Brief%20history%20of%20post-WWII%20European%20integration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Brief history of post-WWII European integration Prof. Marquis Lecture of 31 March 214 University of Verona 2. The TEU launched the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) t ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Brief%20history%20of%20post-WWII%20European%20integration

Brief history of post-WWII European integration
  • Prof. Marquis
  • Lecture of 31 March 214
  • University of Verona

  • Today some history
  • 1950s gtgt Treaty establishing the EEC
  • 1960s gtgt The rise of intergovernmentalism
  • 1970s gtgt Economic crisis and policy
  • 1980s gtgt La rilancia
  • 1990s gtgt Toward European Union
  • 2000s gtgt The rise and fall of a
  • t
  • Tomorrow finish history, then the EU
  • The institutions of the EU as defined by the
    Treaty of Lisbon

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1950s Treaty establishing the EEC
60 years ago...The story of European union
began with an important initial success followed
by aspectacular failure
Before the Treaty of Rome
  • Monnet (1888-79) and Schuman launched Europe
    with the Treaty establishing the Coal and Steel
    Community (ECSC Treaty)
  • t
  • Singed 18 April 1951. Effective 24 July 1952
  • Also called the Treaty of Paris
  • Expired in 2002
  • t
  • ECSC established new institutions
  • High Authority
  • European Court of Justice (ECJ)
  • T
  • But what was the purpose of this Treaty?

  • Coal and steel gtgt tanks, artillery, aerial
  • t
  • ECSC was a way to retain some control of West
    German coal and steel
  • t
  • In view of the expectation that W Germany would
    in a few years regain its sovereignty (which it
    did in 1955)
  • t
  • But Monnet saw it as cooperation in one sector
    that would expand to cooperation in all sectors
  • LEurope des petits pas
  • And driven by a vision of a federal Europe
  • Because states in a federation do not war against
    each other

But then, the first crisis of European
integrationThe European Defence Community
  • Oct. 1950 French P.M. Pleven proposed the
    establishment of a European Defence Community
  • t
  • With the Soviets next door, and with the Korean
    war breaking out, security was a top priority
  • t
  • So Integrate the armed forces of all NATO
    members, including those of West Germany, and
    place them all under the command of a European
    Minister of Defence
  • t
  • The EDC almost became a reality...

  • EDC Treaty signed by the Six govts. in May 1952
  • t
  • Thanks to P.M. Spaak, EDC was not limited to
    military integration
  • t
  • Also provided for political union in an attached
    Treaty establishing a European Political
    Community (EPC)
  • t
  • i. economic integration (customs union)
  • t
  • ii. federal decision-making institutions,
    including a Parliament with strong powers
  • t
  • iii. commitment to human rights protection

  • French rebellion Treaty ratified in D and
    BNLX... But the Assemblée Nationale rejected the
    text on 30.08.54. Why?
  • t
  • French army was in Indochina (1946-54) so a
    European Army implied a largely German Army
  • t
  • And the Right (the Gaullists) opposed the
    transfer of French sovereignty to supranational
  • t
  • Già nel 1954 a clash between supranationalism
    and the Souverainistes
  • t
  • A recurring theme in EU history

  • But in June 1955, the Six were in Messina to
    negotiate a new Treaty
  • t
  • Impetus from BNLX, esp. Wim Beyen, Dutch MFA
  • He proposed a customs union (BNLX since 44)
  • t
  • But the failure of EDC/EPC had a profound effect
  • For the Europeans, best strategy was to limit
    the scope of the project to the economic sphere
  • t
  • But the ultimate goal was to move beyond economic
  • Ernst Haas (IR scholar), Jean Monnet concept of
    spillover (Neofunctionalism)

Beyen Plan and Messina Conference lead to the
  • At Messina, Spaak was appointed to study the
    possible avenues of integration
  • t
  • Spaak Report (21.04.56 presented to the MS of
    the ECSC)
  • Identified a need to create a common market
    among the Six
  • t
  • Furnished the basis for further negotiations
    among the FMs, and an intergovernmental
    conference (IGC) was launched

  • The FMs accepted the Spaak Report in Venice in
    May 1956
  • Then Spaak and committees started drafting
  • t
  • ... and in Rome, on 25.03.57, the Six signed two
    Treaties of Rome
  • t
  • The Treaty establishing a European Economic
    Community (EEC Treaty) and
  • The Euratom Treaty
  • Of special interest to France, dealing with
  • Trade in supplies of fissile materials like
    uranium and plutonium
  • Safety and operations of nuclear power plants

