Lecture Outlines Physical Geology, 12/e - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture Outlines Physical Geology, 12/e


Lecture Outlines Physical Geology, 12/e Plummer & Carlson – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture Outlines Physical Geology, 12/e

Lecture OutlinesPhysical Geology, 12/e
  • Plummer Carlson

Mountain Belts and the Continental
CrustPhysical Geology 12/e, Chapter 20
Introduction Characteristics of Major Mountain
Belts Evolution of Mountain Belts The Growth of
Introduction Mountain Belts and Earths Systems
  • Mountain range is a group of closely spaced
    mountains or parallel ridges
  • Mountain belts are chains of mountain ranges that
    are 1000s of km long
  • Commonly located at or near the edges of
    continental landmasses
  • Mountain belts are part of the geosphere
  • Form and grow by tectonic and volcanic processes
    over tens of millions of years

Major Mountain Belts
Introduction Mountain Belts and Earths Systems
  • As mountains grow higher and steeper, erosion
    rates (particularly from running water and ice -
    hydrosphere) increase
  • Air (atmosphere) rising over mountain ranges
    results in precipitation and erosion

Major Mountain Belts
Introduction Mountain Belts and Earths Systems
  • Major controlling factors during a mountain
    belts history
  • 1. Intense deformation
  • Mainly compression
  • Folds faults
  • Foliation metamorphism
  • Orogeny is an episode of intense deformation
  • 2.Isostasy
  • Vertical movement before after an orogeny
  • Continental crust floats on mantle
  • 3. Weathering erosion
  • Depends on climate, rock type, elevation, etc.

Major Mountain Belts
Mountain Belts and the Continental
CrustCharacteristics of Major Mountain Belts
Size Alignment Ages of Mountain Belts
Continents Thickness Characteristics of Rock
Layers Patterns of Folding Faulting Metamorphism
Plutonism Normal Faulting Thickness Density
of Rocks Features of Active Mountain Ranges
Characteristics of Mountain Belts
  • Mountain belts are very long compared to their
  • The North American Cordillera runs from
    southwestern Alaska down to Panama
  • Mountain belts in North America tend to parallel
    coast lines. Others, e.g. Himalayas dont.
  • Older mountain ranges (Appalachians) tend to be
    lower than younger ones (Himalayas) due to
  • Young mountain belts are tens of millions of
    years old, whereas older ones may be hundreds of
    millions of years old

The mountain belts and craton of North America
Schematic cross section through part of a
mountain belt (left) and part of the continental
interior (craton)
Characteristics of Mountain Belts
  • Ancient mountain belts (billions of years old)
    have eroded nearly flat to form the stable cores
    (cratons) of the continents
  • Shields - areas of cratons laid bare by erosion

Schematic cross section through part of a
mountain belt (left) and part of the continental
interior (craton)
Satellite image of part of a craton in Western
Rock Patterns in Mountain Belts
  • Mountain belts typically contain thick sequences
    of folded and faulted sedimentary rocks, often of
    marine origin (passive margin)
  • May also contain great thicknesses of volcanic
    rock (active margin)

Recumbent folds in the Andes
False-color satellite image of part of the Valley
and Ridge province of the Appalachian mountain
belt, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Cross section of an Andean type mountain belt
(oceanic-continental convergence)
Rock Patterns in Mountain Belts
  • Fold and thrust belts (composed of many folds and
    reverse faults) indicate crustal shortening (and
    thickening) produced by compression
  • Common at convergent boundaries
  • Typically contain large amounts of metamorphic

Recumbent folds in the Andes
False-color satellite image of part of the Valley
and Ridge province of the Appalachian mountain
belt, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Cross section of an Andean type mountain belt
(oceanic-continental convergence)
Rock Patterns in Mountain Belts
  • Erosion-resistant batholiths may be left behind
    as mountain ranges after long periods of erosion
  • Localized tension in uplifting mountain belts can
    result in normal faulting as a result of vertical
    uplift or horizontal

Schematic cross section of a mountain belt in
which gravitational collapse and spreading are
taking place during plate convergence
Rock Patterns in Mountain Belts
  • Horsts and grabens can produce mountains and

Fault-block mountains with movement along normal
Thickness Density of Rocks Features of Active
Mountain Ranges
  • Rocks of continental crust (including mountain
    belts) are less dense than oceanic crust
  • Seismic velocities suggest granite compostion
  • Seismic models suggest crust thicker beneath
    mountain belts than cratons and thickest under
    younger mountain belts
  • Earthquakes common along faults in mountain
  • Deep-ocean trenches parallel many young mountain
    belts, e.g. the Andes

