Recommenders for Information Seeking Tasks: Lessons Learned - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Recommenders for Information Seeking Tasks: Lessons Learned


Recommenders for Information Seeking Tasks: Lessons Learned Michael Yudelson – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Recommenders for Information Seeking Tasks: Lessons Learned

Recommenders for Information Seeking Tasks
Lessons Learned
  • Michael Yudelson

  • Joseph A. Konstan, Sean M. McNee, Cai-Nicolas
    Ziegler, Roberto Torres, Nishikant Kapoor, John
    Riedl Lessons on Applying Automated Recommender
    Systems to Information-Seeking Tasks. AAAI 2006
  • McNee, S. M., Kapoor, N., and Konstan, J. A.
    2006. Don't look stupid avoiding pitfalls when
    recommending research papers. In Proceedings of
    the 2006 20th Anniversary Conference on Computer
    Supported Cooperative Work (Banff, Alberta,
    Canada, November 04 - 08, 2006). CSCW '06. ACM
    Press, New York, NY, 171-180.
  • Michael Yudelson, AAAI 2006 Nectar Session Notes

  • Statement of the Problem
  • Theories
  • General Advice
  • Experiment
  • Lessons Learned

  • There is an emerging understanding that good
    recommendation accuracy alone does not give users
    of recommender systems an effective and
    satisfying experience. Recommender systems must
    provide not just accuracy, but also usefulness.
  • J.L. Herlocker, J.A. Konstan, L.G. Terveen, and
    J.T. Riedl, "Evaluating Collaborative Filtering
    Recommender Systems", ACM Trans.Inf.Syst., vol.
    22(1), pp. 5-53, 2004.

Statement of the Problem
  • User is engaged in an information seeking task
    (or several)
  • Movies, Papers, News
  • Goal of the recommender is to meet user specific
    needs with respect to
  • Correctness
  • Saliency
  • Trust
  • Expectations
  • Usefulness

  • Information Retrieval (IR)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Human-Recommender Interaction (HRI)
  • Information Seeking Theories
  • Four Stages of Information Need (Taylor)
  • Mechanisms and Motivations Model (Wilson)
  • Theory of Sense Making (Dervin)
  • Information Search Process (Kuhlthau)

General Advice
  • Support multiple information seeking tasks
  • User-centered design
  • Shift focus from system and algorithm to
    potentially repeated interactions of a user with
    a system
  • Recommend
  • Not what is relevant,
  • But what is relevant for info seeking task X

General Advice (contd)
  • Choice of the recommender algorithm
  • Saliency (the emotional reaction a user has to a
  • Spread (the diversity of items)
  • Adaptability (how a recommender changes as a user
  • Risk (recommending items based on confidence)

What Can Go Wrong
  • Possible pitfalls (semantic)
  • not building user confidence (trust failure)
  • not generating any recommendations (knowledge
  • generating incorrect recommendations
    (personalization failure), and
  • generating recommendations to meet the wrong need
    (context failure)

  • Domain - Digital Libraries (ACM)
  • Information Seeking Tasks
  • Find references to fit a document
  • Maintain awareness in a research field
  • Subjects - 138
  • 18 students, 117 professors/researchers, 7
    non-computer scientists

Experiment (contd)
  • Tested recommending algorithms
  • User-Based Collaborative Filtering (CF)
  • Naïve Bayesian Classifier (Bayes)
  • Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (PLSI)
  • Textual TF/IDF-based algorithm (TFIDF)

Experiment (contd)
  • Walkthrough
  • Seed the document selection (self or others)
  • Tasks (given seeded documents )
  • What are other relevant papers in the DL
    interesting to read
  • What are the papers that would extend the
    coverage of the field
  • Compare recommendations of 2 algorithms (each
    recommends 5 items)
  • Satisfaction with algorithm A or B on likert
  • Preference of algorithm A or B

Experiment (contd)
  • Anticipated Results
  • CF - golden standard
  • PLSI - comparable with CF
  • Bayes - generating more mainstream
    recommendations, worse personalization
  • TFIDF - more conservative, yet coherent results
  • CF PLSI vs. Bayes TFIDF

Experiment (contd)
  • Results
  • Dimensions
  • Authoritative Work, Familiarity, Personalization
  • Good Recommendation, Expected, Good Spread
  • Suitability for Current Task
  • CF TFIDF significantly better feedback that
    Bayes PLSI
  • No significant difference between CF TFIDF or
    Bayes PLSI
  • Contradicts IR ML literature

Experiment (contd)
  • What went wrong
  • Bayes - generated similar recommendations for all
  • PLSI - random, illogical recommendation
  • Both Bayes and PLSI
  • Highly dependant on connectivity (co-citation)
    of papers
  • Suffered from inconsistency
  • Didnt fail, but were inadequate

Lessons Learned
  • Understanding the task is more important than
    achieving high relevancy of recommendation for
    that task
  • Understanding whether searcher knows what s/hes
    looking for is crucial
  • There is no golden bullet
  • People think of recommenders as machine learning
  • modeling what you already know, predicting the
    past and penalizing for predicting the future

Lessons Learned (contd)
  • Dependence on offline experiments created a
    disconnect between algorithms that score well on
    accuracy metrics and algorithms that prove useful
    for users
  • Problem of Ecological Validity

Lessons Learned (contd)
  • 1 good recommendation in a list of 5
  • Wins trust of the user
  • 1 good recommendation in a list of 5
  • Loses trust of user
  • If user needs are unclear
  • Do a user study to elicit them

Thank you!
  • Questions
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