Title: The Search for Understanding
1Chapter 1
- The Search for Understanding
Table of Contents
2Key Questions
- What is psychology?
- What do psychologists hope to achieve?
- How did psychology emerge as a field of
knowledge? - What are the major perspectives in psychology?
- What roles and specialties are found in
psychology and related fields? - What is critical thinking?
- How does psychology differ from false
explanations of behavior?
3Key Terms
- Psychology
- Overt behaviors
- Covert behaviors
- Empirical evidence
- Data
- Scientific observation
- Research method
- Developmental psychologists
- Learning theorists
- Personality theorists
- Sensation perception psychologists
- Comparative psychologists
- Biopsychologists
- Gender psychologists
- Social psychologists
- Cultural psychologists
- Description
- Understanding
- Prediction
4What is Psychology?
- Psychology
- Psyche Mind
- Logos Knowledge or study
- Definition The scientific study of human and
animal behavior - Behavior Overt, i.e. can be directly observed
(crying) - Mental Processes Covert, i.e. cannot be directly
observed (remembering)
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5Empiricism The Goals
- To measure and describe behaviors
- To gather empirical evidence Information gained
from direct observation and measurement - To gather data Observed facts
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6Fig. 1.1 Results of an empirical study. The graph
shows that horn honking by frustrated motorists
becomes more likely as air temperature increases.
This suggests that physical discomfort is
associated with interpersonal hostility. Riots
and assaults also increase during hot weather.
Here we see a steady rise in aggression as
temperatures go higher. However, research done by
other psychologists has shown that hostile
actions that require physical exertion, such as a
fist fight, may become less likely at very high
temperatures. (Data from Kenrick MacFarlane,
Table of Contents
7Scientific Observation
- Definition Designed and structured to answer
questions about the world - Research Method A systematic procedure for
answering scientific questions
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8What Might a Psychologist Research?
- Development Course of human growth and
development - Learning How and why it occurs in humans and
animals - Personality Traits, motivations, and individual
differences - Sensation and Perception How we come to know the
world through our five senses
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9What Might a Psychologist Research? (cont.)
- Comparative Study and compare behavior of
different species, especially animals - Biopsychology How behavior is related to
biological processes, especially activities in
the nervous system - Gender Study differences between males and
females and how they develop - Social Human and social behavior
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10What Might a Psychologist Research? (cont.)
- Cultural How culture affects behavior
- Animals Natural laws governing the behavior of
any living creature
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11What Are the Goals of Psychology?
- Description of Behaviors Naming and classifying
various observable, measurable behaviors - Understanding The causes of behavior(s), and
being able to state the cause(s) - Prediction Predicting behavior accurately
- Control Altering conditions that influence
behaviors in predictable ways - Positive Use To control unwanted behaviors,
(e.g., smoking, tantrums, etc.) - Negative Use To control peoples behaviors
without their knowledge
Table of Contents
13A Brief History of Psychology
- Wilhelm Wundt Father" of Psychology
- 1879 Set up first lab to study conscious
experience - Introspection Looking inward (i.e., examining
and reporting your thoughts, feelings, etc.) - Experimental Self-Observation Incorporates both
introspection and objective measurement Wundts
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14History of Psychology Structuralism
- Wundts ideas brought to the U.S. by Tichener and
renamed Structuralism - Structuralists often disagreed, and no way to
prove who was correct! - Structuralists Introspection was a poor way to
answer many questions
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15History of Psychology Functionalism
- William James (American) and Functionalism
- How the mind functions to help us adapt and
survive - Functionalists admired Darwin and his Theory of
Natural Selection Animals keep features through
evolution that help them adapt to environments - Educational Psychology Study of learning,
teaching, classroom dynamics, and related topics
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16History of Psychology Behaviorism and Cognitive
- Behaviorism Watson and Skinner
- Psychology must study observable behavior
objectively - Watson studied Little Albert with Rosalie Raynor
Skinner studied animals almost exclusively - Cognitive Behaviorism Ellis and Bandura
- Our thoughts influence our behaviors used often
in treatment of depression
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17B.F. Skinner
- Pigeons playing table tennis
- Watsons life
18History of Psychology Gestalt
- Gestalt Psychology The whole is greater than
the sum of its parts. - Studied thinking, learning, and perception in
whole units, not by analyzing experiences into
parts - Key names Wertheimer, Perls
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19Fig. 1.2 The design you see here is entirely made
up of broken circles. However, as the Gestalt
psychologists discovered, our perceptions have a
powerful tendency to form meaningful patterns.
Because of this tendency, you will probably see a
triangle in this design, even though it is only
an illusion. Your whole perceptual experience
exceeds the sum of its parts.
