Title: Brief%20review%20of%20previous%20lecture
1Brief review of previous lecture
- Some history on Pearl and Lotka the logistic
- THE DEBATE in population ecology regarding
importance of density-dependent processes in
determining animal abundances - (especially Nicholson vs. Andrewartha Birch).
- Classical density dependence vs. density vagueness
- Issues in detecting density dependence from time
- Population regulation vs. population limitation
2Lecture Outline Age-structured Matrix Models
- Incorporating age-specific survival and fecundity
into population growth models using matrix
- Calculating age-specific survival and fecundity
from a multi-year census.
- Setting up and projecting a Leslie Matrix
- Lambda for age-structured population
3- Exponential and logistic-type growth models
assume that population has no age or size
- However, survival and reproduction often differ
among individuals of different ages.
- Consideration of age-specific vital rates can be
critical in many areas of wildlife conservation
translocations and reintroductions, harvesting,
population viability analysis (PVA), control of
invasive species.
4General approach
Nt 1 ? Nt
5- Focus on birth-pulse models
- Often assume closed population, but approach can
be extended to include dispersal
- Model both sexes or only females (e.g., fecundity
is the number of daughters per adult female)
- Assume no variation among individuals within an
age class
6Example using hypothetical data for helmeted
- Riparian forests of Victoria, Australia
- Pairs occupy territories within colonies
- Dramatic decline following European settlement
and habitat clearing
7Data from multi-year census
8(No Transcript)
9Calculating Survival Rates
10- Means of three yearly estimates.
- Use for mean matrix and deterministic projection
- Can use variation among estimates to add
11Calculating Fecundity
- Fecundity for a given year is number of offspring
produced in that year that survive to the next
year divided by number of potential parents in
that year.
- Age-specific fecundity is average number of
offspring per individual of age x at time t that
are counted at time t1.
12Calculating average fecundity
- If fecundity varies among age classes, then need
to use different approach (e.g., counts of
fledglings per nest).
13Age-specific fecundities should be estimated as
the average over all individuals in age class,
not just the breeding ones.
14The Leslie Matrix
- Fecundities are elements of the top row.
- Survival rates are elements of the subdiagonal.
15(No Transcript)
16A Composite age class consists of all individuals
of a certain age or older
17Full matrix
New matrix with composite age class
18Matrix Projection
- First, consider the equations for projecting age
class abundances
19Projection with the Leslie matrix
(Example calculations on board)
20Initial population growth depends on initial age
21Stable age distribution
22- Repeatedly multiplying an age distribution by a
Leslie matrix eventually will produce a stable
age distribution.
(aka dominant right eigenvector of projection
matrix in matrix algebra)
- A stable age distribution for a population that
is neither increasing nor decreasing is termed a
stationary age distribution.
23Lambda of a Structured Population
- After a population reaches a stable age
distribution, it will grow exponentially with
rate equal to lambda.
- Lambda is termed the dominant eigenvalue of the
projection matrix.
- Lambda is a long-term, deterministic measure of
growth rate of a population in a constant
- The stable age distribution and lambda are
independent of the initial age distribution they
depend on the projection matrix.
24Reproductive Value
- Another useful measure that can be calculated
from a Leslie matrix is reproductive value (aka
dominant left eigenvector).
- Reproductive value is the relative contribution
to future population growth an individual in a
certain age class is expected to make.
- Reproductive value equals the number of offspring
an individual of a given age class will produce,
expressed relative to newborns (i.e., first age
class always equals 1.0).
- Both survival rates and fecundities affect
reproductive values.
25Reproductive value for sparrowhawks with
26Reproductive values for the common frog
Pre-juveniles 1.0 Juveniles
60.8 Adults 271.0
How could reproductive values be useful in
wildlife conservation and management decisions?