  • Preamble (EEC) The founders of the Community
    resolve to preserve and strengthen peace and
  • So integration as a means of avoiding renewed
  • t
  • Called for
  • an improvement of living and working conditions
    in the EEC and
  • a progressive abolition of trade barriers
  • t
  • And established numerous principles and

  • creation of a common market
  • adoption of common policies (CAP, transport)
  • elimination of internal customs duties and
    quantitative restrictions
  • free movement of goods, services, workers
  • assurance of undistorted competition
  • establishment of a common commercial policy
  • promotion of coordination of policies regarding
    employment, the environment, the competitiveness
    of industry, and RD
  • eradication of discrimination on the basis of
  • i.e., for those coming from the Six

  • Legislation in relation to economic integration
    the EEC Treaty (like the ECSC) provided for
    supranationalist legislative procedures
  • t
  • Commission proposes legislation for the Council
    to consider
  • t
  • Votes of the MS were weighted so that those of
    FR, D and IT counted for more than those of BNLX.
    This was the original definition of Qualified
    Majority Voting (QMV)
  • t
  • QMV implies a partial surrender of sovereignty
  • t
  • But in non-economic areas, MS retained their
  • t
  • Es. Taxation or migration of labor, etc.

  • EEC Treaty entered into force on 01.01.58
  • t
  • In those days, the MS would not have imagined
    putting that Treaty to a popular vote
  • t
  • The Treaty was concluded for an unlimited period
    of time
  • t
  • But has been modified many times
  • t
  • Today we call it the Treaty on the Functioning of
    the European Union (the TFEU)
  • Or in Italian the TFUE
  • last amended 2009

1960s The rise of intergovernmentalism
  • President De Gaulle (1959-69) held Monnet (who,
    as first President of the High Authority,
    represented supranationalism) in contempt
  • Favored increased funds for the CAP, but opposed
    any strengthening of the Communitys institutions
  • July 1965 when the Council met no France!
    (the empty chair crisis)
  • A crisis about who really had sovereign powers
  • France no longer accepted decisions of the
    Council on the basis of QMV
  • De Gaulle saw the Community as an international
    organization acting as an agent for its
  • Each principal should have the right to veto any
    Community initiatives

  • Compromise finally reached in LUX, 29 Jan 1966.
    According to the Luxembourg Accord
  • t
  • When very important interests of a MS were at
    stake, the MS would ignore the QMV rule and seek
    to reach a solution acceptable to all of the MS
  • t
  • De facto, this become a rule of unanimous voting
  • This is the essence of intergovernmentalism
  • t
  • LUX Accord gtgt slow positive integration in the
    1970s and early 1980s

1970sEconomic crisis and policy stagnation
  • In the 1970s, the problem was Eurosclerosis
  • t
  • Following the EECs establishment of a customs
    union in 1968, it was difficult for the Community
    to advance any farther (3 problems)
  • t
  • 1. The essential problem was gridlock
    (bloccaggio) in the Councils decision-making
  • t
  • The gridlock resulted from a compromise made in
    1966, leading to a de facto veto for the MS

  • 2. Another factor slowing down legislation
    Council tended to refer decisions to the HSG.
    But HSG only met twice a year not very efficient
  • t
  • 3. In the 1970s, a number of events shifted
    attention toward domestic problems
  • t
  • OPEC raised oil prices, exacerbated a more
    general energy crisis
  • Productivity was sluggish, and labor costs were
  • Some European producers were at a competitive
    disadvantage compared to their rivals in the US
    and Japan
  • So MS resorted increasingly to NTBst
  • t
  • In general, lack of vision for the EEC

1980s il Rilancio.Completing the internal
market(Objectif 1992)
  • 1970s and early 1980s, European producers
    (different ones) were distressed
  • t
  • NTBs and fragmented markets made it difficult for
    them to profit from economies of scale
  • So business groups in Europe tried to stimulate
    more liberalized trade in goods and services
  • t
  • Ad es. the CEOs of Philips and Volvo set up the
    Roundtable of European Industrialists in 1983
  • t
  • Dekker produced a proposal for the creation of a
    common market