Table of Contents
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22History of Psychology Freud
- Psychoanalytic Freud
- Our behavior is largely influenced by our
unconscious wishes, thoughts, and desires,
especially sex and aggression - Freud performed dream analysis and was an
interactionist (combination of our biology and
environment makes us who we are) - Repression When threatening thoughts are
unconsciously held out of awareness - Recent research has hypothesized that our
unconscious mind is partially responsible for our
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23History of Psychology Neo-Freudians
- New or recent some of Freuds students who broke
away to promote their own theories - Key names Adler, Anna Freud, Horney, Jung, Rank,
Erikson - Psychodynamic theories Which emphasize internal
motives, conflicts, and unconscious forces
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24History of Psychology Humanism
- Humanism Rogers and Maslow
- Goal of psychology is to understand subjective
human experience - Each person has innate goodness and is able to
make free choices (contrast with Skinner and
Freud) - Determinism Behavior is determined by forces
beyond our control
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25History of Psychology Humanism
- Humanists helped stimulate interest in
psychological needs for love, self-esteem,
belonging, self-expression, creativity, and
spirituality. - Such needs, they believe, are as important as our
biological needs for food and water. - For example, newborn infants deprived of human
love may die just as surely as they would if
deprived of food
26Humanism Some Concepts
- Self-image Your perception of your own body,
personality, and capabilities - Self-evaluation Positive and negative feelings
you have about yourself - Frame of Reference Mental or emotional
perspective used for evaluating events - Self-actualization (Maslow) Fully developing
ones potentials and becoming the best person
possible - Free will The human ability to make choices
Table of Contents
27Psychology Today
- Biopsychology Our behavior can be explained
through physiological processes - Uses brain scans to gather data (MRI, PET)
- Looks at neurotransmitters
- Cognitive Study thoughts, memory, expectations,
perceptions, and other mental processes - Eclectic Drawing from many sources
Table of Contents
285 ways to Look at Behavior
- Psychodynamic View
- Behavioristic View
- Humanistic View
- Biopsychological View
- Cognitive View
- Read page 15-16
29Critical Thinking
- Imagine that you are a psychologist. You client,
Linda, who is Native American, tells you that
spirits live in the trees near her home. Is Linda
suffering from a delusion? Is she abnormal?
30Cultural Awareness
- Many thoughts and behaviors are influenced by our
culture - Psychologists need to be aware of the impact
cultural diversity may have on our behaviors - What is acceptable in one culture might be
unacceptable in another - Cultural Relativity Behavior must be judged
relative to the values of the culture in which it
occurs - Norms Rules that define acceptable and expected
behavior for members of various groups
31Many Flavors of Psychologists
- Psychologists Usually have masters or doctorate
Trained in methods, knowledge, and theories of
psychology - Clinical Psychologists Treat more severe
psychological problems - Counseling Psychologists Treat milder problems,
such as adjustment disorders - Not all psychologists perform therapy!
32Specialties in Psychology
- Psychiatrists MD usually use medications to
treat problems Generally do not have extensive
training in providing talk therapy - Psychoanalysts Receive post-PhD. or M.D.
training in Freudian psychoanalysis at an
institute - Clinical Treat psychological problems or do
research on clinical topics - Counselor Adviser who helps solve marriage,
career, work, or school problems - Psychiatric Social Workers Many have masters
degrees and perform psychotherapy - Presently a very popular profession
- PAGE 19
33Critical Thinking Key Principles
- Few truths transcend the need for empirical
testing - Evidence varies in quality
- Authority or claimed expertise does not
automatically make an idea true - Critical thinking requires an open mind
34Critical Thinking
- Ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize
information - What would you expect to see if the claim were
true? - Gather evidence relevant to the claim
- Evaluate the evidence
- Draw a conclusion
- Oftentimes used in research
- An unfounded system that resembles psychology
- Schemes that give an appearance of science, but
are actually false - P.T. Barnum Always have a little something for
everybody - Barnum Effect A tendency to consider personal
descriptions accurate if they are stated in very
general terms - Horoscopes http//shine.yahoo.com/astrology
- Palm readings
- Fortunes
- Not on handout
- Uncritical Acceptance Tendency to believe
positive or flattering descriptions of yourself - Fallacy of Positive Instances When we remember
or notice things that confirm our expectations
and forget the rest - Crossing over with John Edward
- Horoscope assignment
- Review your horoscope for 3 straight days.
- Write horoscope
- Write interpretation of horoscope
- Write belief of horoscope
- Write where horoscope was from.
- Quiz next class over Chapter 1