1Information Technology for Adoption and
Intelligent Design for eGovernment
A project overview from eStandards point of view
- Project description
- Partners and figures
- Objectives
- eStandards work
Michael Dill, ITAIDe WP1 Dill_at_gefeg.com
Proposal/Contract no. 027829
2The overall project view
ITAIDE develops a Canonical Information Model
(based on UNeDocs) for electronic documents and
document mapping software to improve the
pan-European interoperability of taxation and
customs systems. This interoperability is an
essential prerequisite to achieve strategic goals
for e-customs such as the introduction of
Authorised Economic Operator and Single Window
Access service provisioning for businesses.
3ITAIDe Objectives
- Standards development for e-customs
- Technical and semantic interoperability for
e-customs - E-customs procedure redesign methodology
- Network collaboration model
- E-customs demonstrators
- Dissemination
4ITAIDe - the Benefits
- accuracy and accessibility of business data for
customs offices - efficiency and transparency of procedures and
complete supply chains - pan-European interoperability by simplifying and
harmonising procedures
5IDAIDe Consortia partners and figures
Copenhagen Business School, Dutch Customs Tax
Office, Danish Customs Tax Office, Finnish
State Treasury, Nordea Bank, UNECE, Free
University Amsterdam, University College Dublin,
University of Maribor, University of Muenster,
United Paper Mills, SAP, IBM, Kareltek, Project
Business, Resultmaker EU contribution 5.8 Million
Euros over 4.5 years
6Procedure redesign and new documents
.. the emphasis up until now has been on
replacing each paper document with a
corresponding electronic document, rather than
on a fundamental redesign of the system, where
the specific administrative document might
possibly become redundant altogether. ITAIDe
develops a procedure redesign methodology to
improve the efficiency and simplification of
e-customs procedures.
7Document and Message Standards(Workpackage 1 )
Standard Foundation (Model based) Canonical model
reusing UNeDocs Linkage with UN/CEFACT, TDED,
WCO, eCustoms 2007, UNeDocs Training on Core
Components, CEFACT, UBL, GS1 XMLfor the living
labs Interoperability testing .
8Standards to be used
For eForms - w3c XML, XSLT, and FO (Formatting
Objects) For electronic data exchange -
UN/CEFACTs Core Components - The UN/CEFACT Core
Component Library - UN/CEFACT XML NDRs (Naming
and Design Rules) - UN/EDIFACT and UNTDED (ISO
7372) - WCO (World Customs Organisation) Data
9Three standards to bridge eForms, data models and
- An electronic version of the UN Layout Key
standard - A methodology which will enable the individual
pieces of data held in an eForm to be linked with
the core component data structures of the
underlying data model - A set of naming and design rules which will
enable a predictable production of XML from an
eForm which is compliant to the UN/CEFACT XML
naming and design rules
10ITIADe closes a standard gap