1Safeguarding Land, Housing and Indigenous
Peoples Rights
2The Global Land Grabbing Crisis
3The Costs of Displacement
4There is nothing more fundamental to the fight
against poverty and inequality than increasing
secure and equitable access to land, housing and
productive resources.
5World Bank Safeguards Review
6Civil society calls
- 21st century Involuntary Resettlement Policy and
Indigenous Policy, consistent with international
human rights law standards. -
7New policy on tenure of land, housing and natural
resources to ensure that Bank projects
- Do not weaken or impede tenure rights
- Do not exacerbate conflict over land and natural
resources - Strengthen and secure tenure rights of vulnerable
- Promote more equitable access to land, housing
and natural resources, with particular attention
to rights of women
8First Draft Environmental and Social Frameworkon
land rights?
9 Positives
- Prohibition on forced evictions when ESS5 and
ESS7 is triggered - Compensation requirements redefined to ensure
adequate replacement housing - FPIC for Indigenous Peoples in ESS7
10Indigenous Peoples Rights Opt-Out?One hand
giveth and the other taketh away
11Dismantling the World Bank Involuntary
Resettlement Policy
12Dismantling the World Bank Involuntary
Resettlement Policy
- Detailed due diligence requirements on the Bank
to avoid displacement Gone - Sustainable development objective of resettlement
Gone - Detailed requirements for resettlement-specific
baseline studies Gone - Clear requirement to submit policy-compliant
resettlement plan and adequate budget for Bank
review prior to project approval Gone - Only sub-projects classified by borrowers as High
Risk required to meet Bank standards
13No serious protections against land grabbing
14No objectives or serious measures to protect
the land rights of the poor
15The model
- Abandonment of up front requirements
- Open-ended compliance, based on discretion of
Bank staff, not rules - Increased reliance on borrower systems,
self-assessments, reports and evaluations - Increased implementation support?
- Total abdication of Bank responsibility to ensure
no harm is done.
16serve as the basis of a renewed partnership
between the Bank and its borrowers a
partnership rooted in a common commitment to
environmental and social sustainability.
17(No Transcript)