Lastminutegcsegeographyrevison@kingdown - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Slide . 30 25 20 15 10 5 0. The different areas of dominant land use within cities reflects economic, social and cultural factors. What zones exist in an MEDCcity ? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lastminutegcsegeographyrevison@kingdown

Slide 1
  • Preparation before starting this Revision unit
    you need to have-
  • Sorted you theory notes and produced a contents
  • Have your case studies completed
  • Introduction
  • This unit is to give you 30 minutes of Geography
    Revision on the Settlements topic. Work through
    the tasks and stick to the timings. You could
    work through this unit more than once
  • Resources
  • You will find these resources useful
  • Contents page from your files, the supporting
    PowerPoint presentation (this can be downloaded
    to your MP3 player or phone) the topic glossary

Slide 2
You may begin.. Record down your
start time
Slide 3
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
  • The different areas of dominant land use within
    cities reflects economic, social and cultural
  • What zones exist in an MEDC city ?

Slide 4
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What zones exist in an LEDC city
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  • How do these factors create zone? Give
  • Land Values
  • Age
  • Accessibility
  • Wealth of the inhabitants
  • Planning policies

Slide 6
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Some urban developments are more sustainable than
More efficient use of resources Ensuring resources are conserved for future generations by not overusing them in the present Providing Community based solutions Locally developed initiatives
Providing Pro Poor solutions Increasing Equality to help the poorest people Developing Eco friendly and green strategies. Conservation and protection of biodiversity
What is sustainability
Where do these go ? Technology Transfer to the
poor Conservation Bottom Up approach using
Appropriate technology Energy Efficiency
Recycling Renewable energy Carbon Capture.
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Give examples for each of these boxes
Slide 8
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Urban Developments Resource Efficiency LONG TERM Community Involvement Local people Social Justice People more equal Environmental Conservation Eco friendly
Out of Town developments
Counter urbanisation
Urban Sprawl
CBD Regeneration
Brownfield developments
Slide 9
Are these Urban Developments sustainable?
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
  Resource Efficiency Community Involvement Social Justice Environmental Conservation
Satellite City        
Urban Sprawl        
Site and service schemes        
Inward investment        
CBD developing        
Rural urban Migration        
Transport developments        
Are these LEDC Urban Developments sustainable ?
Slide 10
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Case study of urban change to illustrate social,
economic and environmental planning and its
1.3million people live in 750 favelas Bairro Project a scheme designed to provide inhabitants with essential services such as paved roads, water supply and drainage systems and relocation of families
Increase in car ownership has caused an increase in traffic and congestion Improvement in public transport new metro systems are being built and existing lines expanded The completion of the road Elevado do Joa. This road is a one way road within the rush hour times (6.30-10.00 18.00-20.00) Tolled motorways ease congestion and help commuters from long distances (Linha Vermelha, Linha Amarela)
Education of favela inhabitants is very poor, therefore there is high levels of youth involved in crime Generating employment for adults and the option to go to college for youngsters. Co-operative dressmakers , cleaners, construction workers are encouraging inhabitants become established in the labour market. IT courses and improved basic education are encouraging teenagers to choose a life without crime
Satellite City - Barra  30KM to west new city built.    
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Urban change to illustrate social, economic and
environmental planning and its sustainability. BRI
Economic Sustainability Social sustainability Environmental Sustainability
Creates jobs     Develops economic potential     Improves quality of life     Social inclusion     Minimises disruption to people   Minimises environmental disruption     Improves the landscape
Slide 12
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What affects the provision of goods and retail
services in rural and urban settlements?  Differen
t types of goods and retail services.
What do these terms mean ? Catchment area
Consumer good Convenience good Low order good
medium order good High order good Hierarchy
CBD Comparison goods National retail outlet
Clone town E-Tailing Ethical shopping.
Slide 13
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The relationship between the provision of goods
and retail services and the population size of a
settlement. What retail will we find in?
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Retail service provision changes over time A case
study to illustrate how retail service provision
changes over time. BRISTOL
Pre War Post war

Traditional market area based on the Docks Central Area Brownfield site (Rebuilding)

Slide 15
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1980s 1990s 2000 -2010

Out of town Greenfield site (Expansion Urban Sprawl) City Centre Brownfield site (Regeneration / Redevelopment)

Slide 16
Times Up
Why not try one of the other lastminuteGCSEgeograp
hyrevision courses
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