The Holocaust - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Holocaust


1st Block Chapter 16 Section 3 The Holocaust – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Holocaust

1st Block Chapter 16 Section 3
  • The Holocaust

Group Members
  • Justin Maddox
  • Stevi Gibson
  • Dillon Campbell
  • Gina Ghioto
  • Gary Harris

Terms and Names
  • Aryan
  • Holocaust
  • Kristallnacht
  • Ghetto
  • Final Solution
  • Genocide

  • To the Nazis, the Germanic people who formed a
    master race
  • Blond hair, blue eyes

  • Mass slaughter of Jews and other civilians
    carried out by the Nazi government of Germany
    before and during World War II

  • Night of Broken Glass
  • The night of November 9th, 1938, on which Nazi
    storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses,
    and synagogues through-out Germany

  • City neighborhoods in which European Jews were
    forced to live.
  • Segregated Jewish areas.
  • The Nazis sealed the Jews off in the Ghettos with
    barbed wire and stone walls.

Final Solution
  • Hitler grew impatient of waiting for Jews to die
    of disease and starvation
  • He decided to take more direct action
  • Hitler began a
  • program of
  • systematically
  • killing the entire
  • Jewish people

  • The systematic killing of an entire people, such
    as a religion or race
  • To protect racial purity, the Nazis had to
    eliminate other races, nationalities, or groups
    they viewed as inferior subhumans
  • Although there were others, the Nazis main focus
    was on the Jews

Star of David
  • After 1941, all Jews in German-controlled areas
    had to wear a yellow Star of David patch, which
    looked similar to the star on the right

Death Camps
  • Six million European Jews died in these death
    camps and in the Nazi massacres
  • Fewer than four million survived
  • These camps were mainly located in Germany and
  • Most prisoners lost 50 pounds in just the first
    few months
  • Gas chambers in the death camps could kill up to
    six thousand people in one day
  • The Nazis soon installed cremators and ovens to
    dispose of the bodies
  • Jews were used as slaves seven days a week

Never to Forget
  • All the things for which my parents had worked
    for 18 long years were destroyed in less than 10
    minutes. Piles of valuable glasses, expensive
    furniture, linens-in short, everything was
    destroyedThe Nazis left us, yelling, Dont try
    to leave this house! Well soon be back again and
    take you to a concentration camp to be shot.
  • Quoted in Never to Forget The Jews of the
    Holocaust by M. I. Libau

  • Never shall I forget the little faces of the
    children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths
    of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I
    forget those flames which consumed my faith
    forever Never shall I forget those moments which
    murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams
    to dues Never.
  • Quoted in Night by Elie Wiesel

Auschwitz Uprising
  • Ella Gartner and Roza Robota made the Auschwitz
    uprising possible by smuggling gunpowder into the
    camp from the munitions factory in which Ella
  • Robota helped organize resistance in the camp
  • They were both executed on January 6th, 1945
  • Less than a month after their execution,
    Auschwitz was liberated

Jews Killed Under Nazi Rule
Original Jewish Population Jews Killed Percent Surviving
Poland 3,300,000 2,800,000 15
Soviet Union (area occupied by Germans) 2,100,000 1,500,000 29
Hungary 404,000 200,000 49
Romania 850,000 425,000 50
Germany/ Austria 270,000 210,000 22
Unscramble each of the clue words.Copy the
letters in the numbered cells to other cells with
the same number.
The Holocaust
  1. A systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other
    groups judged inferior by the Nazis
  2. Aryans have blond hair and blue eyes, and the
    Nazis viewed them as a Master Race
  3. Night of Broken Glass, and it is the night that
    Nazi storm troopers stormed Jewish homes and
  4. Ghettos are segregated Jewish areas in Poland and
  5. Hitlers program of systematically killing an
    entire people
  6. Six million died during the Holocaust
  7. Less than four million survived.
  8. Six thousand
  9. Seven
  10. Cremators and ovens
  1. What was the Holocaust?
  2. What special features did Aryans have, and how
    did the Nazis view them?
  3. Kristallnacht was the Night of what, and why was
    it named this?
  4. What are ghettos?
  5. What was the Final Solution?
  6. How many Jews died total?
  7. How many Jews survived the Holocaust?
  8. At the Death Camps, the gas chambers could kill
    how many in one day?
  9. How many days a week did prisoners in the camps
    work as slaves?
  10. What did the Nazis install to get rid of the
    bodies of those they had slaughtered?

  • Modern World History text book
  • http//
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