  • Then an official report by Lord Cockfield
    (Commissioner for the Internal Market, 1985-89 )
    in June of 1985
  • t
  • The Cockfield Report set out a detailed plan for
    the completion of the common market by 1992
  • t
  • The plan included proposals for 282 new pieces of
    legislation to harmonize national laws and to
    reduce or eliminate NTBs
  • t
  • All of this was to be accomplished within 6 or 7

  • But the 282 proposals faced the obstacle of
    unanimous voting in the Council
  • t
  • So in late 1985 and early 1986, the MS began to
    negotiate the first significant revision of the
    (30 year-old) EEC Treaty
  • t
  • The Single European Act (SEA / Ehlermann) was
    signed in February of 1986, and entered into
    force on 01.07.87
  • t
  • SEA increased the scope for QMV (except tax,
  • In effect, abolished the de facto vetos of the MS
    (thus overturning the formally illegal Luxembourg
    Accord )
  • ... e poi ...

  • SEA institutional reforms
  • t
  • 1. The European Council
  • Recognized for the first time, but nothing said
    about its functions
  • t
  • 2. The Assembly formally became the Parliament
  • t
  • 3. (de facto) The Commission became more more
    important as a driver of the legislation
    necessary to complete the common market
  • t
  • So after 20 years, the Community returned to an
    ethos of supranationalism and integration

In the new favorable environment, why not go
further with the political dimension?1990s
Toward European Union
  • European Council met in Maastricht in Dec 1991
    and agreed a Treaty on European Union (TEU)
  • t
  • Signed in Feb 1992, took effect on 01.11.93
  • t
  • But the Union did not replace the Community!
  • t
  • Union co-existed with the Community and shared
    the same institutional structure
  • t
  • But it operated through different decision-making
  • t
  • 4 notes about significance of the TEU...

  • 1. Created a 3-pillar (3 pilastri) structure
  • I. the three Communities (the EC, the ECSC, and
  • II. Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
  • III. Justice and Home Affairs
  • Police and judicial cooperation on crime,
  • Visas, asylum, border controls, etc. (the
    Schengen Acquis)
  • Today, JHA commonly called Freedom, Security

  • 2. The TEU launched the Economic and Monetary
    Union (EMU)
  • t
  • In 2002, Euro became the single currency for 12
    of 15 MS (today 18 of 28)
  • t
  • Politically, EMU was extremely delicate
  • t
  • Giving up a national currency and monetary
    control (above all, the DM) was a significant
    surrender of political sovereignty
  • t
  • Reflected by the opt-outs granted to the UK and

  • 3. Enhanced the role of the Parliament (EP)
  • Before Maastricht, EP was weak. Merely advised
    and passed resolutions
  • t
  • Critics often spoke/speak of a democratic deficit
  • t
  • Majone responded with arguments of output
  • Another response is are we sure the committee
    work of national parliaments is democratic?
  • t
  • Maastricht did not make the EP co-equal with
    Council but it finally made the EP a legislator
  • t
  • Specifically, it established the co-decision
    procedure (today called the Ordinary
    Legislative Procedure)

  • Co-decision Commission proposes / approved by
    both the Council and the EP
  • Council and the EP each had/have a veto
  • t
  • TEU introduced the co-decision procedure for
  • t
  • Measures relating to the internal market
  • Environmental protection
  • RD
  • Some aspects of public health
  • Consumer protection
  • Education and Culture
  • t
  • So at Maastricht the competences of the Community
    grew to cover many more policy fields
  • This probably contributed to the 4th point, cioe

  • 4. Maastricht also introduced a new veto player
    the citizens of the MS
  • t
  • When the EU modifies its Treaties, each MS must
    ratify the new agreement in accordance with its
    constitutional requirements
  • t
  • In Denmark, when the people were asked, they said
    Nay! (51, June 1992)
  • t
  • So this was the first referendum crisis (end of
    the era of permissive consensus)
  • t
  • But the Danes eventually accepted the Treaty in a
    second referendum (57, May 1993)

Treaty of Amsterdam (1997, effective 1999)
  • SEA and TEU Treaty revisions happened within just
    5 years of each other. After the TEU the pace of
    Treaty reform in fact accelerated
  • t
  • Already in 1996, diplomats began discussing new
    reforms in the context of an Intergovernmental
    Conference (IGC) in Torino
  • t
  • The basic goal was to make changes necessary to
    accomodate the next (fifth) enlargement
  • i.e., the let the former Soviet States (Czech,
    Hungary, Poland, Baltic States, etc.) into the

