A Look at Jini - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Look at Jini


A Look at Jini Richard Chapman Sept. 30, 1999 Jini Motivation Why must everyone be a sysadmin? Why can t computers scale like the phone system: added complexity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Look at Jini

A Look at Jini
  • Richard Chapman
  • Sept. 30, 1999

Jini Motivation
  • Why must everyone be a sysadmin?
  • Why cant computers scale like the phone system
    added complexity without added configuration
  • Why cant devices/services enter and leave the
    network without explicit reconfiguration?

Jini Goals
  • Very robust software infrastructure
  • No configuration/administration required
  • Software must be evolvable
  • Devices can form spontaneous communities

Jini History
  • Fulfillment of original Java goals of an
    environment for embedded systems (Oak, 1990)
  • The word Jini does not stand for anything
  • Went public too soon, NYT reporter John Markoff
    broke story in 1998

Jini is intended to be used by
  • Information appliances (thin clients, set top
    boxes, PDAs)
  • Desktop machines can benefit from a reduction in
    sysadmin duties
  • Enterprise systems (servers) also benefit

Getting Jini
  • Source code distributed under Sun community
    source license (open source)
  • Need Java 2
  • Requires web server, RMI activation daemon,
    lookup service
  • http//www.javasoft.com/products/jini/

Networked vs Distributed Systems
  • Move the data or move the code?
  • Conventional wisdom since code has to be
    compiled and installed, move the data, and call a
    routine on the remote machine
  • Thus make the remote function call look like a
    local function call as much as possible (RPC,

The network cannot be ignored
  • Very high latency (orders of magnitude)
  • High variability in latency (has a component
    failed or is the link just very slow?)
  • New failure modes that do not exist on local
    machine (router down, nameserver crash, cable
    came loose)

Handling Partial Failures
  • Partial Failures do not exist on local machines
    -- you know the state, for better or worse
  • Partial failures arise when some, but not all
    hosts, receive a message from a sender
  • May be difficult for sender to detect which hosts
    received message

Handling Partial Failures, Contd.
  • Even if server can detect which hosts have not
    received a message, what does it do
  • Cant keep trying forever -- you run out of disk
    drives storing old messages you are trying to
  • Dont want to give up and cut off the host that
    failed to get a message

Why CORBA isnt enough
  • Ignores network performance issues (makes remote
    call look like local call)
  • An add-on to existing languages (not all machines
    implement C the same way)
  • Example problems endianness, size of int, float,
    char, etc.

Peter Deutchs Seven Network Fallacies
  • The network is reliable
  • Latency is zero
  • Bandwidth is infinite
  • The network is secure
  • Topology doesnt matter
  • There is one administrator
  • Transport cost is zero

Jini adopts the programming model of Java
  • One lanuage everywhere
  • Data in the same format everywhoere (objects
    represented by bytecodes)
  • Strongly typed interfaces
  • Separate interface and implementation
  • Plus a distributed storage model based on Linda
    (Gelernter, Yale)

Conventional wisdom is no longer valid.
  • Code can easily move from machine to machine
  • Servers can be dynamically updated
  • Systems can evolve by updating interfaces with
    new code as needed, no need for recompilation

Strong typing is important
  • In Java, an RMI defines the interface, while in
    CORBA, an IDL description is a wrapper around the
  • Polymorphism works in RMI -- you can define
    subinterfaces you can pass an ojbect of a
    subtype to remote server and the subtype methods
    are appropriately used (doesnt work in CORBA).

Jini is built on Java RMI
Public interface RemoteServer extends
Remote public int
getlength(String S) throws
  • RMI Remote Method Invocation

Java RMI, contd
  • If you change the (Java) interface declaration in
    Java, you are really changing the way the
    interface works
  • If you change the Java interface declaration in a
    CORBA system, you just break the interface, since
    the Java interface is generated automatically
    from the IDL description

Java RMI, contd
  • Thus from a software engineering point of view,
    the CORBA implementation is more complicated and
  • However, CORBA outperfromed RMI empirically (no
    longer true?)
  • For enterprise solutions, CORBA is essential --
    we will always need glue to connect heterogeneous

Strong typing, contd
  • Remoteness is inherently part of the interface,
    not an implementation detail
  • Every interface must extend java.rmi.remote
  • Permits a reasonable definition of equality for
    remote objects -- you care if the remote objects
    are the same, not the local stubs

What Jini is not
  • Jini is not a name server lookup service is
    similar, but does more than provide references to
  • Jini is not Java Beans beans communication based
    on direct method invocation, not remote. Also,
    beans do not automatically become aware of each
    other as do Jini objects

What Jini is not, contd
  • Jini is not Enterprise Java Beans Enterprise
    Java Beans function across multiple address
    spaces well, but they put Java wrappers around
    legacy systems
  • Jini is not RMI built on top of RMI
  • Jini is not a distributed OS

Five Key Concepts of Jini
  • Discovery
  • Lookup
  • Leasing
  • Remote Events
  • Transactions

  • ServicesDevices or Software
  • Services collect themselves into communities
  • The resources available to a community are kept
    track of by a lookup service
  • No one-to-one mapping between communities and
    lookup services
  • Discoveryfinding available lookup services

