Title: National Accessibility Portal
1National Accessibility Portal
Enhancing development and independence of persons
with disabilities through communication,
information and data sharing system
2Digital Doorway
Computer skills through concept of minimally
invasive education
Making clean water accessible to rural communities
- Technology to reduce explosions in underground
collieries and rockbursts in deep level gold
5Bioceramic orbital implant
- Fully synthetic
- Safe (no disease transmission)
- Large quantities possible
- No special storage, screening
- No environmental impact
- Direct tissue apposition
- Smooth cap (conjunctival erosion)
6A Tale of Two Cultures Presentation to ST
Portfolio Committee 14 September 2004
7Objects of CSIR (Mandate)
The objects of the CSIR are, through directed and
particularly multi-disciplinary research and
technological innovation, to foster, in the
national interest and in fields which in its
opinion should receive preference, industrial and
scientific development, either by itself or in
co-operation with private or public sectors,
and thereby to contribute to the improvement of
the quality of life of the people of South
Africa, and to perform any other functions that
may be assigned to the CSIR by or under the
Act. Scientific Research Council Act 1988 (as
amended 1990)
8Reason for Existence
- Public Mandate
- Remain faithful to it
- People
- ST Base People Knowledge Facilities
- Impact
- Always ask what difference you make
9Desirable Behaviour
- Ethics Values
- Act with integrity, behave ethically
- Good Governance
- Show absolute respect for PFMA
- Conform to King II
- Good Business Sense
- Adopt a sound business culture
10Reason Behaviour Identity
- Public Mandate
- People
- Impact
- Ethics Values
- Good Governance
- Good Business Sense
- Conventional business
11Clash of Identity
- Market Imperfection (Failure)
- versus
- Market Opportunity
12Clash of Identity
- RD with sound business principles
- versus
- Business with an RD focus
- Need not be difference in content
- But it is a difference in intent
13Agile Innovation
technology, knowledge transfer people transfer
technology, knowledge transfer people transfer
- Must be able to spin-out businesses and
non-profits - Public Good outcomes embedded in both
14Ideal Institutional Features
- Clear identity of Public Research Institution
driven by Public Mandate - Scientifically agile research core
- Socio-economic public outcomes
- Clear identity of business driven by market
opportunity spawned from research work - Commercially agile complementary function
15Balanced View
- ST falls into 2 broad categories
- Knowledge Generation (RD)
- Knowledge Application (Innovation)
- Intent also falls into 2 categories
- Broad public benefit (Public Good)
- Specific commercial benefit (Private Gain)
16ST Activities
Public Good Broad Society Economy
Private Gain Specific Commercial Clients
- Enhance quality of life
- technology for development,
- poverty reduction, job creation
Knowledge Application
Knowledge Generation
17(No Transcript)
- Mandate, People, Impact matter
- Ethics, Governance, Business matter
- Agility, Renewal, Transformation matter
- Rigid institution is the matter
- Must advance to CSIR beyond 60
19Thank You
- Sibusiso Sibisi
- President, CSIR