Title: The figures in this presentation were taken from:
1The figures in this presentation were taken
from Bezanilla F. The voltage-sensor structure
in a voltage-gated channel. Trends Biochem Sci.
2005 Apr30(4)166-8. Yu FH, Yarov-Yarovoy V,
Gutman GA, Catterall WA. Overview of molecular
relationships in the voltage-gated ion channel
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Dec57(4)387-95. Bezanilla, F. The Voltage
Sensor in Voltage-Dependent Ion Channels
Physiological Reviews, Vol. 80, No. 2, April
2000, pp. 555-592 Cuello LG, Cortes DM, Perozo
E. Molecular architecture of the KvAP
voltage-dependent K channel in a lipid
bilayer.Science. 2004 Oct 15306(5695)491-5.
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