Discovery, contd
  • Several discovery protocols
  • Multicast finds nearby lookup services (on the
    same LAN)
  • Multicast Announcement declares that a new lookup
    service has started up
  • Unicast used to talk to a particular lookup

  • Lookup server does more than nameserver
  • Nameserver provides pointers to objects when
    given names
  • Lookup server does that also, plus supports
    searching for services that meet certain
    criteria, e.g. those that have a particular Java

Lookup contd
  • Lookup returns a service item when queried
  • Service item contains proxy object (local stub
    for remote object) and attributes that describe
    the service

Lookup, contd
Service item
Service item
Lookup service
Lookup, contd
  • Downloadable proxy provided with each service
  • When any entity wants to use your service it
    downloads the proxy and runs it -- the proxy
    handles sending the remote server the necessary
  • Proxy can be used as a secure, network-aware
    device driver

Proxy scenarios
  • Proxy may perform the service by itself, without
    any remote method invocation
  • Proxy may be an RMI stub that knows how to talk
    to a remote service (e.g. IMAP mail server)
  • Proxy uses private communication protocol to talk
    to legacy (non-Java) systems.

Using a Jini Service
Lookup service
Downloads proxy
Client communicates with service via proxy
How does client x know to call method y?
  • Objects must have some understanding of the
    services they are going to use
  • Industry will have to define a common set of
    standards for interfaces to things like cell
    phones, printers, scanners, digital cameras
  • My opinion these interfaces will need updating,
    and may prove to be Jinis undoing

  • Suppose a service provider dies at some point
  • How do you keep dead services from accumulating
    in the lookup servers over time
  • Solution a service is only provided for a
    certain amount of time unless the provider
    re-registers it (renews the lease)

Leasing, contd
  • No sysadmin needs to comb through the lookup
    service database to remove long-dead services
  • Cleans up partial failures
  • Similarly, resource is not granted to a consumer
    for indefinite period, but leased for a finite

Leasing, contd
  • Consumer must renew the lease if the resource
    continues to be needed
  • Unreliable code thus does not do permanent damage
    -- after a while the resource is freed
  • No maintenance required of persistent storage

Third party leasing
  • Jini leases can be negotiated by a third party
  • Example long-lived but rarely active process
    such as monthly disk backup routine
  • Example process that does not want to be
    bothered with extra code complexity of lease

  • Similar to Java Beans delegation
  • Allows events to be handled by a third party
    rather than the actual object to which the event
    was sent

Lease mechanics
  • Discovery returns an object that implements
    lookup interface (called ServiceRegistrar)
  • Server calls method register() of
    ServiceRegistrar with service item object as
    argument -- describes the service to be registered

Lease mechanics, contd
  • Client calls ServiceRegistrar lookup() method to
    find if a service meeting its criteria is
  • Service registrar returns a service item object,
    whose proxy is then used to access object
  • Lease is handled by an argument to register,
    which says how long (long int) the server plans
    to provide the service

Lease mechanics, contd
  • Only one round of negotiation needed for a lease
  • Lease done in terms of duration, not absolute
  • Leasing is not garbage collection

  • Used for asynchronous notification
  • Event is an object containing information about
    external state change the recipient may be
    interested in
  • Same as Java Foundation Classes and Java Beans
    model of events

Remote Events
  • Remote events may not arrive in order sent
  • Remote events may not arrive at all
  • Remote events more expensive to send than local
  • What does sender do if receiver has crashed --
    keep trying? How long?

Remote Events, contd
  • Example want to print an image taken with a
    digital camera to a printer
  • Suppose digital camera is connected to network
    and there are no printers (want to grey out the
    print button on camera GUI)
  • When a printer is connected, the cameras should
    be notified

Remote events, contd
  • RemoteEventListener() is a remote interface used
    by objects waiting for events
  • Method notify() invoked via RMI by objects that
    want to send events
  • Very simple one class, one interface, one
    method. Contrast to Java Foundation Classes
  • Jini can implement generic 3rd party event
    listeners (hard in JFC).

Remote Events, contd
  • Process interested in receving events leases that
    service just like any other
  • Hence if a service dies, it is not sent events
    forever, only until its lease expires

  • Used to handle partial failures -- gives a way of
    deducing state of the system after a partial
  • Used to guarantee data integrity( atomicity,
    consistency, isolation, durability)

Two-phase commit
  • Transaction manager collects all constituent
    operations of a transaction
  • Participants go to pre-commit status (compute all
    results they would compute if transaction were
    successful, but do not make them permanent)
  • Send acknowledgement of successful transition to
    pre-commit status back to transaction manager

Two-phase commit, contd
  • If any participant fails, transaction manager
    instructs all components to abort, else notifies
    all to commit
  • State of all components of system is predictable
    in the presence of failures

Jini implementation of two-phase commit
  • All participants implement TransactionParticipant
  • Three methods prepare(), commit() abort()
  • Jini transaction manager doesnt care how the
    participants implement the methods, it just steps
    through the protocol.
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