  • Following IGC of 1996, the MS signed Treaty of
    Amsterdam on 2 Oct 1997, entered into force on 1
    May 1999
  • t
  • The Treaty was supposed to introduce
    institutional reforms to improve the ability of
    the EU to cope with a larger membership
  • But these issues were too controversial and had
    to be postponed
  • t
  • Called the Amsterdam leftovers

2000s The rise and fall of a Constitution
  • Another IGC in 2000 gtgt Treaty of Nice, Feb 2001
  • Mainly noteworthy for two things
  • t
  • 1. Re-defined QMV in a way that gave
    disproportionate power to Spain, Poland, France,
    etc. -- at the expense of Germany.
  • t
  • 2. Treaty stopped in June 2001 by Irish voters
    (54 rejection)
  • t
  • Ireland had to hold a second referendum in
    October 2002 accepted by 63

  • Then Laeken Summit, Dec. 2001. European Council
    called for a convention to consider EUs future
    development, e.g.
  • Simplification of the Treaties
  • Greater democracy, transparency and efficiency
    in the Union
  • The Convention worked in 2002-03 and, in June
    2003, produced a draft Treaty establishing a
    Constitution for Europe
  • Submitted to the European Council in the summer
    of 2003

  • IGC of 2004 adopted a draft Constitutional
    Treaty not too different from the text prepared
    by the Convention
  • Signed 29 October 2004 in the Campidoglio
  • Was supposed to enter into force on 1 November
  • By mid-May of 2005 the CT had been ratified by 9
  • But in May and June, rejected in France (55) and
    Netherlands (62)
  • Dutch vote largely to protest against unpopular
  • But French vote was a deliberate rejection

  • So another referendum crisis, like Maastricht
    and Nice
  • In June 2007, the European Council decided to
    abandon the project of a Constitution
  • Launched another IGC, but removing the rhetoric
    and symbols of a constitution
  • But the final text, signed in December 2007 in
    Lisbon, did not deviate radically from the text
    of 2004
  • (French, Dutch voters not given another chance to
  • t
  • But uh oh! The Irish voters had to approve it!

  • Did the Irish voters approve it?
  • The Irish voters did not approve it!
  • Rejected in June 2008 (53)
  • Second Irish referendum in October 2009, with a
    strong yes (67)
  • So 8 years after the Laeken Declaration, the
    Lisbon Treaty finally entered into force on 1
    December 2009
  • Attention The EU is not governed by a single
    Treaty of Lisbon

  • ToL amended the EC Treaty (now TFEU) and the TEU
  • 1. the TEU establishes the institutional
    framework and foundational principles
  • 2. the TFEU is a more detailed legal instrument
    aimed, inter alia, to establish a common market
  • N.B. Both Treaties of equal rank
  • And other important instruments too, such as the
    EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • Now binding primary law (but general
    principles and ECHR already applied before)
  • Binds the EU institutions and MS when they
    implement EU law or act within its scope

  • Main impact of the Treaty concerns institutional
    reform (tomorrow)
  • Is the Lisbon Treaty sufficient for the EU?
  • A far-reaching Treaty revision seems unlikely for
    now many MS and key figures and institutions
    suffer from Treaty fatigue
  • But few people were fully content with the ToL
  • For example, many felt the EU was ill-equipped to
    deal with macroeconomic problems
  • And a micro-Treaty entered into force in 2013
    with the aim of addressing the sovereign debt
    crisis (IRE, PRT, GRC) and achieving greater
    financial stability

2013 Fiscal Compact
  • Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance
    in the Economic and Monetary Union (the TSCG)
  • t
  • Entered into force, 01.01.13 for 16 MS, incl.
  • Applies mostly to Eurozone countries (plus DMK)
  • The point of the Treaty is greater fiscal
    discipline to avoid repeats of the debt crisis

  • A MS of the Fiscal Compact is required to adopt a
    domestic law establishing an almost-balanced
  • This means mandatory limits (caps) on deficits,
    under the monitoring of a fiscal advisory council
  • t
  • The technical part General budget deficit must
    be less than 3 of GDP (PIL) and the
  • Structural deficit (SD i.e., ignoring the
    cyclical shortfalls in revenue) must be less than
  • 1 of GDP if the debt-to-GDP ratio is
    significantly below 60 - or,
  • for countries deeper in debt, the SD must be
    below 0.5 of GDP

TomorrowEU institutions under the Treaty of
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