Mountain Belts and the Continental
CrustEvolution of Mountain Belts
Orogenies Plate Convergence Post-Orogenic
Uplift Block-Faulting
Evolution of Mountain Belts Orogenies Plate
  • Rocks (sedimentary and volcanic) that will later
    be uplifted into mountains are deposited during
    accumulation stage
  • Typically occurs in marine environment, at
    opening ocean basin or convergent plate boundary

Schematic cross section of a mountain belt in
which gravitational collapse and spreading are
taking place during plate convergence
Evolution of Mountain Belts Orogenies Plate
  • Mountains are uplifted at convergent boundaries
    during the orogenic stage
  • Result of ocean-continent, arc-continent, or
    continent-continent convergence
  • Subsequent gravitational collapse and spreading
    may bring deep-seated rocks to the surface

Schematic cross section of a mountain belt in
which gravitational collapse and spreading are
taking place during plate convergence
Evolution of Mountain BeltsOrogenies Plate
  • Orogenies Ocean-Continent Convergence
  • Accretionary wedge
  • Igneous and metamorphic processes
  • Fold thrust belts on craton (backarc side)
  • Gravitational collapse spreading

Cross section of an Andean type mountain belt
(oceanic-continental convergence)
Schematic cross section of a mountain belt in
which gravitational collapse and spreading are
taking place during plate convergence
Evolution of Mountain BeltsOrogenies Plate
  • Arc-Continent Convergence
  • Figure 20.11
  • Arc too buoyant to subduct
  • Ocean crust may break and a new trench forms
    seaward or a flip in subduction direction may
    occur, e.g. New Guinea
  • Island arc added to Sierra Nevada in Mesozoic
  • Appalachians in Paleozoic

Evolution of Mountain BeltsOrogenies Plate
  • Orogenies and Continent-Continent Convergence
  • Figure 20.13 (Alps)
  • Figure 20.14 (Himalayas)
  • Continent crust too buoyant to subduct
  • Suture zone
  • Appalachian mountains (Alleghenian Orogeny)
  • Wilson Cycle is the opening closing of ocean
    basins and continental collisions

Evolution of Mountain Belts Post-Orogenic Uplift
Block Faulting
  • After convergence stops, a long period of
    erosion, uplift and block-faulting occurs
  • As erosion removes overlying rock, the crustal
    root of a mountain range rises by isostatic

Isostasy in a mountain belt
Development of fault-block mountain ranges
Evolution of Mountain Belts Post-Orogenic Uplift
Block Faulting
  • Tension in uplifting and spreading crust results
    in normal faulting and fault-block mountain
  • Horizontal extensional strain
  • Isostatic vertical adjustment
  • Bounded on both sides by normal faults or tilted
    fault blocks

Development of fault-block mountain ranges
The Teton Range, Wyoming, a tilted fault-block
Evolution of Mountain Belts Post-Orogenic Uplift
Block Faulting
  • Basin-and-Range province of western North America
    may be the result of delamination
  • Overthickened mantle lithosphere beneath old
    mountain belt may detach and sink into
  • Resulting inflow of hot asthenosphere can stretch
    and thin overlying crust, producing normal faults

The Basin and Range and adjoining geological
provinces (block-faulting)
Evolution of Mountain Belts Post-Orogenic Uplift
Block Faulting
  • Basin-and-Range province of western North America
    may be the result of delamination
  • Overthickened mantle lithosphere beneath old
    mountain belt may detach and sink into
  • Resulting inflow of hot asthenosphere can stretch
    and thin overlying crust, producing normal faults

Upwelling, hot, buoyant mantle (asthenosphere)
causes extension, thinning, and block-faulting of
the overlying crust
Delamination and thinning of continental crust
following orogeny
Growth of Continents
  • Continents grow larger as mountain belts evolve
    along their margins
  • Accumulation and igneous activity add new
    continental crust

Growth of Continents
  • Tectonostratigraphic terranes (terranes) are
    regions within which there is geologic continuity
    usually bounded by faults
  • Suspect terranes are terranes that may not have
    formed at their present site
  • Accreted terranes are known to have not formed at
    their present site
  • Exotic terranes are terranes that can be shown to
    have traveled great distances

Growth of Continents
  • New accreted terranes can be added with each
    episode of convergence
  • Western North America (especially Alaska)
    contains many such terranes
  • Numerous terranes, of gradually decreasing age,
    surround older cratons that form the cores of the

End of Chapter 20
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