God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Good Heavens!! Really Author: M Milad Created Date: 2/5/2006 5:23:01 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Wingdings Clouds ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: god | jesus | teachings


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: God

Gods Perfect Kingdom
  • February 5, 2005

  • What does your home look like?
  • Do you feel comfortable there?
  • Do you feel safe there?
  • What do your parents do for you at home?
  • Does your family care for you?
  • Do you feel special at home?
  • Do you feel like its the only place that you
    could ever call home?

  • Even though we all have a home hear on earth,
    where is our real home?
  • HEAVEN!!
  • Do you think youre going to feel safe in Heaven?
  • OF COURSE!! But why?
  • Why should all of us feel special in Heaven?
  • Lets try to imagine Heaven together

  • 1. No Hunger, Thirst, Heat or Cold
  • On earth, our human bodies feel hungry and
    thirsty all the time and we always ask for food
    and water.
  • But in Heaven, were not going to feel any of
    that! We are all going to be satisfied with the
    Living Bread and Water of Jesus Christ in Heaven

  • 2. No Weeping, Pain or Sickness
  • Whenever someone does something to hurt you or
    that is offensive, our first reaction is to get
    upset because we feel the pain.
  • But in Heaven, God gets rid of all of the pain
    and hurt we may feel from the people around us.
    The only thing we can feel is happiness!

  • 3. No Envy, Jealousy or Hatred
  • In the world today, all we do is compare each
    other with other people to see what they have
    that we dont have. This can make us feel jealous
    towards them and sometimes even makes us hate
  • But in Heaven, the only thing that we can feel is
    love! There is no room for hatred in Gods house.

  • 4. Beauty
  • The world today thinks that certain clothes and
    looks are beautiful and the best looking. The
    media tells us sometimes that if we dont look
    and act a certain way, then we are not beautiful.
  • But in Heaven, true beauty is when Gods children
    obey His Holy Word. In Gods eyes, beauty comes
    from the heart and everyone in Heaven will be
    beautiful!! Even Heaven itself will be absolutely
    beautiful to everyone because of the lovely light
    of God.

  • 5. The Presence of God
  • Here on earth, some people choose to accept God
    and His teachings, but there are also those who
    dont believe in Him. Because of some of the
    disbelief, the world sees wars and fighting.
  • But in Heaven, God is there!! The thing that
    makes Heaven so special is its presence of God.
    Everyone believes in God and all are praising and
    worshipping His Holy Name. The beauty, the joy,
    the peace, and the faith all come from the
    wonderful radiance of God, dwelling with His
    people in Heaven.

  • So do we agree that Heaven sounds wonderful?!
  • But is the way we are right now suitable for
  • So we have to prepare ourselves for living in
  • There are many ways we can do this!

  • Think about everything that you do
  • If you use profanity (bad language) on earth do
    you think that you can use it in Heaven?
  • If you disobey your parents in Heaven do you
    think you can disobey God in Heaven?
  • If you hate someone on earth, do you think you
    can hate them in Heaven?
  • Heaven doesnt have any of those bad things.
  • It is important for us to prepare ourselves here
    on our earth for our ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven

  • Conclusion
  • Together we can help each other by reminding
    ourselves that our journey here on earth is
  • Our real lives will be lived in Gods Kingdom in
  • If we can teach ourselves to love everyone here
    on earth, it will be so natural for us to do so
    in Heaven.

  • Most importantly we need to understand that we
    will be like angels in Heaven!
  • What do the angels do?
  • They praise God continually!!
  • Sometimes we cant even handle praying and
    singing to God in church for liturgy. Think about
    how we will be in Heaven for all of eternity
    praising God!!!

  • When we work on our character here on earth, we
    will be more suitable for Heavens environment
    and be able to stand in the courts of the House
    of our God and praise with all of our hearts

  • Memory Verse
  • Eye has not see, nor ear has heard, nor have
    entered in the heart of man the things which God
    has prepared for those who love Him.
  • - Matthew 29
  • Bonus I will give anyone TEN EXTRA POINTS if
    they can find where this verse is in the Old
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