Title: Woody Plant Abundance in the Red Rocks Canyon Landfill
1Woody Plant Abundance in the Red Rocks Canyon
- Laura Holder
- Caity Ross
- Becca Willis
2Landfills are a part of the urban landscape
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3Problems With Reclamation
- Elevated pH
- High soil moisture
- High methane levels
- Low abundance of woody plants
4Effects of pH
Decomposing refuse
Basic Soil
Inhibited plant growth
5Effects of Soil Moisture
Water binding
Clay Cap
Dense soil
Poor Root Growth
6Effects of Methane
Methane release
Organic Waste
Excess CO2
Poor plant growth
7Lack of Woody Plants
Basic soil Moist clay cap Anoxic
conditions Poor plant growth
8Red Rock Canyon Landfill
- Location
- Operated from 1970 until 1986
- Fifty feet of debris covering the 80 acre
landfill area - Clay-capped in 1986
- Low abundance of woody plants in landfill because
of - -Acidic Soil
- -High Soil Moisture Content
- -High Methane Levels
10Methods Establishing Plots
11Methods Plant Abundance
12Methods Soil Cores
13Methods pH and Moisture
14Methods Methane
15(No Transcript)
16Methods Gas Chromatograph
- 1) Abundance
- 2) Temperature
- 3) Moisture
- 4) pH
- 5) Methane
18Plant Abundance by Area
19Average Temperature by Area
20Average Moisture by Area
21Average pH by Area
22Average Methane Flux by Area
23Woody Plants vs. Temperature
24Woody Plants vs. Moisture
25Woody Plants vs. pH
26Woody Plants vs. Methane Flux
27Furthering Studies
- More time/plots
- Deeper soil tests
- Trace metals and cations
- Leachate composition
- Seed dispersal
- Redox tests
- DNA probe
28Societal Impact
30Works Cited
- Arthur, J.J., Leone, I.A. Leone, and F.B. Flower.
1981. Flooding and Landfill Gas Effects on Red
and Sugar Maples. Journal of Environmental
Quality. 10 431-433. -
- Ellis, D. 2000. The Landfill. Red Rock Rag. 2
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- Ellis, D. 2000. Keep this Map. Red Rock Rag. 7
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- Ettala, M., P. Rahkonen, V. Kitunen, O. Valo, and
M.S. Salonen. 1988. Quality of Refuse, Gas, and
Water at a Sanitary Landfill. Aqua Fennica. 18
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- Fernandez, I.J. and P.A. Kosian. 1987. Soil Air
Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in a New England
Spruce-Fir Forest. Soil Science of America
Journal. 51 261-263. -
- Foster, G. A. 2001. Assessment of Landfill
Reclamation and the Effects of Age on the - Combustion of Recovered MSW. MSW Management.
- Gilman, E.F., Flower, F.B, and I.D. Leone. 1985.
Standardized Procedures for Planting Vegetation
on Completed Landfills. 3 65-80. -
- McDonnell, M.J., and E.W. Stiles. 1983. The
Structural Complexity of Old Field Vegetation and
the Recruitment of Bird-Dispersed Plant Species.
Oecologia. 56 109-116. -
- Whitney, G.G. 1991. Relation of Plant Species
to Substrate, Landscape Position, and Aspect in
North Central Massachusetts. Canadian Journal of
Forest Research. 1245-1252. -
- Sharon Hall
- Shar Samy
- Terry Putman
- Joss McKinnen
- The RRCL Security Guard
- The German Women Hiking Group