral and social education
Changes New content or emphasis
Less of a focus on genre and more focus on quality writing Year-by-year objectives for Y1 and Y2, then LKS2 and UKS Required spelling grammar objectives wordlists Priority for phonics in both key stages Focus on reading for pleasure Reciting poetry Clearer expectations regarding transcription
4Thinking differently about literacy
Changes New content or emphasis
Data handling is not included in Y1 There is no use of calculators except near the end of KS2. Yearly objectives Larger numbers earlier Tables to 12x12 by end of Y4 Earlier introduction of formal written methods Earlier introduction of standard units of measurement Focus on fractions Roman numerals Binary in Y6.
Changes New content or emphasis
There is less content at KS1 Medicines, light, sound, electricity, and magnetism all shift to KS2 programmes of study Yearly objectives Continued emphasis on working scientifically at each key stage Evolution in Y6.
7Working scientifically
- Observing changes overtime
- Looking for patterns and relationships
- Identifying and classifying things
- Researching using secondary sources
- Comparative and fair testing.
8Design Technology
Changes New content or emphasis
Design, Make and Evaluate at each Key Stage Technical knowledge defined Healthy cooking to be covered at every Key Stage. Two strands Designing and making Cooking and nutrition Computer aided design Applying computing in KS2 to control products.
Changes New content or emphasis
Some areas are now not mentioned in the national curriculum but we can still teach what fits in with our Creative Curriculum e.g. KS1 comparison with other UK location environmental sustainability African, Asian or Australasian Geography. Factual knowledge, e.g. continents oceans at KS1 UK focus at KS1, plus one non-European comparison Europe (including Russia) the Americas covered at KS2.
Changes New content or emphasis
Although there is now less choice about what to study and when we can include additional elements as part of our Creative Curriculum and the local area e.g. World War 2. KS1 Changes within living memory events beyond living memory lives of significant individuals significant local history KS2 Chronological progression through history of Britain from early Britons to Edward the Confessor (1066) Ancient civilizations A local study A study of an aspect or theme that extends knowledge beyond 1066.
Changes New content or emphasis
The subject changes to Computing and Computer Science and this will be taught as part of the Creative Curriculum in a cross curricular way as far as possible. Strong emphasis on developing computational thinking Precise and perhaps unfamiliar language Three aspects computer science, IT and digital literacy E-safety is now statutory and included at every Key Stage.
12Primary Languages
Changes New content or emphasis
Compulsory at KS2 One language taught to a significant level in 4 years. Focus on speech and writing No specified language modern or ancient.
13- The Creative Curriculum
- Freedom
- Fidelity
- Flexibility
- Creativity
14Using time creatively
15Bringing it to life!
16Bringing it to life!
17Bringing it to life!
18Bringing it to life!
- WOW! Starters and Fabulous Finishers!
VE Day in year 3
Going Places
India Day in year 1
Year 3 4 Dance
Knitting Nannies!