Title: Code of Conduct At Holy Family we:
1 Welcome to Year 4 Friday 19th September Â
2 Year 4 Staff Mrs Ward Mrs Appleton
-Wednesday pm and all day Thursday Miss Crouch
Tuesday pm Mr Henesey, Miss Jackson, Mrs Swartz,
Mrs Jackson Â
3Code of ConductAt Holy Family we Live, Love
and Learn as followers of Jesus Christ   1.
Respect ourselves, each other and our
environment 2. Keep ourselves and each other
safe 3. Listen to each other and talk through
our problems 4. Take responsibility for our
4When we behave well we are rewarded with
- House-points
- Super class points
- Ive been spotted cards
- If we are reminded about how to behave several
times in a lesson we will some of a play time.
5 Curriculum Overview Autumn Term New
curriculum changes History The Stone
Age Geography How Southport has
changed Literacy Survival Non Fiction
Texts, Narrative, Poetry, Letters
Biographies Â
6Morning Morning Afternoon Afternoon
M 4 a day Maths problems and Numeracy Lesson English lesson and Guided Reading Music Lesson Learning brass or woodwind instrument PE Swimming until Christmas
T 4 a day Maths problems and Numeracy Lesson English lesson and Guided Reading ICT Art
W 4 a day Maths problems and Numeracy Lesson English lesson and Guided Reading RE History/ Geography
Th 4 a day Maths problems and Numeracy Lesson English lesson and Guided Reading RE PE Gym
F 4 a day Maths problems and Numeracy Lesson English lesson and Guided Reading Science Science
7 Start of the Day Please make sure your child is
here on time as learning starts from the moment
they walk into the room. The day starts with
maths 4 a Day when children practise key
8- Homework
- Given each Friday
- Must be completed by Wednesday Homework drop in
available for children at lunchtime to complete
homework. Given an ICT session if not completed. - Maths and English homework set each week.
- Will alternate between written homework and
Education City. - Reading daily if possible, still record in
green book - Spellings - tested weekly.
- Tables keep practising
- One project a year.
9 PE Monday and Thursday After Christmas
swimming stop and PE moves to Tuesdays and
Thursdays Please ensure kit is in school on
these days Acceptable kit no earrings White
top, black shorts, dark tracksuit bottoms Full
Uniform autumn term 2 missed kits letter goes
home Â
10Going for Green files
- Helping us to be independent learners
- Targets
- Next Steps
- Prompts to support learning
- Encouraging independent learning
- Attitude and Behaviour logs
- Spelling Logs
- Reading Journals
11Coming in October
- Survival in the woods challenge (2.50)
- Trip to VUE to watch BBC orchestra (free)
12Any problems?
- Please come and see us, make appointment though
the office. - PSA Mrs Scott, who is on the yard most mornings
and later in the office. - Facebook not the place to share any concerns!