Title: Fundraising Fundamentals
1Fundraising Fundamentals
- Or how to squeeze blood from a turnip!
2Lets take a survey
- How many people love to fund raise?
- Why did you come to this session?
3Tips for SuccessfulFundraising
- 1. Knowing Why
- 2. Choosing the Right Fundraiser
- 3. Organization
- 4. Teamwork
- 5. Action and Follow Through
4Step 1 WHY?
- What do you need to raise money for?
5Raise money for a higher purpose
- Use a percentage of the fund raiser for a service
project - Adopt a family
- Donate to a cause
- Scholarship
6Type of Fundraiserchoosing the right fundraiser
- Which one is right for your group?
- Most profitable given your resources
- Match your needs, community and
- cause
- What will resonate with volunteers?
7Is it consistent with your value system?
- Dont sell products you dont believe in.
- (no donuts for us!)
- Sale of goods
- Candy, wrapping paper, tickets
- Greeting cards that students design
- Car wash, lawn work or other services
- Raffles and online auctions
- Unique books, curricula or other
- professional products
- Commemorative bricks, tiles
9On second thought.
- What has your group tried?
- Did it work? Why or why not?
- Given your past experiences, which
- aspect of organizing a fund raiser
- tripped you up?
- Which do you think is most
- important going forward?
11Timelines Organization
- Start with event date and work
- backwards.
- List all major and minor details that
- need to be done.
- Set deadlines when they need to be
- accomplished.
- Organize into committees and
- delegate responsibility.
12Fundraising checklist
- Use the one in packet, or your own
13Fundraising 20 questions
- When your students come to you with their
schemes, bring them back to reality with this
list of questions!
14Its not all about the money
- Fundraising can also be a learning experience!
- How-lets talk about it!
15More tips
- Get permission from your administration
- Keep careful records
- Follow the policies of your school
- Dont leave money around!
16Great Teams Need
- Leadership
- Clear Expectations
- Defined roles
- Communication
- How
- Frequency
- Tone
17Action andFollow Through
- Volunteer support
- Keep up energy timeline
- Thank your donors
- Celebrate!
18Reflection-part of the process
- Survey or meet to
- discuss and record
- What worked didnt
- work
- Do it while its fresh
- How to expand next
- year?
- Write your thank yous.
- Create certificates for the hard workers on the
21Sold at Deca Events with friends
In Cafeteria with Santa, or school mascot, etc.
22School Store
Born in a janitors closet - our store sells a
ton of spiritwear, and
Use principals newsletter for Christmas
present order form
our dirty little secret!
23Frappuccino Fridays! aaaah
Students deliver to teachers, who
have prepaid and preordered on Friday mornings.
24Sexiest Legs on the Football Team
In Cafeteria, students pay 2.00 to vote for
their favorite pair!
25Cookie Diva
Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies 2 for 1.00
26Green Street Parking
Elementary school located in historic Annapolis.
On weekends, parking lot is used as fundraiser.
Students give ticket to go on windshield for the
price of 10.00. Organized on the board level.
Disbursement come from the board twice a year.
27Fund-Raising Smarts!Basic Training
- www.afrds.org
- www.fundraisetaxlaw.org